Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.

The only problem with that is that the Vice President has no legal authority to "declassify" or "unmask" any material from the NSA.

He can only make the same request as anybody else, and it's up to the NSA (head of the original classifying agency)
If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?

Why do you think the "dream team" never put O.J. Simpson on the stand. They knew he would claim he was "not guilty" which they knew to be a lie. And they would be suborning perjury to let him testify, knowing what he would say.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
You mean he was forced? He said he wasn't. Several times. In fact an examination of the questions and questioning would show he was given every opportunity to tell the truth.

But he didn't.

Flynn was in a way, forced to lie. Flynn told the Vice President that he didn't talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions. Pence went on meet the press, and told the world that Flynn told him, he didn't talk to the Russians about sanctions.

What was Flynn going to do? Tell the FBI that he lied to the Vice President about matters of National Security? He was going to be National Security advisor, and you don't start your career by admitting lying to the President or Vice President.

Flynn had to tell the FBI the same story he told Vice President Pence.

So Flynn shouldn’t have said the first lie. Cry me a river.
Only something like 6800 pages withheld. That’s all. And within those pages documents stating they did not feel he was being deceitful! Just maybe those.

You know that the DOJ doesn't have to provide exculpatory evidence except in preparation for trial. And because Flynn plead guilty, there was no "trial". Several district circuits, including the USSC overturning the 9th circuit says that discovery is a "trial" right, and not one required for a plea bargain.
Honey, go read my link twice posted.

Don't make no difference. The FBI doesn't have to provide exculpatory evidence except in discovery for trial. And Flynn waived his right to a trial.
You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-
He pled that he lied to agents, that is not lying under oath (perjury).
It’s extremely similar.

Technically it's a violation of 18 USC 1001, false information in an official government matter.

If you lie to a federal agent and are convicted for a violation of 18 U.S. C. § 1001, you can be fined and sentenced to federal prison for up to five years
The original law firm mishandled Flynn's defense.

... By the derelictions of Flynn’s original counsel, who took the case notwithstanding a deep conflict-of-interest, and who appear to have counseled Flynn to plead guilty without ever reviewing rudimentary discovery — we know they never inspected the 302 (which is mind-boggling in a false-statements case); did they ever demand that Mueller’s prosecutors produce the recording of the Flynn–Kislyak “sanctions” conversation that is the heart of the case?

If they had requested all that information, they’d be no better off. All the evidence confirms that Flynn lied.
He pled that he lied to agents, that is not lying under oath (perjury).
It’s extremely similar.

Technically it's a violation of 18 USC 1001, false information in an official government matter.

If you lie to a federal agent and are convicted for a violation of 18 U.S. C. § 1001, you can be fined and sentenced to federal prison for up to five years
False statements and perjury have basically the same elements, just in a different venue. They have identical penalties.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.

The only problem with that is that the Vice President has no legal authority to "declassify" or "unmask" any material from the NSA.

He can only make the same request as anybody else, and it's up to the NSA (head of the original classifying agency)

Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public. The roster features top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden -- a detail already being raised by the Trump campaign in the bare-knuckle 2020 presidential race where Biden is now the Democrats' presumptive nominee.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

I think you know very well where I was going with that Postman...But hey, when caught having to defend a corrupt asshole like Joe Biden, use semantics.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.
What’s wrong with unmasking Flynn’s name in his conversations with Kislyak?
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Unfortunately I think history is going to look at these affairs as a dark blight on the rule of law.
But, not in the way you seem to think.

The FBI used it’s Get-In-Jail Free card, but this time, against a sophisticated defendant and STILL got him on that charge.

No one should EVER cooperate with G-Men...EVER. Even if you are not the target. Only cooperate if you get 100% full immunity from any and all charges forever (it will never happen).


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