Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Sidney Powell did nothing but make a fool of herself and get slapped down by the judge after filing ridiculous motions.

Flynn got charges dropped because Billy Barr made it happen.
You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-

They have no statutory or constitutional obligation before a guilty plea to turn over discovery that helps the defendant (“exculpatory evidence”),

Structuring Pre-Plea Criminal Discovery - Northwestern ... › viewcontent › viewcontent
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Sidney Powell did nothing but make a fool of herself and get slapped down by the judge after filing ridiculous motions.

Flynn got charges dropped because Billy Barr made it happen.
You really are dumber than a goddamn bag of hammers.

President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.
What’s wrong with unmasking Flynn’s name in his conversations with Kislyak?

Wow...Really? You people are sick.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.
Coerced confessions aren’t valid. No one coerced Flynn.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.
What’s wrong with unmasking Flynn’s name in his conversations with Kislyak?

Wow...Really? You people are sick.

Yes. Really. It’s legitimate foreign intelligence when people with the incoming administration start making deals with foreign governments about policy.

And no, it’s not normal because incoming administrations aren’t brain dead and wait until they actually assume office to start making actual policy.
False statements and perjury have basically the same elements, just in a different venue. They have identical penalties.

perjury requires you make the false statement "under oath".

18 USC 1001 only requires you make those false statements to a government law enforcement agent, or on paperwork submitted to the US government.
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.


Oh. And let's actually look at what you quoted (but maybe didn't actually read?) and put it in terms of Flynn's case (tone down your automatic Trump Defense System please).

First: Did the Judge accept Flynn's guilty plea?

Second: did you take note of certain terms - "sometimes" and "when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded"
Flynn has not been sentenced. The judge cannot have accepted his plea bargain if he has not been sentenced. What part of that do you not get?


That part about it not being accepted until he is sentenced.

A plea bargain (or plea deal) occurs when the prosecution and defense negotiate and agree upon the appropriate resolution of a criminal case. There are several types of plea bargain (see What are the different kinds of plea bargaining?), but no agreement is binding until the parties present it to a judge who approves it.

Presenting the Plea to the Judge
To evaluate a proposed plea bargain, the judge must know all the terms of the deal, including any future conditions or unusual aspects. For example, if Donnie Defendant is offered a lighter sentence in return for future testimony against a codefendant, the parties must make this condition clear to the judge when presenting the terms of the plea. Similarly, the parties would have to inform the judge if there is anything unusual in how he is to complete his sentence—for example, if the terms of the plea require him to perform 600 hours of community service, but only on weekends.

Judicial Discretion in Evaluating Plea Deals
A judge has discretion to decide whether to accept or reject a plea agreement. To make that decision, the judge evaluates whether the punishment is appropriate in light of the seriousness of the charges, the defendant’s character, and the defendant’s prior criminal record.

Other factors to consider include:
  • the underlying facts of the case (or factual basis for the plea)
  • the interests of the victim (although a court can accept or reject a plea agreement without the victim’s approval), and
  • the interests of the general public.
Deciding on the Plea
While plea procedure varies from judge to judge and jurisdiction to jurisdiction, judges must always decide whether to accept the plea terms before the defendant actually enters the plea.

When judges decide on a proposed plea bargain, they may be able to
  • accept the terms of the plea agreement
  • reject the terms of the agreement
  • defer the decision until considering the presentence report
  • accept the plea agreement on certain terms, but reject the negotiated sentence (called a partially negotiated plea in some jurisdictions), or
  • suggest that the defendant plead without a negotiated agreement (if, for example, the judge is inclined to give a lighter sentence than the plea deal calls for).
In some jurisdictions, if the prosecution and the defendant agree to a sentence and the judge accepts the negotiated plea, that judge must accept the entire agreement, including the agreed-upon sentence. In other jurisdictions, even when accepting a plea agreement, the judge isn't required to accept the sentencing recommendation. Some jurisdictions require that the accused be given the opportunity to withdraw the plea if the judge doesn’t follow the sentencing recommendation. (See Withdrawing a Guilty Plea.)

When judges refuse a proposed plea bargain, they must follow their jurisdiction’s procedure, which usually requires that they identify on the record the reasons for not accepting the deal.

If the Judge Accepts the Plea
Once the judge accepts the defendant’s guilty or no contest plea and enters a conviction, that judge can’t later overturn the plea agreement. However, when the parties agree upon a negotiated plea that requires that the defendant perform certain conditions, the court retains jurisdiction until the conditions are satisfied. If the defendant doesn’t satisfy the conditions, the judge can reject the plea and resentence the defendant. An example is a defendant who, in order to receive community service instead of jail time, agreed to but failed to complete the assigned service.
So, when was the plea accepted? ‘Splain that?

None of this matters anyway, because the prosecutor dismissed the case.

Why would he do that?

You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-

They have no statutory or constitutional obligation before a guilty plea to turn over discovery that helps the defendant (“exculpatory evidence”),
Structuring Pre-Plea Criminal Discovery - Northwestern ... › viewcontent › viewcontent

Libs are grasping now...

"The Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), requires prosecutors to disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. A "Brady material" or evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule includes any evidence favorable to the accused--evidence that goes towards negating a defendant's guilt, that would reduce a defendant's potential sentence, or evidence going to the credibility of a witness."

He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Sidney Powell did nothing but make a fool of herself and get slapped down by the judge after filing ridiculous motions.

Flynn got charges dropped because Billy Barr made it happen.
You really are dumber than a goddamn bag of hammers.

View attachment 335657
Not my fault you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-

They have no statutory or constitutional obligation before a guilty plea to turn over discovery that helps the defendant (“exculpatory evidence”),
Structuring Pre-Plea Criminal Discovery - Northwestern ... › viewcontent › viewcontent

Libs are grasping now...

"The Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), requires prosecutors to disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. A "Brady material" or evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule includes any evidence favorable to the accused--evidence that goes towards negating a defendant's guilt, that would reduce a defendant's potential sentence, or evidence going to the credibility of a witness."

I was right...He is just making the shit up as he goes along....Whatta douchebagge.
Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.

The only problem with that is that the Vice President has no legal authority to "declassify" or "unmask" any material from the NSA.

He can only make the same request as anybody else, and it's up to the NSA (head of the original classifying agency)

Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public. The roster features top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden -- a detail already being raised by the Trump campaign in the bare-knuckle 2020 presidential race where Biden is now the Democrats' presumptive nominee.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Funny, that's what I said. Biden had no authority to unmask Flynns name.

I think you know very well where I was going with that Postman...But hey, when caught having to defend a corrupt asshole like Joe Biden, use semantics.

I'm just giving you the facts and the law, if you call it semantics to straighten out misleading posts, then call me an anti-semantic.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Sidney Powell did nothing but make a fool of herself and get slapped down by the judge after filing ridiculous motions.

Flynn got charges dropped because Billy Barr made it happen.
You really are dumber than a goddamn bag of hammers.

View attachment 335657
Not my fault you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, hammerhead.

Now go play on the freeway.
Sure. Whatever you say dude. But I'm going to wait the indictments if you don't mind. :lol:

So as long as they get away with it, no problemo.....duly noted.

Guilt is not determined by popular opinion or messageboards. If there is enough evidence to merit charges that are prosecutable, then it will go forward. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.
Since you had ZERO chance of a conviction in a real trial, of course your heroes had to threaten Flynn’s son. You had ZERO evidence that would have stood up under any scrutiny. Your hot air is overpowering here’s. As is your total lack of knowledge of the event being discussed.
You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-

They have no statutory or constitutional obligation before a guilty plea to turn over discovery that helps the defendant (“exculpatory evidence”),
Structuring Pre-Plea Criminal Discovery - Northwestern ... › viewcontent › viewcontent
Brady Rule

The Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), requires prosecutors to disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. A "Brady material" or evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule includes any evidence favorable to the accused--evidence that goes towards negating a defendant's guilt, that would reduce a defendant's potential sentence, or evidence going to the credibility of a witness.

If the prosecution does not disclose material exculpatory evidence under this rule, and prejudice has ensued, the evidence will be suppressed. The evidence will be suppressed regardless of whether the prosecutor knew the evidence was in his or her possession, or whether or not the prosecutor intentionally or inadvertently withheld the evidence from the defense.

Further, in cases subsequent to Brady, the Supreme Court has eliminated the requirement for a defendant to have requested a favorable information, stating that the Prosecution has a constitutional duty to disclose, that is triggered by the potential impact of favorable but undisclosed evidence See Kyles v. Whitley 514 U.S. 419, 434 (1955); United States. v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667 (1985).
What’s funny is Sullivan had told the prosecutors if they had any exculpatory evidence they needed to turn it over. They didn’t.
Mueller prosecutor withdraws from Flynn case after ...
Mueller prosecutor withdraws from Flynn case after questions surface concerning his compliance with court order
Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government's so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met.
You have a law degree?
Do yourself a favor and go read the link-

They have no statutory or constitutional obligation before a guilty plea to turn over discovery that helps the defendant (“exculpatory evidence”),
Structuring Pre-Plea Criminal Discovery - Northwestern ... › viewcontent › viewcontent
The defense is entitled to all the evidence before he agrees to a plea, you fucking moron.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
Oh fuck me running....You're not a co-conspirator when you're the one being railroaded by your own supposed "defense" team.

You're just making this shit up as you go, aren't ya?
His defense team was doing exactly what they’re paid to do. No one would have predicted that Trump would have been able to get a corrupt prosecutor put in place to drop the charges.
If they had done what they were paid to do, Flynn wouldn't have been in this mess and needed to fire them.....DUUUUH!
They were going to get Flynn the best deal possible. In fact, they were going to get Flynn out of any jail time.
If he got the best deal possible, how is it that Sidney Powell got him a better one?...DUUUUUH!

Fuck my life.
Sidney Powell did nothing but make a fool of herself and get slapped down by the judge after filing ridiculous motions.

Flynn got charges dropped because Billy Barr made it happen.
You really are dumber than a goddamn bag of hammers.

View attachment 335657
Not my fault you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, hammerhead.

Now go play on the freeway.

You don’t talk like it. You sound like someone who’s only response are name calling. You know how to tell whose winning a debate? It ain’t the one resorting to name calling.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.
Coerced confessions aren’t valid. No one coerced Flynn.

Remember this little ditty from 2017?

"With Special Counsel Robert Mueller expected to indict both Michael T. Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, and Flynn’s son, Michael G. Flynn, in connection with the investigation into Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election, speculation is mounting as to whether the elder Flynn will plead guilty to help his son, and in the process help himself. The elder Flynn’s lawyers recently stopped communicating with the President’s legal defense team, which some interpret as Flynn preparing to cooperate with Mueller. While Flynn certainly is focused on his own potential liability, that his son is a “subject” of the investigation places the elder Flynn in the difficult position of cooperating and accepting criminal culpability, rather than fight, in order possibly to prevent his son from being prosecuted."

And let's be clear, this was that puke Andrew Weisman.....And like the dishonest piece of shit he is, this threat of his won't stand, and the whole house of cards you Democrats put this country through will crash down....If there is any Justice, then the whole lot of you dishonest shitheads will never be elected again to a major office.

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