Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
No he didn't...Was never under oath....He got persecuted for nonsense that was weaker than the Martha Stewart shit.

So suck on that.
In case you forgot

ORDER as to (S1 19 Cr. 585) Anthony Flynn. WHEREAS, with the defendant's consent, his guilty plea allocution was made before a United States Magistrate Judge on January 9, 2020; WHEREAS, a transcript of the allocution was made and thereafter was transmitted to the District Court; and WHEREAS, upon review of that transcript, this Court has determined that the defendant entered the guilty plea knowingly and voluntarily and that there was a factual basis for the guilty plea; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant's guilty plea is accepted. SO ORDERED: (Signed by Judge Lorna G. Schofield on 3/5/2020)(bw)

President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
No he didn't...Was never under oath....He got persecuted for nonsense that was weaker than the Martha Stewart shit.

So suck on that.

You know Martha Stewart did time in federal prison for lying to the FBI.

She's a convicted felon because of that.
In case you forgot

ORDER as to (S1 19 Cr. 585) Anthony Flynn. WHEREAS, with the defendant's consent, his guilty plea allocution was made before a United States Magistrate Judge on January 9, 2020; WHEREAS, a transcript of the allocution was made and thereafter was transmitted to the District Court; and WHEREAS, upon review of that transcript, this Court has determined that the defendant entered the guilty plea knowingly and voluntarily and that there was a factual basis for the guilty plea; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant's guilty plea is accepted. SO ORDERED: (Signed by Judge Lorna G. Schofield on 3/5/2020)(bw)

He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.
The question about Chicom Joe is was he lying when he told ABC News that he didn't know nutin about Flynn or was he just suffering from his dementia?

With him it is always hard to tell, isn't it?

Being a Democrat we know that he is a liar but in his case he could just be in his normal state of confusion.
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President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
No he didn't...Was never under oath....He got persecuted for nonsense that was weaker than the Martha Stewart shit.

So suck on that.

You know Martha Stewart did time in federal prison for lying to the FBI.
So what?...I said the case against Flynn was even weaker than that.....Stewart at least knew there was an investigation going on.

Try reading for comprehension.
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.


She's not.
BTW, young Barry, gay and editor of the Harvard Law Review, should have known Flynn didn't plead guilty to "perjury". He also said "nobody can find precedent for this" forgetting his own AG Holder aka "wingman" dismissed a case against a General officer that Barry was quite fond of. Hard to believe that fool ever tricked enough flat-liners into putting him in the Oval Office (twice). However, there are people being mentioned in the ongoing Durham probe that know all about Barry's little secrets and don't believe for a second they won't turn on him in a heartbeat to save their own sorry asses.

Sadly Obama is untouchable.
In case you forgot

ORDER as to (S1 19 Cr. 585) Anthony Flynn. WHEREAS, with the defendant's consent, his guilty plea allocution was made before a United States Magistrate Judge on January 9, 2020; WHEREAS, a transcript of the allocution was made and thereafter was transmitted to the District Court; and WHEREAS, upon review of that transcript, this Court has determined that the defendant entered the guilty plea knowingly and voluntarily and that there was a factual basis for the guilty plea; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant's guilty plea is accepted. SO ORDERED: (Signed by Judge Lorna G. Schofield on 3/5/2020)(bw)

He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually NOT. Because if there was any proof of that, his lawyers committed a felony by allowing Flynn to perjure himself. (see subornation of perjury) Along with the seldom seen felony of

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony | U.S. Code | US Law ... › uscode › text › 4

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make ...
The question about Chicom Joe is was he lying when he told ABC News that he didn't know nutin about Flynn or was he just suffering from his dementia?

You said that Biden was one of "several" people to unmask Flynn.

You made it sound like they all got to flip one letter in Flynns name, like on wheel of fortune.
In case you forgot

ORDER as to (S1 19 Cr. 585) Anthony Flynn. WHEREAS, with the defendant's consent, his guilty plea allocution was made before a United States Magistrate Judge on January 9, 2020; WHEREAS, a transcript of the allocution was made and thereafter was transmitted to the District Court; and WHEREAS, upon review of that transcript, this Court has determined that the defendant entered the guilty plea knowingly and voluntarily and that there was a factual basis for the guilty plea; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant's guilty plea is accepted. SO ORDERED: (Signed by Judge Lorna G. Schofield on 3/5/2020)(bw)

He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually NOT. Because if there was any proof of that, his lawyers committed a felony by allowing Flynn to perjure himself. (see subornation of perjury) Along with the seldom seen felony of

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony | U.S. Code | US Law ... › uscode › text › 4

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make ...
Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.
Guilt is not determined by popular opinion or messageboards. If there is enough evidence to merit charges that are prosecutable, then it will go forward. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.

A highly respected US Attorney looked into the case and recommended the guilty plea be withdrawn, and the charges dropped. The Attorney General accepted that and dismissed the case. You lose.

And many highly respected US Attorney's thought the opposite. Unfortunately I think history is going to look at these affairs as a dark blight on the rule of law. What the FBI did was procedural and technical errors, sloppy work and firings were deserved. What the Trump administration has done, through Barr, is circumvented the entire justice system. The message is - if you are in good terms with Trump...there is no accountability.

“This is a pardon disguised as a technical legal matter.”
Oh, please, Coyote, please. All the lying those -respected- officials did in public? Yet when under oath their stories were quite different. When will you admit it? Ever? What’s in this for you?

Oh please Depotoo - cut the crap. You can't possibly accept that Flynn lied? That the judge was right? That maybe there can be a difference of opinion here? You have bits and pieces of "evidence" - half of it out of context or immaterial (and here I refer back to the judge).
What I can accept is evidence of how he was threatened. Coyote, tell me how you can ignore that? Tell me how you can’t understand they went in to break him to get rid of him? I have read all the evidence, transcripts, texts, emails, etc. Documents disappear for 2 years that were exculpatory! They state they didn’t detect him lying yet suddenly he is charged with that crime they stated he didn’t commit and documents are -lost-? Get real here!
What pisses me off more than anything is seeing this crap from our most sacred institutions. You better hope you never ever end up in such a situation. Or do you feel you are invincible?
I fathom you haven’t or you are more entrenched than you will admit to anyone here.

That right there is where you totally lose me to the conspiracy theory. There is no evidence "they" wanted to get rid of him. There IS evidence he did not want to reveal the extent of his ties with Russia and this is evident not just in what he lied about but in the omissions he made in critical paperwork as well.
Seriously? Obama had gotten rid of him once already! Everyone knew he didn’t like Flynn’s belief in calling Islamist jihadists jihadists, nor his not caring for political correctness when trying to fight them. Their differences in views of how to fight ISIS, etc. It was all over back then. And then he proceeded to tell Trump not to hire him, yet Trump did anyway. And suddenly he is being unmasked by all the administrations key people before Trump takes office and then they set him up to try to make him lie. Problem was, they didn’t think he was being deceitful, and those documents suddenly were replaced and conveniently lost. And he is told either say you are guilty or we will find something to pin on your son, after his losing his house and savings and everything else, trying to fight what he felt he wasn’t guilty of. You tell me. Is that the justice any one of us deserves? (I know you wish you could chew me up and just spit me out, but you can’t) But going after people because you simply don’t like who they are or their differences from your own is for the birds.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
Sure there were crimes. The leaking of the Kislyak phone call was a crime. Rewriting the 302s was a crime.
Only something like 6800 pages withheld. That’s all. And within those pages documents stating they did not feel he was being deceitful! Just maybe those.

You know that the DOJ doesn't have to provide exculpatory evidence except in preparation for trial. And because Flynn plead guilty, there was no "trial". Several district circuits, including the USSC overturning the 9th circuit says that discovery is a "trial" right, and not one required for a plea bargain.
Honey, go read my link twice posted.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

Being made public now, that Biden was the person who "unmasked" Flynn....There's your nominee....Corrupt asshole.
He has a very convincing case for legal malpractice by his original "defense" team who conned him to copping the plea.

Actually that would be a huge kettle of fish to make that allegation.

Then they committed a fucking felony....They can be added to the list of defendants, when Flynn files all the suits against the goons who violated his civil and constitutional rights.

Felonies that Flynn was a co-conspirator in.

If Flynn lied because his lawyers convinced him to, then he conspired with his lawyers to perjure himself. That's three more felonies than he was originally charged with.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

I lost whatever little respect I had for you. Had Bush treated Susan Rice the way Born in Kenya Barack treated 33 year military Veteran Flynn, you;d be calling for the death penalty
Only something like 6800 pages withheld. That’s all. And within those pages documents stating they did not feel he was being deceitful! Just maybe those.

You know that the DOJ doesn't have to provide exculpatory evidence except in preparation for trial. And because Flynn plead guilty, there was no "trial". Several district circuits, including the USSC overturning the 9th circuit says that discovery is a "trial" right, and not one required for a plea bargain.
Honey, go read my link twice posted.

Don't make no difference. The FBI doesn't have to provide exculpatory evidence except in discovery for trial. And Flynn waived his right to a trial.

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