Flynn can drag down Pence in the wake of Trump

Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.

Talking to yourself is a sign of sleep deprivation. Take a nap, Jake
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.

Talking to yourself is a sign of sleep deprivation. Take a nap, Jake
Sleep deprivation is witnessed by addressing the wrong person, Frank. :lol:
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.

Talking to yourself is a sign of sleep deprivation. Take a nap, Jake
Sleep deprivation is witnessed by addressing the wrong person, Frank. :lol:
Whatever you say, Nat
Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

I believe Flynn told Pence, directly, about his conflicts of interest, and Pence said/did nothing. Until the news came out publicly.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.

Irrelevant. They weren't elected.


Why because they're Democrats?

"They weren't elected."

They were and are elected, the majority of Democrats in The Senate and The House of Representatives have met with Russian representatives, including the Russian Ambassador to the United States.

Bill Clinton wasn't elected in 1994? Or in 1996? Or in 1999? Strange I thought he was American President during those years that he and Hillary were illegally involved with among others Johnny Chung, he of the 50 visits to the White House during 1994-1996, he who was sent to prison for five years.

Johnny Chung, John Huang and the rest of them.

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
It's amazing what an ignorant person can rationalize.
The Trumpers know they are wrong on most of this.

The point is: they don't care.

They believe in their cause so much that truth and right have nothing do with the actual facts.

Truly they are traitors to truth and justice and the American way.
The Trumpers know they are wrong on most of this.

The point is: they don't care.

They believe in their cause so much that truth and right have nothing do with the actual facts.

Truly they are traitors to truth and justice and the American way.
Yes, a win for Putin who wanted discord.

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