Flynn can drag down Pence in the wake of Trump

Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.

"The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent"

Provide a link to show where Michael Flynn did this, where he applied for and registered as a foreign agent.

Yesterday, news broke that former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had been paid $530,000 for his work lobbying for a Turkish firm with connections to that country’s government during the presidential campaign, as revealed by documents Flynn filed with the Department of Justice to register retroactively as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

Flynn, FISA, and FARA: On Foreign Principals and Agents of Foreign Powers

There is nothing illegal about lobbying, the MAJORITY of ELECTED American politicians in The Senate and The House of Representatives lobby for non-American interests ie. foreign Governments especially Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

The one on the right in the picture is more masculine than Michael Pence, so who cares what a psychologically fucked up idiot like that is babbling it doesn't even know if its male or female :uhoh3:


Doesn't say much for Pence, does it?

Irrelevant anyway. Subject change attempt fails.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.

"The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent"

Provide a link to show where Michael Flynn did this, where he applied for and registered as a foreign agent.

Yesterday, news broke that former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had been paid $530,000 for his work lobbying for a Turkish firm with connections to that country’s government during the presidential campaign, as revealed by documents Flynn filed with the Department of Justice to register retroactively as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

Flynn, FISA, and FARA: On Foreign Principals and Agents of Foreign Powers

There is nothing illegal about lobbying, the MAJORITY of ELECTED American politicians in The Senate and The House of Representatives lobby for non-American interests ie. foreign Governments especially Israel and Saudi Arabia.

As my posts make sense Mega Stupid Troll is Funnying all of them, whilst at the same time posting gibberish.
How is this not a coup d'etat?

This crowd have had an Agenda for a year, it began when Trump started winning the Primary things, this after the ENTIRE Propaganda MSM insisted he WASN'T going to win ANYTHING.

Then they threw EVERYTHING at him, crapped out pathetic Character Assassination Hitjobs in print and on the airwaves, including dragging up about ten ugly, wrinkled fucking sluts who INSISTED Trump had fondled them 20 or even 30 years earlier, then they became increasingly desperate by vaguely suggesting Trump was fucking his OWN daughter and when ALL of this FAILED and he beat Hillary and prevented Hillary and her scum husband from getting into the White House....they then began Hearsay and Rumours about Russia and Putin.

EVERYTHING this crowd, the Propaganda MSM, the Marxist-Democrat Party, Cuckservatives, International Globalist wastes of human skin, Gender Confused Weirdos with the Buttfuckers in tow - EVERYTHING this crowd has attempted to DESTROY Donald J. Trump for ONE YEAR already has FAILED and this will fail also.

Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence will get the last laugh and the Seditious human waste are going to look GREAT dressed in orange jump suits and in prison.

Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.

"The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent"

Provide a link to show where Michael Flynn did this, where he applied for and registered as a foreign agent.
How can you be defending Flynn so vehemently and not know this basic fact about his story?
Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

I believe Flynn told Pence, directly, about his conflicts of interest, and Pence said/did nothing. Until the news came out publicly.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.

Irrelevant. They weren't elected.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.

"The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent"

Provide a link to show where Michael Flynn did this, where he applied for and registered as a foreign agent.
How can you be defending Flynn so vehemently and not know this basic fact about his story?

Is lobbying illegal? No. Is Turkey considered an Enemy of The United States? No. Turkey are are in NATO.
How can you be defending Flynn so vehemently and not know this basic fact about his story?

Actually simple, That person may just be fucked up in the head????

No, I'm not a Leftist, so again you are wrong, getting painful now to watch you be wrong about everything.

The majority of Leftists are fucked up in the head. I'm just putting you on Ignore now, not wasting anymore time on your ilk.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.
NOTE....I haven't read many posts on this thread yet!

I believe what Rachel and others were talking about, was Flynn notifying Pence that he was an agent of a foreign power for Turkey way back last year, and Pence did not disclose this, or even recommend Flynn register with the USA per the LAW the question arises on whether Pence recommend to hide the whole thing?

And the whole ''Flynn lied to Pence'' thing on the Russian sanctions conversation, then Pence came out on the Sunday 24/7's repeating the lie he was told, and President Trump being notified 17 days before the news broke the story, and Flynn was forced to resign because of this alleged lie to Pence....

story just made no sense....

Why didn't Trump tell Pence when he found out 17 days earlier? Or did he tell Pence 17 days earlier and they both simply kept their mouths shut hoping it would not come out in the open once they fired the Acting Attorney General Yates, giving their message to the justice dept lawyers left in the department, "Don't mess with me or your ass is grass''....better keep the info on Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador secret or else, message?
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.

"The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent"

Provide a link to show where Michael Flynn did this, where he applied for and registered as a foreign agent.
How can you be defending Flynn so vehemently and not know this basic fact about his story?

Is lobbying illegal? No. Is Turkey considered an Enemy of The United States? No. Turkey are are in NATO.
Lobbying for foreign interest requires the submission of an application and can only be done if the application is approved and specific conditions are followed. Submission of an application for registering as a "agent" is required when direct contact and or interest of a foreign government and or its officials and agents are included in any lobbying efforts.
So, yes, lobbying without giving proper notice to the government and receiving a permit is illegal.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. The guy recently retroactively applied for and registered as a foreign agent, which is an admission to having been a foreign agent in secret. Think about that when you think about Flynn He was literally a secret foreign agent when he was the National Security Advisor to the dufus President in the WH.
Turn off the James Bond. You misunderstand what a foreign agent is. Your capacity for melodrama is reaching maximum.
I am not misunderstanding what a foreign agent is. Everything in my post is 100% accurate, true, and real. You just need to redefine the meaning of secret foreign agent like you guys redefine so many other terms and even words.
The Right is always redefining anything if they think it makes them look better, and they fail miserably.
Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

I believe Flynn told Pence, directly, about his conflicts of interest, and Pence said/did nothing. Until the news came out publicly.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.

Irrelevant. They weren't elected.


Why because they're Democrats?

"They weren't elected."

They were and are elected, the majority of Democrats in The Senate and The House of Representatives have met with Russian representatives, including the Russian Ambassador to the United States.

Bill Clinton wasn't elected in 1994? Or in 1996? Or in 1999? Strange I thought he was American President during those years that he and Hillary were illegally involved with among others Johnny Chung, he of the 50 visits to the White House during 1994-1996, he who was sent to prison for five years.

Johnny Chung, John Huang and the rest of them.

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

I believe Flynn told Pence, directly, about his conflicts of interest, and Pence said/did nothing. Until the news came out publicly.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.

Irrelevant. They weren't elected.


Why because they're Democrats?

"They weren't elected."

They were and are elected, the majority of Democrats in The Senate and The House of Representatives have met with Russian representatives, including the Russian Ambassador to the United States.

Bill Clinton wasn't elected in 1994? Or in 1996? Or in 1999? Strange I thought he was American President during those years that he and Hillary were illegally involved with among others Johnny Chung, he of the 50 visits to the White House during 1994-1996, he who was sent to prison for five years.

Johnny Chung, John Huang and the rest of them.

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Because it's got zero to do with this thread, which is about Pence, Rump and Flynn, that' why.

Pogo's Law --- still going like the Energizer Bunny.
DID ALL OF THE Senator's and most all of their staffs meet with the Russian agents on multiple different, individual occasions?

AND did all of the numerous Trump campaign staffers meet with any other Country's agents during the campaign besides Russia?? Turkey? Cypress?
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.
NOTE....I haven't read many posts on this thread yet!

I believe what Rachel and others were talking about, was Flynn notifying Pence that he was an agent of a foreign power for Turkey way back last year, and Pence did not disclose this, or even recommend Flynn register with the USA per the LAW the question arises on whether Pence recommend to hide the whole thing?

And the whole ''Flynn lied to Pence'' thing on the Russian sanctions conversation, then Pence came out on the Sunday 24/7's repeating the lie he was told, and President Trump being notified 17 days before the news broke the story, and Flynn was forced to resign because of this alleged lie to Pence....

story just made no sense....

Why didn't Trump tell Pence when he found out 17 days earlier? Or did he tell Pence 17 days earlier and they both simply kept their mouths shut hoping it would not come out in the open once they fired the Acting Attorney General Yates, giving their message to the justice dept lawyers left in the department, "Don't mess with me or your ass is grass''....better keep the info on Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador secret or else, message?

I didn't even read the OP article (watch the video, whatever it was) and I had heard about that dirty little secret several weeks ago.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.
^^^ Alt Facts ^^^ AHCA? Immigration? Tax Reform? Sessions? Flynn?

Yeah, the fascist Alt Right has much to fear.
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.

Yes, if you only had a tiny bit of intelligence you'd know that is the OPINION of the JOURNALIST and as such means NOTHING except to the desperate crazy people.
Far, far more than an "OPINION of the JOURNALIST", as you well know.

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