Folks, it's already too late.

I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
Man are you ever dense.I suppose you had to memorize the
spelling of " Woke ".
The Washington Post is and has been a Newsrag for wannabe
" commies " and their ilk.Mark Levin explained that gutter
newsrag in one his books.
- Unfreedom of the Press -
Man are you ever dense.I suppose you had to memorize the
spelling of " Woke ".
The Washington Post is and has been a Newsrag for wannabe
" commies " and their ilk.Mark Levin explained that gutter
newsrag in one his books.
- Unfreedom of the Press -
Ive always called them The Washington Compost
Looks like the OP is still denying there was voter fraud in 2020.

---Evidence of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin---

All the article jumped on was people wasting their time when they should be doing their jobs. I suppose when you go to the grocery store you would want the clerk to recheck and recheck your tally sheet to make sure the machine got it right. Wasting your time as well as others. It's over you fools. Stop wasting your time and ours.
I really don't want to get bogged down once again refuting subjects that have already been debunked.
These idiots see things that aren't there just like trump - they're delusional and beyond help. Hopefully trump will be interned to a prison for the mentally insane. Where he can get some help with his paranoid delusions. They don't even recognize it when trump says " Everybody's out to get me! ". If the average person said that we know he needs help. trump isn't special , he's a person like everyone else , he's got a lot of problems. Hopefully he will get the help he needs.
The first thing seen when opening your link...

Truck driver Jesse Morgan moved mail for the US Postal Service and came out after the election and shared his story of how he hauled tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 Election. We reported on this in December 2020.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

A totally made up story without one bit of evidence to support it from a guy that claims his family lives in a haunted house!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for proving the point of the OP.
They are DESPERATE to try anything. Their shit doesn't fly anymore. The article on post #4 was total BS too.
These idiots see things that aren't there just like trump - they're delusional and beyond help. Hopefully trump will be interned to a prison for the mentally insane. Where he can get some help with his paranoid delusions. They don't even recognize it when trump says " Everybody's out to get me! ". If the average person said that we know he needs help. trump isn't special , he's a person like everyone else , he's got a lot of problems. Hopefully he will get the help he needs.

You idiots don't know the difference between debunked and dismissed.
Looks like the OP is still denying there was voter fraud in 2020.

---Evidence of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin---

You're exactly who OP is talking about. People repeating things as gospel because they have been told the same lies enough times, and lack the critical thinking skills to question what they have been told regardless of how many times it has been debunked.
These idiots see things that aren't there just like trump - they're delusional and beyond help. Hopefully trump will be interned to a prison for the mentally insane. Where he can get some help with his paranoid delusions. They don't even recognize it when trump says " Everybody's out to get me! ". If the average person said that we know he needs help. trump isn't special , he's a person like everyone else , he's got a lot of problems. Hopefully he will get the help he needs.
The latest fiction making the rounds is that odds are Trump
will be sent to jail and that's how he'll end up.
Like Clinton buddy ... Jeffrey Epstein.
Forgetting that Trump would demand he have his
Secret Service on watch 24/7.His Presidential right.
All Presidents use it.
The latest fiction making the rounds is that odds are Trump
will be sent to jail and that's how he'll end up.
Like Clinton buddy ... Jeffrey Epstein.
Forgetting that Trump would demand he have his
Secret Service on watch 24/7.His Presidential right.
All Presidents use it.
Which is why I have always said he’ll get house arrest
So you are the last dumbass Moon Bat in America that is denial about the massive corruption of the Biden Crime Family. Idiot!

What you gonna do next Moon Bat? Deny Potatohead's fuck ups?

What exactly are “potatoheads fuck ups”? The greatest economic recovery in American history, the highest job creation since the Great Depression, the Chips Bill, the Infrastructure Bill, the American Rescue Plan, the first gun control bill in 40 years, rebuilding NATO, the Quad Agreement?

Give us an exact list of “potatoheads, fuck ups”?

Get back to us when you turn up some evidence of ANY crimes committed by Democrats.

John Durham spent five years looking for evidence of crimes committed by Democrats, and all he found was crimes committed by Donald Trump, which he ignored.

What crimes? He did nothing more than what the shrilary did.
The latest fiction making the rounds is that odds are Trump
will be sent to jail and that's how he'll end up.
Like Clinton buddy ... Jeffrey Epstein.
Forgetting that Trump would demand he have his
Secret Service on watch 24/7.His Presidential right.
All Presidents use it.

Trump will not be sent to jail because of the Secret Security protection. But he will be under strict “House Arrest” with no access to social media or television interviews. No phone, no TV, no ability to lead the Cult.

This, of course, assumes that Trump’s health holds up, which is not a sure thing at this point. He looks and sounds terrible and the stress he’s under could very easily kill a man his age who is already taking statins for his heart condition.

Trump sounds and crazier by the day and doesn’t seem to know who he is running against or which country Viktor Orbán leads.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
Go away and sob quietly in the corner....the left has ZERO INTEREST IN WORKING WITH ANYBODY......they never had any. Defamation, false accusations, cheating at every turn and outright dishonesty are all tattooed permanently on the aggregate progressive body. The only thing that they agree on with the GOP is that they both hate Trump. The GOP establishment is no better.....

Keep an eye on Joe Manchin....he could go somewhere.


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