Folks, it's already too late.

You're exactly who OP is talking about. People repeating things as gospel because they have been told the same lies enough times, and lack the critical thinking skills to question what they have been told regardless of how many times it has been debunked.
How many votes actually gave Biden his confirmed 2020 victory.
Like a little over 40,ooo in three states
Keep in mind this unsung fact.
Florida,Ohio and Texas were called early and w/o any
crap.They were Battleground bellwether states.
No vote tabulating in the wee hours and then stopping
in the early hours for breaks.Like in pennsylvania et al.
Trump won 2,497 counties
Biden won 477 counties
In 150 + years no President had lost a Re-election when they
Increased their vote.Trump got over 3 million more votes in 2020
than 2016.
In 2020 there were easily 3 times the number of mail-in
and absentee ballots.Around 104 Million.
The rejection rate in some states like Georgia was
1/10th that of other elections.
Massive dump of ballots in select states that favor democrats.
Precincts in Philly were more people voted than registered to
1.4 Million absentee ballots were mailed-out in Pennsylvania
and 2.2 million came in.
Cold froze your brain again. Oh well

Your concession is noted and appreciated.

Trump can barely get half the votes of Republicans in the primaries. Women are not going to vote for the rapist, who brags about overturning Roe v. Wade.

Same people are not going to be voting for the guy who’s cheering for an economic crash, and for Joe Biden to fail the nation just so he can be reelected.

Last, but not least, Mr. Free Speech is threatening to bannish anyone from MAGA World who donates to Nikki Haley.

How to tell us, you’re leading a cult without saying you’re leading a cult.
Looks like the OP is still denying there was voter fraud in 2020.

---Evidence of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin---

Ifapray, really?
How many votes actually gave Biden his confirmed 2020 victory.
Like a little over 40,ooo in three states
Keep in mind this unsung fact.
Florida,Ohio and Texas were called early and w/o any
crap.They were Battleground bellwether states.
No vote tabulating in the wee hours and then stopping
in the early hours for breaks.Like in pennsylvania et al.
Trump won 2,497 counties
Biden won 477 counties
In 150 + years no President had lost a Re-election when they
Increased their vote.Trump got over 3 million more votes in 2020
than 2016.
In 2020 there were easily 3 times the number of mail-in
and absentee ballots.Around 104 Million.
The rejection rate in some states like Georgia was
1/10th that of other elections.
Massive dump of ballots in select states that favor democrats.
Precincts in Philly were more people voted than registered to
1.4 Million absentee ballots were mailed-out in Pennsylvania
and 2.2 million came in.
This is a hilarious mix of outright debunked fables and bizarre assumptions that random facts equates to election fraud.
How many votes actually gave Biden his confirmed 2020 victory.
Like a little over 40,ooo in three states
Keep in mind this unsung fact.
Florida,Ohio and Texas were called early and w/o any
crap.They were Battleground bellwether states.
No vote tabulating in the wee hours and then stopping
in the early hours for breaks.Like in pennsylvania et al.
Trump won 2,497 counties
Biden won 477 counties
In 150 + years no President had lost a Re-election when they
Increased their vote.Trump got over 3 million more votes in 2020
than 2016.
In 2020 there were easily 3 times the number of mail-in
and absentee ballots.Around 104 Million.
The rejection rate in some states like Georgia was
1/10th that of other elections.
Massive dump of ballots in select states that favor democrats.
Precincts in Philly were more people voted than registered to
1.4 Million absentee ballots were mailed-out in Pennsylvania
and 2.2 million came in.
The election was stolen....end of story....
Once debunked they SHOULD. Be dismissed.

But right wing zombie lies never die

Again, you are one of the ones that do not know what debunked means.

You are part of a Cult Echo Chamber -

Simply being echoed, and echoed, and echoed, does not make something true.
This is a hilarious mix of outright debunked fables and bizarre assumptions that random facts equates to election fraud.

Actually, outside of your Cult, none of that has been debunked.

Your Cult just keeps telling you that and you know that your Cult would never lie to you.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.

What can be done?

1. Bar Trump from ever holding office again - That's something that SCOTUS and the Constitution will do.
2. Send Trump to prison for a very, long time - Jack Smith's Dept.
3. Sweep the 2024 election and end the filibuster.
4. FULLY arm Ukraine and run the Russians out next summer.
5. Make it clear to Putin and his American fascist compatriots that if they ever try something like this again, they will again get their dicks knocked to the dirt.
What can be done?

1. Bar Trump from ever holding office again - That's something that SCOTUS and the Constitution will do.
2. Send Trump to prison for a very, long time - Jack Smith's Dept.
3. Sweep the 2024 election and end the filibuster.
4. FULLY arm Ukraine and run the Russians out next summer.
5. Make it clear to Putin and his American fascist compatriots that if they ever try something like this again, they will again get their dicks knocked to the dirt.


You are an ally of Putin.
This is a hilarious mix of outright debunked fables and bizarre assumptions that random facts equates to election fraud.
There's nothing to debunk there. Those are all established may be right that it does not amount to proof. Then again nothing is ever proven irrefutably.
I wish I had a dollar for every time a member of The Following had to retreat to the last line of defense, stating Trump has not yet been convicted of a crime. Neither has Hillary, who has never been indicted by a grand jury, but that doesn't stop you folks from claiming she broke the law.
As far as I am aware Hillary never had to pay a $2M fine for stealing money from a charity. Never was ordered to pay a total of $88.3M after a jury determined she raped someone. Never agreed to pay $25M to settle a fraud case. Never settled with the DoJ in a race discrimination suit. Has not been sued hundreds of times for unethical/illegal behavior. Has not been found guilty of fraud in the state of NY. Does not have 91 pending counts of criminal behavior awaiting trial in numerous jurisdictions.
No one has ever been Trumped before either--How many have been Clintoned besides Epstein?
This is a hilarious mix of outright debunked fables and bizarre assumptions that random facts equates to election fraud.
You've proved little besides obviousness.
In that vein you are a good Democrat.
So then what portends a bad democrat.?
" Obviousness ... symbolizing everything that disgusts me,
Like Eddie.unoriginal macho energy.Ladies man. "
-- Barfly - { 1987 }
Henry { Mickey Rourke } who feels better when they're
not around.When asked why he hates people.
What can be done?

1. Bar Trump from ever holding office again - That's something that SCOTUS and the Constitution will do.
2. Send Trump to prison for a very, long time - Jack Smith's Dept.
3. Sweep the 2024 election and end the filibuster.
4. FULLY arm Ukraine and run the Russians out next summer.
5. Make it clear to Putin and his American fascist compatriots that if they ever try something like this again, they will again get their dicks knocked to the dirt.
Cite where in the Constitution it states unequivocally
when a past President cannot hold office again.Besides
being a two-term Potus.
Basically little else.Plus SCOTUS does not make law but
reviews law and government actions to determine their
Got it Bub.
Cite where in the Constitution it states unequivocally
when a past President cannot hold office again.Besides
being a two-term Potus.
Basically little else.Plus SCOTUS does not make law but
reviews law and government actions to determine their
Got it Bub.
Yes, I got it. It's called the 14th Amendment Section 3. That says it all that's needed - unequivocally.

Sorry to bust your bubble, loser!

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