Folks, this is why the angels cry and God turns away in shame.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

I just got this one from my son in law, and forwarded it to my family.

I have my grandparents wedding picture. Grandpa's rifle is in his hand.

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!
You are an idiot. The reason God is turning away is because idiots like you have been pushing him out of society for years. Retard.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.

I often wonder if a family had a "Gun Free Zone" sign in their front yard, or posted a picture of the family packing, which one would be attacked first.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?

My brother carries a concealled weapon everywhere he goes. I often ask what he is afraid of happening. He doesn't have a lot of cash and doesn't dress as someone who would. But knowing that fact what if he did have something a person wanted to take? What would they do? Shoot first and ask questions later? Not let him get the drop on folks? Better they don't know, or think he doesn't carry.

A friend of mine collected guns and talked all bad ass about if someone broke in and tried to take his guns. They did and he lost his collection. Would have been stupid breaking in when he was home, so they didn't.
kinda agree , then again , no reason in a Free Country to be hiding normal activities . That's also the reason I heartily approve of 'open carry' and open carry demonstrations . Its best to exercise Rights rather than hiding them Freewill .
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.

I often wonder if a family had a "Gun Free Zone" sign in their front yard, or posted a picture of the family packing, which one would be attacked first.

Not wise to do either in my opinion.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?

My brother carries a concealled weapon everywhere he goes. I often ask what he is afraid of happening. He doesn't have a lot of cash and doesn't dress as someone who would. But knowing that fact what if he did have something a person wanted to take? What would they do? Shoot first and ask questions later? Not let him get the drop on folks? Better they don't know, or think he doesn't carry.

A friend of mine collected guns and talked all bad ass about if someone broke in and tried to take his guns. They did and he lost his collection. Would have been stupid breaking in when he was home, so they didn't.
your friend shoulda been prepared Freewill !!
kinda agree , then again , no reason in a Free Country to be hiding normal activities . That's also the reason I heartily approve of 'open carry' and open carry demonstrations . Its best to exercise Rights rather than hiding them Freewill .

Again, I don't have a problem with people self protecting themselves. I am only using logic. A 120 pound woman can open carry and it really doesn't make her much safer in my opinion, from a determined attacker.

I stopped one time at a stop sign on a country road. I was lost so I happened to have a police car stop behind me. So I get out and walk back to ask directions. I looked in and it was a woman cop whose eyes were as wide as saucers. I then hoped she wouldn't shoot me, maybe what I did was stupid. Anyway I ask her, she is nice and tells me where to go. But i thought about it and she weighed about 120 maybe. One punch would have taken her out pretty easily. Knowing where her gun was would be a great help. That is why she was alarmed as I walked back to her car.

What I think is you don't let people know the risk to themselves, let them minimize the risk in their head. That makes it all the easier to take them out. Hopefully that situation never happens to anyone.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?

My brother carries a concealled weapon everywhere he goes. I often ask what he is afraid of happening. He doesn't have a lot of cash and doesn't dress as someone who would. But knowing that fact what if he did have something a person wanted to take? What would they do? Shoot first and ask questions later? Not let him get the drop on folks? Better they don't know, or think he doesn't carry.

A friend of mine collected guns and talked all bad ass about if someone broke in and tried to take his guns. They did and he lost his collection. Would have been stupid breaking in when he was home, so they didn't.
your friend shoulda been prepared Freewill !!

That is what I am saying, he thought he was, he wasn't. I seriously doubt there is a person in the world that knows if I have a weapon in the house, other then a shotgun for hunting. I am keeping it that way.
kinda agree , then again , no reason in a Free Country to be hiding normal activities . That's also the reason I heartily approve of 'open carry' and open carry demonstrations . Its best to exercise Rights rather than hiding them Freewill .
I find some of the open carry demonstrations rather odd. People going to restaurants and grocery stores with semi-automatic rifles isn't typical behavior. Then they wonder why the cops show up.
kinda agree , then again , no reason in a Free Country to be hiding normal activities . That's also the reason I heartily approve of 'open carry' and open carry demonstrations . Its best to exercise Rights rather than hiding them Freewill .
I find some of the open carry demonstrations rather odd. People going to restaurants and grocery stores with semi-automatic rifles isn't typical behavior. Then they wonder why the cops show up.

Well there is certainly logic to strength in numbers. Using my brother as an example, the gun he carries concealed is probably the most valuable thing he does carry. I guess if he is in a McDonald's and there is a shooting he might be able to intervene. But so far he only brandished it once to someone who had a problem with the way my brother was driving.

Look at the picture in the OP. That young man, is he holding a gun? Is that legal? Look at the people in the picture. If you wanted what any of them had whom would you go after first? The second from the right would be my target.
You Pinheads should take note that this family is not standing behind a bound kneeling man whose head they are about to cut off.

Its one of the many differences between armed Christians and armed Muslims.
and my little understanding of gun law means that the cops show up , scratch their heads and walkaway . If its legal on public property then cops can't do anything . Private property might be different but even in that case there would need to be postings of NO OPEN CARRY ALLOWED I think . I don't see it much but where I am open carry is no big deal and that a good thing . I am guessing that you may be in an area where open carry has been denied or restricted but the laws are getting better for open carry in many areas and open carriers are just making a peaceful point as they should CBrulee !!

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

These people are not Christians. Put them in black and head scarves and this looks like a recruiting poster for Isis.
kinda agree , then again , no reason in a Free Country to be hiding normal activities . That's also the reason I heartily approve of 'open carry' and open carry demonstrations . Its best to exercise Rights rather than hiding them Freewill .
I find some of the open carry demonstrations rather odd. People going to restaurants and grocery stores with semi-automatic rifles isn't typical behavior. Then they wonder why the cops show up.

Well there is certainly logic to strength in numbers. Using my brother as an example, the gun he carries concealed is probably the most valuable thing he does carry. I guess if he is in a McDonald's and there is a shooting he might be able to intervene. But so far he only brandished it once to someone who had a problem with the way my brother was driving.

Look at the picture in the OP. That young man, is he holding a gun? Is that legal? Look at the people in the picture. If you wanted what any of them had whom would you go after first? The second from the right would be my target.
Think about it from the point of view of many if not most people. You are about go into Chipotle or Target and see a guy with an AR-15 going in the door.

Yeah. The picture is dumb to me because they are inviting someone to break into their home thinking there are a bunch of expensive guns to steal.

It's not hard to take anything from anyone really. Just requires a bit of patience and some observation.

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