Food For Thought

Is it me or is anyone else disgusted by the current direction of our political leaders
including both Democrats and Republicans. I always thought that the reason one moved into politics was to one, represent the interests of a geographic and demographic area, and two to make intelegent informed decisions that positively effect that politicians constituency. Why then have our political leaders become products of group think and failed miserably in properly representing their constituencies and why do we continue to support these power hungry corrupt officials? What happened to being an individualist and standing for a purpose rather than a party?
I would love to comment, but I am known as an anti American because I believe in American founding fathers as opposed to this system, in other words I believe America is dead.
Is it me or is anyone else disgusted by the current direction of our political leaders
including both Democrats and Republicans. I always thought that the reason one moved into politics was to one, represent the interests of a geographic and demographic area, and two to make intelegent informed decisions that positively effect that politicians constituency. Why then have our political leaders become products of group think and failed miserably in properly representing their constituencies and why do we continue to support these power hungry corrupt officials? What happened to being an individualist and standing for a purpose rather than a party?
I would love to comment, but I am known as an anti American because I believe in American founding fathers as opposed to this system, in other words I believe America is dead.
You're quite right. Contemporary America (post-Progressive America) is different than the America before 1900. The people, on the other hand, are the same. They're ignorant and self-interested. James Madison was especially frustrated with the Virginia assembly, populated with, as Jefferson called them, "the endless quibbles, chicaneries, perversions, vexations, and delays of lawyers and demi-lawyers." The problem with popular governments in the state legislatures and of both the Continental and Confederation Congresses was that legislators would be elected who would serve their own interests, and, when they thought about it, some of the private interests of their constituencies.

The same is true of the popularly elected legislators today. Democracy is a curse.
If that is what you BELIEVE, then you and your far-left cohorts should look for a new country, because that's not what this one is about.


it is exactly what any affluent country is about.

until the reality knocks at the door.

and I will stay where I am as I feel like it :D

Enjoy your frustration, comrade. Maybe someday you'll find the courage to go somewhere more in line with your 'values.'

so far I see here only YOUR frustration, товарищ :D

and your "values" are on a perfect display - wait until you can command what others have to do until you join the commissar's brigade.
before then - STFU - it is still a FREE country, despite your efforts.
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it is still a FREE country....

Doesn't sound like you want it that way.

you clearly do not make it that way with your commandeering who should do what and live where.

start from yourself and STFU with your giving commands and you have done that in this thread at least towards 3 people. which makes you a typical commie, товарищ :lol:

and just to make your frustration worse - we ALL will stay here and vote as we feel like it :D
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