Food Stamp outrage

Best food stamp story:

NPR: Apparently, some Food Stamp recipients in Ohio have to cut back on ice cream « Your Daily Chum

Mother Fer right away you go to the kids thats it teach them young
good idea, my second wife of 16 years (first died) was recieving welfare and food stamps and eligable for free lunch for here kids;I said no way this sends the wrong idea to kids..I paid everything for them at a time when my business was holding it own but growing.
Today my step daughter (26)is the Corp. bookeeper and my step son (24)is a Manager and reciently approved for a $380,000.00 home here on Long Island. I attribute this to the fact that he was raised to achieve and not fall back and have others pay his way.

my mother in the late 60's after food stamps came about and state medical had a good job but would not cover her sick husbands medical costs because it was pre exsisting condition ( type 1 diabetes) which caused him to have a stroke at 29 and he wasn't able to work. So my mom went back to part time so she could recieve medical care for her husband and she also recieved food stamps. When her husband died she went back to full time and has always supported herself. You know what that taught me, that my mom didn't let her pride get in the way of helping her husband!
Utterly ridiculous ? You are ignorant of the circumstances that initiated Public Assistance to begin with: people starving to death in the streets. Pick a history book. Prior to the New Deal, 56% of Americans lived in poverty. It was common for the elderly, the disabled and their children to DIE IN THE STREETS.

You don't know what you're talking about.

ROFLMAO People starving on the street? Really? I want to see proof that Food Stamps was started because of people literally starving in the streets. Now. I do NOT wan to hear poverty statistics as pseudo-proof. I want you to show me people starving in the early 1960s in great enough numbers to warrant the Food Stamp program. Let's have it.

Public assistance began in the thirties when millions of Americans died in the streets during the great depression.

First of all, the current Food Stamp program was started in the early 60s, not the 30s. Different program. Second of all, I asked for proof. You simply making a blank statement that "millions of Americans died in the streets during the Great Depression" is proof only that you believe your own overblown, exaggerated rhetoric.
Okay, let's not get utterly ridiculous here. Bodies on the street? Really? Hyperbolic much?

Utterly ridiculous ? You are ignorant of the circumstances that initiated Public Assistance to begin with: people starving to death in the streets. Pick a history book. Prior to the New Deal, 56% of Americans lived in poverty. It was common for the elderly, the disabled and their children to DIE IN THE STREETS.

You don't know what you're talking about.

ROFLMAO People starving on the street? Really? I want to see proof that Food Stamps was started because of people literally starving in the streets. Now. I do NOT wan to hear poverty statistics as pseudo-proof. I want you to show me people starving in the early 1960s in great enough numbers to warrant the Food Stamp program. Let's have it.
39.9 million people were living below the poverty level in 1960 which is the most between 1960 and 2005. I cannot provide a link because my computer is fucked up but should google 1960 poverty levels. That is 39.9 million people in a family of four with only 3,000 for an annual income. I think that would warrant a food stamps program.
Well I guess its my fault cause I have a different opinion as to what poor is. And as always you asume people who are on stamps are on the up and up or just think horray for they getting over again..
So as I've said bsfore whats good for the goose is also good for the RICH.. Everyone take advantage OKOKOK:clap2::clap2::clap2:

I "asumed" nothing. Unlike you, I made no values judgements or "asumptions" at all. I simply pointed out, quite logically, that you can't possibly know everything about this woman based on your observations, and should probably consider the possibility that your envy and obsession are misplaced and get over your need to try to micro-scrutinize complete strangers.

I don't know if she was "on the up and up" or not. My point was simply that YOU don't know, either.

I guess the point that I try to make is it sucks when people need the
goverment to feed them the causes are debaitable but I know one thing the goverment loves for people to depend on them,(gonna get accused of being racial here) being dependant on your goverment
is just a modern day form of slavery.

And you thought the best way to make this point was to babble on about some woman ten years ago that you knew nothing about and simply made assumptions concerning, and then to groundlessly attack me for things I never said?

Plus, I should point out that this thread isn't really about whether or not you think federal welfare is a good idea. It's about the possibility of someone defrauding the program and/or the regulations and requirements being wrong and improper.
There's no comparisan. The average out of work parent should be entitled to food stamps. They didn't say anything about him getting any money so he may have to live off of his retirement money or whatever that $80,000 was. If it was actually $80,000.

Btw, the more they said the guy owned, the more I saw a bit of exaggeration in the claims.

Assets should be taken into consideration. Somehow they are waived through this categorical eligibility clause. I have to look into this more. But from what I see so far this is bullshit.

Well, that would disqualify thousands among thousands of the receipients in Texas. It makes my blood curdle to see so them drive away from the grocery store in a car that I could only dream of owning, not to mention the thousands of dollars of accessories they added to the vehicle after purchasing.

And yes, I follow them out the store just to see what they are driving. I send my son to follow if I know I will be a while at the chashiers counter.

Until we have a decent enforcable welfare reform, I say if the don wants food stamps and is willing to cheat the system like most of them, GO FOR IT!!!
How do you know they are food stamp recipients?
Utterly ridiculous ? You are ignorant of the circumstances that initiated Public Assistance to begin with: people starving to death in the streets. Pick a history book. Prior to the New Deal, 56% of Americans lived in poverty. It was common for the elderly, the disabled and their children to DIE IN THE STREETS.

You don't know what you're talking about.

ROFLMAO People starving on the street? Really? I want to see proof that Food Stamps was started because of people literally starving in the streets. Now. I do NOT wan to hear poverty statistics as pseudo-proof. I want you to show me people starving in the early 1960s in great enough numbers to warrant the Food Stamp program. Let's have it.
39.9 million people were living below the poverty level in 1960 which is the most between 1960 and 2005. I cannot provide a link because my computer is fucked up but should google 1960 poverty levels. That is 39.9 million people in a family of four with only 3,000 for an annual income. I think that would warrant a food stamps program.

What part of "I don't want to hear poverty statistics" was too complicated for you to understand? I didn't ask about "living in poverty". I specifically asked for proof of "millions dying in the street of starvation". Do NOT try this smokescreen-and-shell-game bullshit with me where you talk about everything BUT the question I asked, and then claim that all your topic-hopping amounts to an answer.

If you're going to answer a question that wasn't addressed to you, you could at least read the damned question first.
Should well-off jobless get food stamps? | Cincinnati Enquirer | Cincinnati.Com

County Administrator Dave Gully says the county’s Human Services employees were upset because they recently were required to issue $500 a month in food stamps to a person who has lost their job, but has $80,000 in the bank, lives in a $300,000 house that is paid off, and drives a new Mercedes.

The family qualifies under a special federal category called “Categorical Eligibility," according to a memo Gully sent to commissioners. Other local families in similar situations also have qualified for food stamps this way, Gully says.

Total Crap. This is total Bullshit.

A $300,000 house is not exactly a mansion. Also, how does this newspaper know how much he has in the bank?

Did you know that food stamps are a very good stimulus?

it sure as hell isn't a hovel either.

good stimulus or not, stealing charity meant for those below the poverty line is not only despicable but SHOULD entail criminal penalties.

why? he paid his taxes didn't he?
A $300,000 house is not exactly a mansion. Also, how does this newspaper know how much he has in the bank?

Did you know that food stamps are a very good stimulus?

it sure as hell isn't a hovel either.

good stimulus or not, stealing charity meant for those below the poverty line is not only despicable but SHOULD entail criminal penalties.

why? he paid his taxes didn't he?

Now, you know perfectly well that paying taxes is not a qualification for receiving food stamps.
ROFLMAO People starving on the street? Really? I want to see proof that Food Stamps was started because of people literally starving in the streets. Now. I do NOT wan to hear poverty statistics as pseudo-proof. I want you to show me people starving in the early 1960s in great enough numbers to warrant the Food Stamp program. Let's have it.

Public assistance began in the thirties when millions of Americans died in the streets during the great depression.

First of all, the current Food Stamp program was started in the early 60s, not the 30s. Different program. Second of all, I asked for proof. You simply making a blank statement that "millions of Americans died in the streets during the Great Depression" is proof only that you believe your own overblown, exaggerated rhetoric.

I know when the Food Stamp program began. It is still a program geared towards feeding people so they don't starve.

10 Million Americans Disappeared during the Great Depression Time |

During this recovery, Roosevelt launched the New Deal, essentially creating the modern American welfare state. Dozens of programs were instituted that redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor. Perhaps the greatest of these was Social Security, which Congress passed in 1935. Prior to Social Security, it was common to see old people starving in the streets after they retired. Social Security largely eliminated this shameful sight. Furthermore, the Social Security Act created Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the program popularly known today as "welfare."

Welfare increases poverty
As an aside, the people who always made me roll my eyes and shake my head while working at the supermarket were the ones who were clearly recent immigrants and paying with EBT cards. If you have been in the country so little time that you speak virtually no English AND haven't even learned to operate the credit/debit card machine at the checkout, what are you doing receiving US welfare benefits? Why are we bringing people over here only to support them the instant they get off the boat?
Public assistance began in the thirties when millions of Americans died in the streets during the great depression.

First of all, the current Food Stamp program was started in the early 60s, not the 30s. Different program. Second of all, I asked for proof. You simply making a blank statement that "millions of Americans died in the streets during the Great Depression" is proof only that you believe your own overblown, exaggerated rhetoric.

I know when the Food Stamp program began.

Really? Then why were you talking to me about a different program that existed thirty years earlier?
it sure as hell isn't a hovel either.

good stimulus or not, stealing charity meant for those below the poverty line is not only despicable but SHOULD entail criminal penalties.

why? he paid his taxes didn't he?

Now, you know perfectly well that paying taxes is not a qualification for receiving food stamps.

no,, but the way things are headed in this country I'm all for the taxpayer catching a break, so I won't bitch if their hand gets caught in the till. nope
Should well-off jobless get food stamps? | Cincinnati Enquirer | Cincinnati.Com

County Administrator Dave Gully says the county’s Human Services employees were upset because they recently were required to issue $500 a month in food stamps to a person who has lost their job, but has $80,000 in the bank, lives in a $300,000 house that is paid off, and drives a new Mercedes.

The family qualifies under a special federal category called “Categorical Eligibility," according to a memo Gully sent to commissioners. Other local families in similar situations also have qualified for food stamps this way, Gully says.

Total Crap. This is total Bullshit.

Cat El exists so that people who have fallen on temporary hard times don't have to liquidate the assets they have in order to purchase food for their families. Think of it this way...if a family has $80,000 in the bank and owns a house, are you HELPING them to demand that they get rid of those things so they can receive $500 a month in foodstamps?

The answer is no, you're not. You're pretty much making certain they'll be on the dole forever.

Understand however that for medical assistance (which costs much, much more than the fs program) resources ARE counted. Now you don't count the family home as a resource, even if it's paid off, because the family is living there. But any extra property, cars except one for medical transportation, bank accounts, IRAs, stocks, bonds, boats, etc...all that gets counted, and the limit is low, as is the income.

Now someone who ISN'T cat el (in other words, their income is below a certain limit) must submit to having resources counted.

What you are proposing is that you force a family to sell off their house for probably less than it's worth (if it sells at all) move into a shithole where they'll have to pay rent (and probably the state will help) and use up all the money saved for the children's future.

Doesn't sound like a very good way to ensure the success of the family to me.
Public assistance began in the thirties when millions of Americans died in the streets during the great depression.

First of all, the current Food Stamp program was started in the early 60s, not the 30s. Different program. Second of all, I asked for proof. You simply making a blank statement that "millions of Americans died in the streets during the Great Depression" is proof only that you believe your own overblown, exaggerated rhetoric.

10 Million Americans Disappeared during the Great Depression Time |

During this recovery, Roosevelt launched the New Deal, essentially creating the modern American welfare state. Dozens of programs were instituted that redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor. Perhaps the greatest of these was Social Security, which Congress passed in 1935. Prior to Social Security, it was common to see old people starving in the streets after they retired. Social Security largely eliminated this shameful sight. Furthermore, the Social Security Act created Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the program popularly known today as "welfare."

Welfare increases poverty

You're clearly a little shaky on the concept of proof. Finding someone on the Internet who agrees with you does not constitute proof. I can find you half a dozen people on the Internet right now who insist that space aliens kidnapped and anally probed them, but that doesn't necessarily mean I believe them.
First of all, the current Food Stamp program was started in the early 60s, not the 30s. Different program. Second of all, I asked for proof. You simply making a blank statement that "millions of Americans died in the streets during the Great Depression" is proof only that you believe your own overblown, exaggerated rhetoric.

I know when the Food Stamp program began.

Really? Then why were you talking to me about a different program that existed thirty years earlier?

I did not speak to you about the food stamp program. You jumped in to the conversation about people starving in the streets.

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