Food stamps don't buy diapers, so one mom found this solution

Well, if I've learned anything, we will now see the newfound republican hatred of diapers.

No, you found a way to turn common sense into a political "movement".
If you can't afford to buy diapers every week, buy reusable diapers once. Problem solved. And unless they are washing them in a creek, on a rock, cleaning them is as easy as washing laundry in your washer. Then put them in the dryer........
Plus keeps them out of the landfill . I thought libs liked the environment?
The majority of families only had one income as recently as the 60s.

If we want to make that an easier option, we can.

We continue to want bigger, better and the latest, then it won't happen.

Hey, changing that could be Change I would support.

Like going along with your wife in getting a bigger better home so she can work more hours?


I hope to repair that damage to our finances soon, and I will be more resistant in the future.

Hope you can. I'm wanting a smaller home, less yard. Hell, a condo in a small city would be nice.

heh heh..funny..I'm moving to a smaller home.
...but on 150 acres. You can have the city...
We continue to want bigger, better and the latest, then it won't happen.

Hey, changing that could be Change I would support.

Like going along with your wife in getting a bigger better home so she can work more hours?


I hope to repair that damage to our finances soon, and I will be more resistant in the future.

Hope you can. I'm wanting a smaller home, less yard. Hell, a condo in a small city would be nice.

heh heh..funny..I'm moving to a smaller home.
...but on 150 acres. You can have the city...

It is a constant struggle.

The area you can have in the country vs being in the center of everything.
Somehow the rest of us wash our diapers & laundry. Should we all hold our hands out for free disposable diapers & clothing? We have more free time than any previous generation, yet idiots claim we are to busy to toss a load in the wash instead of the trash. Grabbing diapers from the dryer seems easier than traveling to store, shopping for them & lugging them back home. Disposables are certainly bad for the environment.
Hey, changing that could be Change I would support.

Like going along with your wife in getting a bigger better home so she can work more hours?


I hope to repair that damage to our finances soon, and I will be more resistant in the future.

Hope you can. I'm wanting a smaller home, less yard. Hell, a condo in a small city would be nice.

heh heh..funny..I'm moving to a smaller home.
...but on 150 acres. You can have the city...

It is a constant struggle.

The area you can have in the country vs being in the center of everything.

I've lived in cities...traveled extensively...lots of visa stamps on a couple of passports through the years.
Winding it all down..taking extra early "retirement" in the next couple years...y'all have fun.
9 Ways to Get Free Baby Diapers · The Penny Hoarder
Did you know that every child will go through more than $2100 worth of diapers? We've put together a huge list of ways to get free diapers to help you offset the ...
National Diaper Bank Network - All babies deserve clean ...
Our mission is to raise awareness of diaper need, strengthen community-based diaper banks, and generate donations of dollars and diapers, so that all babies

Any computer and two seconds. They have been available for at least five years and many social service groups had lists and coupons for free or nearly free diapers, wipes, ointments as well as bags of supplies available to those in need. They have have baby furniture, clothing, feeding supplies, car seats, parent and baby education books, infant baskets, and more.

Churches and synagogues usually have people to help with supplies or directions on where to go and who to contact for them. Community centers are also a good resource for things from infancy to food banks and home delivery to supplies for seniors and home care needs. Fire houses, red cross and even hospitals are also good places for information and resources.

Cloth diapers are far less expensive and if you use a package of dry liners for them, the infants are as protected from irritation as disposables. If you don't use the extra thick ones, they can be hand washed and dried in short time. The extra thick preshaped ones can take twice in the dryer or more than a day in the house to air dry. Sunlight is always better if you can.

Moss is what people used to use, but now there is not a great supply of that outside everyone's door.
A society where two incomes in NOT REQUIRED, is a goal of mine, and imo, should be a goal of society.

Very noble "goal" but impossible in the real world.

Humans are flawed creatures and there will always be iniquities, failure, crime, oppression, corruption, insanity, dishonesty and every other negative human trait you can think of.

There is nothing impossible about it.

Craft policy to encourage rising wages, and reduce living expenses.

More and more families would be able to go to one income and one full time homemaker.

20 some thousand years of human evolution tend to disprove. can "craft" all the "policies" you want...artificial social engineering doesn't work.

The majority of families only had one income as recently as the 60s.

If we want to make that an easier option, we can. "crafting" artificial "policies"? Tell me a few of them..maybe you can convince me..
No need to craft any new policies.

It is a herd concept for this instant gratification country to grasp.

But it's actually a very old policy.

You ready?


simple, really
I remember those pre Reagan times when Moms stayed home, and one income was sufficent.

My Dad worked 2 jobs pre-Reagan. I remember those days before the Democrats decided to re-engineer the American family and replace the Dad with a government check
As expected, the newfound right wing fear of diapers takes hold.
A society where two incomes in NOT REQUIRED, is a goal of mine, and imo, should be a goal of society.

Very noble "goal" but impossible in the real world.

Humans are flawed creatures and there will always be iniquities, failure, crime, oppression, corruption, insanity, dishonesty and every other negative human trait you can think of.
If we shrunk the population, if poor people had less kids, if more kids were raised properly, we could have less of all those negative things.

if this.... if that.... if something else

humans are flawed and you can't "fix" or socially engineer human traits away...
You can raise a child to be a saint or a sinner.

And it's not just the parents. The community around you has to be good too.

How many of us had parents who told us not to hang out with the bad kids. And we grew up in a nice neighborhood. Now imagine you're growing up in the ghetto. Lot more than a couple bad apples there.

Did you know that because of high college loan debt and low pay young people are having fewer kids later in life? I think we can achieve less accidental pregnancies. Offer free iud's in the aca. 90% effective where the pill is not.
We continue to want bigger, better and the latest, then it won't happen.

Hey, changing that could be Change I would support.

Like going along with your wife in getting a bigger better home so she can work more hours?


I hope to repair that damage to our finances soon, and I will be more resistant in the future.

Hope you can. I'm wanting a smaller home, less yard. Hell, a condo in a small city would be nice.

heh heh..funny..I'm moving to a smaller home.
...but on 150 acres. You can have the city...

Not a big city, I can't stand big cities. We have no real rush hour or much traffic. Being out of town is fine I used to live in the country, attended a small country school.

Advantages and disadvantages abound for both sides.
If worthless democrats put their money where their empty minds were there would never gave to be a child in need of a diaper ever ever again...

Alas, they search for someone else to do it.........its a common theme amongst those parasites....."caring" with other folks money......

How about use cloth and not expensive disposal diapers?
Yes, because we should expect mothers to use uncomfortable fabric for their babies.. Typical RW solution.
Uncomfortable fabric? Says who?....Disposable diapers, the ones so readily accepted by those environmentally conscious yuppies and other lazy sons of bitches are filling up dumps faster than any other single type or refuse.....
Once again,. your liberal complaining and whining gets you no mileage.
With every one of your posts I become convinced you believe human beings are absolutely incapable of handling their own affairs.
What a great story to cheer one up :)
Food stamps don't cover diapers, so one mom did this -
Washington (CNN)Corinne Cannon had a tough time adjusting to motherhood after the birth of her first child, Jack.

"We were ecstatic to have him, but he was a difficult infant," Cannon said. "He cried pretty much all the time, and it was so emotionally exhausting."

That's an experience many new mothers can relate to. But Cannon knew she had the resources and support to get her through that many families do not have. She felt compelled to help them, so she called local organizations to ask what she could do.

Over and over, the answer she got was "diapers."

Nearly 30% of parents in the United States cannot afford diapers, which can cost up to $100 every month per baby. And it is an expense not covered by food stamps.

"I thought how impossible it would be, on top of having the stress of a newborn, if you are wondering where your baby's next diaper is coming from," Cannon said.

In 2010, the day before Jack's first birthday, Cannon founded the D.C. Diaper Bank. The nonprofit has since provided nearly 2 million diapers to low-income families in the Washington metro area.

But for Cannon, the work is about more than giving away diapers.

"We're using diapers as a way to bring families in the door, to have them engage with social services for their other needs," said Cannon, whose group partners with other local nonprofits that help families.

Last year, Cannon's organization expanded to provide other necessities, such as formula, baby food and breastfeeding supplies.

CNN spoke to Cannon about her work. Below is an edited version of the conversation.

CNN: How does the lack of diapers affect children and families?
Notwithstanding this woman's excellent idea of a diaper bank......
Did you read what this whiny person stated?.....The stress of a baby?.....Hey genius, it was YOU who decided to enter into this contract....That being an agreement to once the baby was born to take care of said child and accept every aspect of what goes into child care. No complaining...
How about use cloth and not expensive disposal diapers?
Yes, because we should expect mothers to use uncomfortable fabric for their babies.. Typical RW solution.

Anyone raised before Pampers was tortured by "uncomfortable" fabrics, and the poor mothers, already working their fingers to the bone managed to wash the effing diapers.

Too funny. Everyone survived.
They were very soft. My mom kept them and later used them for other things.
They are great for use as a rag to wipe down a wet automobile......Diapers don't scratch the finish.
How about use cloth and not expensive disposal diapers?
Yes, because we should expect mothers to use uncomfortable fabric for their babies.. Typical RW solution.

Anyone raised before Pampers was tortured by "uncomfortable" fabrics, and the poor mothers, already working their fingers to the bone managed to wash the effing diapers.

Too funny. Everyone survived.
I never said tortured, and I do not want to deal with rwnj's wanting to return to the past.
What was wrong with cloth diapers? Use wash reuse. Where's the fucking problem?
The OP posted this article with the clear intent to create an argument.

That aside, you have to wonder how any of us ever made it out of childhood.
If you listen to liberals you will swear none of us must be capable of solving our own family issues and problems without government programs.

We truly do need an annual "K-I-C-K A L-I-B-E-R-A-L D-A-Y" !
That aside, you have to wonder how any of us ever made it out of childhood.

Really. At age ten I used to skateboard down reasonably dangerous macadam inclines wearing only cut-off jeans, and not a Democrat in sight. You learned balance pretty fast.
That aside, you have to wonder how any of us ever made it out of childhood.

Really. At age ten I used to skateboard down reasonably dangerous macadam inclines wearing only cut-off jeans, and not a Democrat in sight. You learned balance pretty fast.

I'm amazed that Dimocrats have not petitioned the government to require everything around us to be made out of "nerf" material. Run into a wall, and you just bounce off of it since your nerfmobile easily absorbed the shock of the nerfwall, and as a last measure your nerfsuit kept you from being scratched.

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