Food stamps, who are the recipients?

Foodstamps should be for those who need the help during the time they need the help. Then when the need is no longer, stop taking and let someone else in dire need get that help. Should be, I said.
I worked all my life. Until I began to fall apart and SSI denied me 3 times. So...I took the help offered via foodstamps only, since I can not work and had no other income for the first time since I was 16 years old.
Which is why I thanked them in the note I sent along with the torn up card. Too bad others don't do that.

Remember about that chick in the news that won the lottery and kept receiving food stamps? Claimed she didn't know she had to buy her own food with her million dollar winnings. Bullshit. She knew. Too many like her, says I.
Guno kept his.....
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....
Laughing at $260K a year and someone trying to tell me they make more than me with that figure.
you are the one laughing at plumbers saying anyone can do their jobs....its really funny listening to all you fucking "multimillionaires" saying how much you own and make,but yet here you all are spending hours here every day posting your bullshit .....i doubt very much that anyone who is wealthy and can get out and do things with that wealth would spend as much time as you "Millionaires" spend in this fucking internet forum.....hey did i tell you i am worth 60 million and retired at 30?.....yea its true....
You sound upset. Dont be. I'm not quite a millionaire but my net worth will be there in a few years this I can guarantee you. I can be online all day because I make so much passive and residual income its not even funny.
im not upset.... its just you dumb asses dont seem to realize.....YOU CAN BE ANYTHING on the seems you people that start talking about how wealthy you are all seem to be kinda get carried away with your bullshit.....enough is guys aint no different than the rest of us....a person who makes "so much passive and residual income its not even funny" would not have close to a thousand posts so far this would be out doing something with your "businesses" you claim you own or would at least be out there enjoying life not sitting on your ass in front of a computer telling us how wealthy you are.......geezus......

Your insecurities are showing. I'm not the one that brought this up. However it must bother you because for some strange reason you are mad at me instead of the person that brought it up. Who do you think you are fooling? If you are intimidated by my income, dont be. I just got lucky and was in the right place at the right time with the right people. If you insist on being angry about my income, blame it on this guy.

Asschaplips once posted on here he makes 48K a year. Whooopdi dooo, I made that much 24 years ago.
who is the one that started exaggerating how much he is worth? or NLT?.....and im not trying to fool anyone...but you sure as hell you think anyone here buys your bull shit about how much you are making?.....well maybe Guno....he enjoys bullshitting too....but keep it up you might win this months post count championship....Moonglow said he got a Cap and a bowl of soup....
Schlep?.....i aint the one on stamps.....Guno is....

That why I paid more in taxes last year then you make in two and have two homes one in NC and one on LI NY that I rent out, nice try
sure you do house right now is on the market for $840,000.....paid for.....oh and im worth 60 million .....

Bought m house on LI or $24,000 in 72 now worth $690,000

Ran my own Engineering firm and now do part time Engineering and consulting
in a nice white neighborhood i bet......

Nope, racially mixed with people of color who have people like you mow their lawns

and what kind of person am i?......
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?
White kids are usually in school while their parents are out working. The kids learn and the parents are free to earn an income. Its great for everyone! Maybe one day the black community will give it a try too.
What school are they going to if they are under 5 years old that is free? How about during the summer when school is out?
Oh, in those cases we just put them in cages for the day.

Actually we just have the ability to problem solve, so we figure it out. It happens all over the country. Its not hard at all, of course white people generally have both parents around. Maybe you black men actually tried to take care of your kids, then this wouldnt be a problem, but i guess throwing dice on some street corner is more important than being a parent.
Laughing at $260K a year and someone trying to tell me they make more than me with that figure.
you are the one laughing at plumbers saying anyone can do their jobs....its really funny listening to all you fucking "multimillionaires" saying how much you own and make,but yet here you all are spending hours here every day posting your bullshit .....i doubt very much that anyone who is wealthy and can get out and do things with that wealth would spend as much time as you "Millionaires" spend in this fucking internet forum.....hey did i tell you i am worth 60 million and retired at 30?.....yea its true....
You sound upset. Dont be. I'm not quite a millionaire but my net worth will be there in a few years this I can guarantee you. I can be online all day because I make so much passive and residual income its not even funny.
im not upset.... its just you dumb asses dont seem to realize.....YOU CAN BE ANYTHING on the seems you people that start talking about how wealthy you are all seem to be kinda get carried away with your bullshit.....enough is guys aint no different than the rest of us....a person who makes "so much passive and residual income its not even funny" would not have close to a thousand posts so far this would be out doing something with your "businesses" you claim you own or would at least be out there enjoying life not sitting on your ass in front of a computer telling us how wealthy you are.......geezus......

Your insecurities are showing. I'm not the one that brought this up. However it must bother you because for some strange reason you are mad at me instead of the person that brought it up. Who do you think you are fooling? If you are intimidated by my income, dont be. I just got lucky and was in the right place at the right time with the right people. If you insist on being angry about my income, blame it on this guy.

Asschaplips once posted on here he makes 48K a year. Whooopdi dooo, I made that much 24 years ago.
who is the one that started exaggerating how much he is worth? or NLT?.....and im not trying to fool anyone...but you sure as hell you think anyone here buys your bull shit about how much you are making?.....well maybe Guno....he enjoys bullshitting too....but keep it up you might win this months post count championship....Moonglow said he got a Cap and a bowl of soup....
Only a fool would think that compulsive liar is telling the truth. If you ask him, he makes 10 times more money than you, his dick is 12 inches long, he kicks the asses of white men all over the nation (usually by slapping them and making their faces turn red), and white women are flocking to him wherever he goes. Hes a buffoon who is completely out of touch with reality.
Did koshergrl run away because she was late for her shift at waffle house :dunno:

Dude... you are not that important. No one runs away. If we respond to you, it only because we deem for our own benefit, and perhaps those others whose opinions we care about, to do so. And when we don't respond, it's merely because we determine that there is other things more important to do. Your existence has no bearing on the matter either way. Your importance, doesn't even show up on our radar. The list of things that matters, you have never been on, or ever will be on.

How you people think so highly of yourselves, that you actually think we care what you think if we don't bother to respond to you.... is amazingly.... unimportant. If that floats your boat, by all means.

For example, I posted this specific post because I was merely entertained by the mocking humor, that by merely posting, you might think yourself so self important, that I did so for your benefit. The enjoyment that you might take this post in that light, is why I deemed you worthy of my response. What do you think of that? What is your opinion? You know I'm waiting by my computer, with baited breath for the pearl of wisdom you'll spew.... er... I mean generously share with us, your devoted followers. :)
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you are the one laughing at plumbers saying anyone can do their jobs....its really funny listening to all you fucking "multimillionaires" saying how much you own and make,but yet here you all are spending hours here every day posting your bullshit .....i doubt very much that anyone who is wealthy and can get out and do things with that wealth would spend as much time as you "Millionaires" spend in this fucking internet forum.....hey did i tell you i am worth 60 million and retired at 30?.....yea its true....
You sound upset. Dont be. I'm not quite a millionaire but my net worth will be there in a few years this I can guarantee you. I can be online all day because I make so much passive and residual income its not even funny.
im not upset.... its just you dumb asses dont seem to realize.....YOU CAN BE ANYTHING on the seems you people that start talking about how wealthy you are all seem to be kinda get carried away with your bullshit.....enough is guys aint no different than the rest of us....a person who makes "so much passive and residual income its not even funny" would not have close to a thousand posts so far this would be out doing something with your "businesses" you claim you own or would at least be out there enjoying life not sitting on your ass in front of a computer telling us how wealthy you are.......geezus......

Your insecurities are showing. I'm not the one that brought this up. However it must bother you because for some strange reason you are mad at me instead of the person that brought it up. Who do you think you are fooling? If you are intimidated by my income, dont be. I just got lucky and was in the right place at the right time with the right people. If you insist on being angry about my income, blame it on this guy.

Asschaplips once posted on here he makes 48K a year. Whooopdi dooo, I made that much 24 years ago.
who is the one that started exaggerating how much he is worth? or NLT?.....and im not trying to fool anyone...but you sure as hell you think anyone here buys your bull shit about how much you are making?.....well maybe Guno....he enjoys bullshitting too....but keep it up you might win this months post count championship....Moonglow said he got a Cap and a bowl of soup....
Only a fool would think that compulsive liar is telling the truth. If you ask him, he makes 10 times more money than you, his dick is 12 inches long, he kicks the asses of white men all over the nation (usually by slapping them and making their faces turn red), and white women are flocking to him wherever he goes. Hes a buffoon who is completely out of touch with reality.

Now now, you know good an will that there are plenty of women of low enough self esteem, that this guy would seem to have potential to them.

So on that part, it's entirely possible it's true.
She worked too hard then. She deserved some support. I had an uncle who had arthritis so bad he could have claimed disability but didn't. He climbed those steps every day even though it took 10 minutes to climb them. I would have taken the help. No falling on my sword hero stuff.

Yeah,no surprise there. Kids today are pussies.
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.

Wow. Let's just bring back the workhouses and debtor's prisons.

Kudos to your mom. Really. But why do we expect people to be extraordinary just to make ends meet? Don't you know that extraordinary people contribute more to society when they don't have to obsess over putting food on the table?

If they're so damn extraordinary they should be able to get a decent job....Just sayin....
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?

Why is it that people have dealt with these problems for years yet some just cant manage it?
very interesting


I'm not reading this whole thread , but........

The group that makes up 77% of the population collects 35% of the SNAP benefits


The group that makes up 13% of the population collects 23% of the SNAP benefits

Even a third grader could figure that out, so I suspect it's beyond your grasp.
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....

They're fucking morons who have obviously never had to repair their own plumbing.

Which tells me they're in susbidized housing. Anyone who has owned a home doesn't laugh at or about plumbers, and is damn happy to have one next door (as I do, lol).
I would pay someone to repair my plumbing. You must live in a crappy house if you always have plumbing issues. I've put sinks in my home and toliets. Its not hard to be a plumber.

You say you'll pay for your plumbing repairs in one sentence,then you tell us you have to install your own toilets.......
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....
Laughing at $260K a year and someone trying to tell me they make more than me with that figure.
you are the one laughing at plumbers saying anyone can do their jobs....its really funny listening to all you fucking "multimillionaires" saying how much you own and make,but yet here you all are spending hours here every day posting your bullshit .....i doubt very much that anyone who is wealthy and can get out and do things with that wealth would spend as much time as you "Millionaires" spend in this fucking internet forum.....hey did i tell you i am worth 60 million and retired at 30?.....yea its true....
You sound upset. Dont be. There is a reason you doubt it. You cant imagine in your wildest dreams being able to do what I do. Thats why you are upset. I'm not quite a millionaire but my net worth will be there in a few years this I can guarantee you. I can be online all day because I make so much passive and residual income its not even funny.

Your lies are stacking up. You claim to make 260K a year yet you're not a millionaire? You've also indicated your age several times...if you ain't a millionaire yet you better get with it,you aint getting any younger.
Or have you pissed away all your money on dubs and gold grills?
very interesting

Very nice.

You've shown us the racial demographics for volume of stamp-distribution.

Now, show us the racial demographic, related to population...

% of white folks (out of the entire white population) on food stamps.

% of black folks... ditto.

% of hispanic folks.... ditto.

I'll betcha the percentages look just a wee bit different.
very interesting

Very nice.

You've shown us the racial demographics for volume of stamp-distribution.

Now, show us the racial demographic, related to population...

% of white folks (out of the entire white population) on food stamps.

% of black folks... ditto.

% of hispanic folks.... ditto.

I'll betcha the percentages look just a wee bit different.
Stop it I'm trying to get the OP to agree to shut the snaps program down because we all know those good for nothing white folks are getting food stamps. We need to stop it and kill the program.
very interesting

Very nice.

You've shown us the racial demographics for volume of stamp-distribution.

Now, show us the racial demographic, related to population...

% of white folks (out of the entire white population) on food stamps.

% of black folks... ditto.

% of hispanic folks.... ditto.

I'll betcha the percentages look just a wee bit different.
Stop it I'm trying to get the OP to agree to shut the snaps program down because we all know those good for nothing white folks are getting food stamps. We need to stop it and kill the program.

very interesting

Very nice.

You've shown us the racial demographics for volume of stamp-distribution.

Now, show us the racial demographic, related to population...

% of white folks (out of the entire white population) on food stamps.

% of black folks... ditto.

% of hispanic folks.... ditto.

I'll betcha the percentages look just a wee bit different.

< crickets >


Here's the answer...

As of July 2013...

From no less a source than the Pew Research Center...

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center


Those numbers look just a wee bit different now, eh?
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I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
I guess the point of this thread is to show that there are more non white Americans on food stamps then white...
I would have guessed that.

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