Food stamps, who are the recipients?

If they're so damn extraordinary they should be able to get a decent job....Just sayin....

Really? Tell that to koshergirl's mom. She couldn't get one "decent" job, presumably. She had to get 3 not-so-great jobs to live, according to koshergirl.

I call that extraordinary. People who are working, who are doing the right thing, should be able to live without government assistance. But I see on this thread a bunch of assholes, on the left and the right, who are comfortable anonymously mocking people for doing honest work, like plumbing, and working at a waffle house, and any number of honest, legal jobs that contribute to our society.

It makes me sick, to be very honest. I don't mind helping people who aren't allergic to work, without mocking the kind of work they do.
I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
how come you dont say that to Guno?.....he makes himself as well as his "people" look pretty bad with his racial nonsense.....hey just askin....
I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
how come you dont say that to Guno?.....he makes himself as well as his "people" look pretty bad with his racial nonsense.....hey just askin....

Because koshergirl made the point of emphasizing that someone makes "his people" look so bad.
I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
how come you dont say that to Guno?.....he makes himself as well as his "people" look pretty bad with his racial nonsense.....hey just askin....

Because koshergirl made the point of emphasizing that someone makes "his people" look so bad.
ok.....but still 90% of his posts are saying something about white people.....and of course a lot of it is bullshit.....but yet no left leaners here say anything to the guy but have no problems saying something to the racist righties here if they say the same thing about non-white people.....thats all im saying.....Shootspeaders,KatzNdogs,Guno,Dean.....all very racial and yet only 2 of them get called on it by the lefties here.....the other 2?.....
I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
how come you dont say that to Guno?.....he makes himself as well as his "people" look pretty bad with his racial nonsense.....hey just askin....

Because koshergirl made the point of emphasizing that someone makes "his people" look so bad.
ok.....but still 90% of his posts are saying something about white people.....and of course a lot of it is bullshit.....but yet no left leaners here say anything to the guy but have no problems saying something to the racist righties here if they say the same thing about non-white people.....thats all im saying.....Shootspeaders,KatzNdogs,Guno,Dean.....all very racial and yet only 2 of them get called on it by the lefties here.....the other 2?.....

I hope you feel better after your good cry.

In other words, you don't necessarily disagree with my post, but instead prefer that I target people whom you'd like to see targeted.....
I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

You have no problem making your people (whatever they may be) look like asses......

Let's just take everyone as individuals, and stop worrying about how they reflect on whatever group.
how come you dont say that to Guno?.....he makes himself as well as his "people" look pretty bad with his racial nonsense.....hey just askin....

Because koshergirl made the point of emphasizing that someone makes "his people" look so bad.
ok.....but still 90% of his posts are saying something about white people.....and of course a lot of it is bullshit.....but yet no left leaners here say anything to the guy but have no problems saying something to the racist righties here if they say the same thing about non-white people.....thats all im saying.....Shootspeaders,KatzNdogs,Guno,Dean.....all very racial and yet only 2 of them get called on it by the lefties here.....the other 2?.....

I hope you feel better after your good cry.

In other words, you don't necessarily disagree with my post, but instead prefer that I target people whom you'd like to see targeted.....
no thats not it at all....i think you summed it up yourself....."i only say things to someone who doesnt agree with me".....which is what i have been saying about the Farther Left and Right here.....thanks for verifying that.....
no thats not it at all....i think you summed it up yourself....."i only say things to someone who doesnt agree with me".....which is what i have been saying about the Farther Left and Right here.....thanks for verifying that.....

I'm flattered that you've read everything I've written on here, and can safely conclude that I've never called out anyone who agrees with me politically.

Hell, I'm flattered that you've figured out everyone I agree with.
no thats not it at all....i think you summed it up yourself....."i only say things to someone who doesnt agree with me".....which is what i have been saying about the Farther Left and Right here.....thanks for verifying that.....

I'm flattered that you've read everything I've written on here, and can safely conclude that I've never called out anyone who agrees with me politically.

Hell, I'm flattered that you've figured out everyone I agree with.
isnt that kinda like what you said about me?....."but instead prefer that I target people whom you'd like to see targeted".....when i wasnt saying that at all?....i was just giving an example....but hey im flattered also seem to figure out what people are saying....another Dean in the forum....
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?


For THOUSANDS OF YEAR OF HUMAN HISTORY..... people have been able to work enough to pay for their families, and still raise their families. For over 160 years of American history, people have been able to work to pay for their families and raise their families, without any food stamps, welfare, or anything else.

Now all of a sudden.... my goodness.... how can anyone SURVIVE without government help? You expect them to WORK for FOOD??? Holy Cow! How can that be done? In our modern wimpified, wussified, pathetic spoiled brat culture you expect people to... to.... *GASP*...... WORK FOR A LIVING?!?!? What are you? A throw back from the 1700, to the people who built this country?? How old fashioned.

Want to know why people hate immigrants? It's because they come here and succeed, without whining, without complaining, without waiting on some government program to fix their lives. They come here and succeed while the wimpified, wussy brats post comments like.... "Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?".

When I was in high school, I worked at Wendy's, with a guy from Romania. He had no car. He walked to work. He had two kids. They rode bicycles *GASP* to high school! Good heavens the shame....

He said he was wealthy. He had a home with two bed rooms. Air Conditioning. He had more in America, than he ever had in Romania. Last I heard, he was now the manager of a Hertz Rent-a-Car, the big one by Columbus international Airport.

How could he do that?!?!? :ack-1:

It can't be possible!!! He worked a full time job at Wendy's, fed his family, and raised his kids, and worked his way into a new job, and up the ladder to manager of the largest Hertz in the city??? No way ! Can't happen! No American can handle WORKING for a living!
You do realize that if we had debtors prison, that 2008 would never have happened.... right? You do know that?

We would have jumped from 2007 to 2009?

Did you know that Canada had no massive crash, because they had no bubble?

You know that the banks have HIGHER leverage ratios than here in the states?

You know that banks are *LESS* regulated there, than here?

I'll tell you why they didn't have the crash we did. It's actually very very simple.

In Canada, you are 100% liable for the loan. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

Every single dollar you borrow, you pay back 100%.... plus interest.

There is no 'strategic default' in Canada. There is no "I'll just file bankruptcy and walk away" in Canada. No mortgage modification, no debt restructuring, no government program.

SHOCKINGLY...... :ack-1: People don't make loans there, that they can't afford. Not because the bank prevents them, but because they know if they default, the bank will chase them to the ends of the earth, for the rest of their life, until every dollar is paid back in full, with interest, and if they die... the bank takes all their assets on death.

Hey.... ya think people might make fewer loans they can't afford, if they know there is ZERO chance of escaping the debt? Ya think? Maybe?

2008 crash, would never happened under a system where people can't escape their debt. Instead we've moved to make it easier to escape debt, thus guaranteeing a future crash. This will happen again. No question in my mind. Sometime in the future, we're replay 2008 all over again.
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?


For THOUSANDS OF YEAR OF HUMAN HISTORY..... people have been able to work enough to pay for their families, and still raise their families. For over 160 years of American history, people have been able to work to pay for their families and raise their families, without any food stamps, welfare, or anything else.

Now all of a sudden.... my goodness.... how can anyone SURVIVE without government help? You expect them to WORK for FOOD??? Holy Cow! How can that be done? In our modern wimpified, wussified, pathetic spoiled brat culture you expect people to... to.... *GASP*...... WORK FOR A LIVING?!?!? What are you? A throw back from the 1700, to the people who built this country?? How old fashioned.

Want to know why people hate immigrants? It's because they come here and succeed, without whining, without complaining, without waiting on some government program to fix their lives. They come here and succeed while the wimpified, wussy brats post comments like.... "Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?".

When I was in high school, I worked at Wendy's, with a guy from Romania. He had no car. He walked to work. He had two kids. They rode bicycles *GASP* to high school! Good heavens the shame....

He said he was wealthy. He had a home with two bed rooms. Air Conditioning. He had more in America, than he ever had in Romania. Last I heard, he was now the manager of a Hertz Rent-a-Car, the big one by Columbus international Airport.

How could he do that?!?!? :ack-1:

It can't be possible!!! He worked a full time job at Wendy's, fed his family, and raised his kids, and worked his way into a new job, and up the ladder to manager of the largest Hertz in the city??? No way ! Can't happen! No American can handle WORKING for a living!

In all of human history, no one starved to death? No one died for lack of affordable health care?

I'll be damned. No one, huh?
very interesting


Demographic breakdown in the USA

White 72.4%
Black 12.6%
Hispanic 16.4%

You do the math. sounds like another guno attempt at making a point has failed
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?


For THOUSANDS OF YEAR OF HUMAN HISTORY..... people have been able to work enough to pay for their families, and still raise their families. For over 160 years of American history, people have been able to work to pay for their families and raise their families, without any food stamps, welfare, or anything else.

Now all of a sudden.... my goodness.... how can anyone SURVIVE without government help? You expect them to WORK for FOOD??? Holy Cow! How can that be done? In our modern wimpified, wussified, pathetic spoiled brat culture you expect people to... to.... *GASP*...... WORK FOR A LIVING?!?!? What are you? A throw back from the 1700, to the people who built this country?? How old fashioned.

Want to know why people hate immigrants? It's because they come here and succeed, without whining, without complaining, without waiting on some government program to fix their lives. They come here and succeed while the wimpified, wussy brats post comments like.... "Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?".

When I was in high school, I worked at Wendy's, with a guy from Romania. He had no car. He walked to work. He had two kids. They rode bicycles *GASP* to high school! Good heavens the shame....

He said he was wealthy. He had a home with two bed rooms. Air Conditioning. He had more in America, than he ever had in Romania. Last I heard, he was now the manager of a Hertz Rent-a-Car, the big one by Columbus international Airport.

How could he do that?!?!? :ack-1:

It can't be possible!!! He worked a full time job at Wendy's, fed his family, and raised his kids, and worked his way into a new job, and up the ladder to manager of the largest Hertz in the city??? No way ! Can't happen! No American can handle WORKING for a living!

In all of human history, no one starved to death? No one died for lack of affordable health care?

I'll be damned. No one, huh?

First, that isn't what was asked. Can a family work, support the family, and raise the kids, without government assistance. Answer: Yes. They have done so for thousands of years.

Second... No, no one has died from lack of affordable health care. Period.

Third, yes, people have starved to death. Have you heard of the socialist hell known as the Soviet Union? Or Venezuela?


I love the sign. It says "made with socialism".

Empty shelves. That's who causes starvation. Leftists.
And one guy from Romania made it, huh? He really succeeded in America?

Well, THAT settles it!

There are millions of such examples.

And yes, it does settle it. Absolutely it does. Claim: You can't make it because the evil capitalists are holding you down, and you can't move forward in life on a fast-food wage.

Reality: complete stranger, that barely speaks English, can come here and raise his family, and succeed, and grow, and move forward into better higher paying work from a fast food salary.

The claim is false. Period. One single example disproves the claim. If you want a dozen, I'll give them to you. I know a guy from Russia, from Laos, from Germany, from Somalia, from a number of places, that came here with little to nothing, and are massively successful and wealthy. Each of them proves the claim wrong, and ALL of them proves the claim wrong.

The claim is wrong. Period. The claim is merely whiny spoiled brat Amaricanism that doesn't want to work. They want someone to give them everything, and whine when they don't.
very interesting

Thats just SNAP. What about the corporate welfare?

LOL corporate welfare isn't welfare! It's incentives to keep a business first in the State and second in the country! Welfare to individuals has a negative impact on society. Tax benefits and incentives to business bring in high paying jobs, property taxes and countless other benefits.

Maybe if you got off welfare and glup worked for a living you would understand the principals behind hard work!
Welfare is an incentive for people to keep on living and eating. People make the world go round.

If by work you mean get a job, no thanks. Been there done that. I prefer making money to working.

Wrong welfare is incentive for one to be satisfied with living off of scraps from the table and not having a seat at the table!

Make no mistake living off welfare is living in poverty! However, it breeds laziness, kills the desire to work, gets be used to and dependent on gov assistance and makes them resentful.

Does it temporarily help the individual? Of course it does. But does it help them long-term? Absolutely not! It's extremely harmful. Does it help society? There are some positive (such as you temporarily take care of people), but I think the negatives outweigh the positive 10 fold!
How can you not know they exist? They're all around you in the people you see everyday.
Pretty easy. If you dont think something is there its pretty easy to convince yourself you dont see whats in front of your own eyes. This is where racism does most of its damage in the Black community.

Then you have to blame the parent for not preparing their child for the real world.
But even with that,anyone can be successful if they work at it.
It's the one's who are content living off others that are the problem.

The parent? The same one that grew up in a worse environment than the child? If the parent is responsible for teaching the children and they haven't been taught themselves where does the circle end? This is what slavery and Jim Crow did to the Black family and why there are so many issues in the Black communities. People that get out of the ghettos go on to leave a legacy of success for their families..

You tell me where the circle ends.
There are not to many ways to break the chain of ignorance without insisting on drastic measures. It's been proven that most wont do it on their own as we've seen.
There are only 3 ways. Education, Reparations, or real AA for Black americans. Education is not feasible without AA.

Republicans don't believe in education. Except for Bible Study.

Republicans believe education makes people into liberal snobs.
LOL corporate welfare isn't welfare! It's incentives to keep a business first in the State and second in the country! Welfare to individuals has a negative impact on society. Tax benefits and incentives to business bring in high paying jobs, property taxes and countless other benefits.

Maybe if you got off welfare and glup worked for a living you would understand the principals behind hard work!
Welfare is an incentive for people to keep on living and eating. People make the world go round.

If by work you mean get a job, no thanks. Been there done that. I prefer making money to working.

You need an incentive to keep eating and living? I would think hunger and not dying would be incentive enough to get off your ass and get a job. If not for yourself but for your family.

I eat and live just fine. Getting a job is for people that have no options or are not aware of other opportunities.
I actually don't have a job I have a profession
So what. I dont have a job. I have several businesses.

Lol we know that isn't true! My guess is you work, but in a $30k? Possibly $40k a yr job, on Obamacare, maybe a wife, but no kids and ur less than stellar salary makes u resentful against da man!
very interesting

Thats just SNAP. What about the corporate welfare?

LOL corporate welfare isn't welfare! It's incentives to keep a business first in the State and second in the country! Welfare to individuals has a negative impact on society. Tax benefits and incentives to business bring in high paying jobs, property taxes and countless other benefits.

Maybe if you got off welfare and glup worked for a living you would understand the principals behind hard work!
Welfare is an incentive for people to keep on living and eating. People make the world go round.

If by work you mean get a job, no thanks. Been there done that. I prefer making money to working.

Wrong welfare is incentive for one to be satisfied with living off of scraps from the table and not having a seat at the table!

Make no mistake living off welfare is living in poverty! However, it breeds laziness, kills the desire to work, gets be used to and dependent on gov assistance and makes them resentful.

Does it temporarily help the individual? Of course it does. But does it help them long-term? Absolutely not! It's extremely harmful. Does it help society? There are some positive (such as you temporarily take care of people), but I think the negatives outweigh the positive 10 fold!

I agree long term welfare should be limited or denied if the person is capable of working, has no children to feed, and will not get a job. i have no tolerance for laziness. The problem I have with people that want to get rid of it completely is that there is nothing to balance it. There simply are not enough jobs to provide capable people on welfare a means to keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. The other thing is that for the privilege of living in a system where you can make as much money as you want you have to pay taxes to take care of those who arent making enough to do so.

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