Food stamps, who are the recipients?

Looks like you are a dud Andrew. No one even bothered to agree with your post because they just realized they would lose their benefits.
Dumb ass I said that early in this thread shut snaps down. You should agree since it only effects white people.
The difference is that I don't mind paying for food stamps for anyone that needs them white or black you clown. Only a fool would shut them down and effect all the people that need them. What needs to happen is better policing of the system to prevent abuse.

You are missing the point. No one needs them. NO ONE. I worked at charities that handed out more food in a day, than I eat all year. Everyone can get a meal. EVERYONE.

There are no starving people in our country, unless they themselves refuse to walk their butt to the soup kitchen, and I have no problem with someone who refuses to put in that effort, starving.

The research shows that people living off food stamps have a HIGHER rate of obesity than the general population.

Cancel the smart phone, and buy food. They don't need it. The extremely few that do, can go to their church. They don't have a church? Whose fault is that?

They can go to the soup kitchen. Don't want to put in the effort to go to the soup kitchen? Whose fault is that?

Time for personal responsibility, instead of the whiny incompetence of leftism.
Plenty of people need them. Thats why they are called food stamps. Unless you are saying people dont need to eat moron.

Only a clown would think people on food stamps being obese means they dont need food stamps. How did you draw that correlation? What exactly does it mean to you that they are obese?

Sorry but mobile phones are the wave of the future. Your wish to leave people behind is not granted. You can cry all you want to but no one is getting rid of free food for people in need. Let me know when you have the clout to get rid of foodstamps. Do you have a estimated time you will be able to accomplish this?

No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.
Dumb ass I said that early in this thread shut snaps down. You should agree since it only effects white people.
The difference is that I don't mind paying for food stamps for anyone that needs them white or black you clown. Only a fool would shut them down and effect all the people that need them. What needs to happen is better policing of the system to prevent abuse.

You are missing the point. No one needs them. NO ONE. I worked at charities that handed out more food in a day, than I eat all year. Everyone can get a meal. EVERYONE.

There are no starving people in our country, unless they themselves refuse to walk their butt to the soup kitchen, and I have no problem with someone who refuses to put in that effort, starving.

The research shows that people living off food stamps have a HIGHER rate of obesity than the general population.

Cancel the smart phone, and buy food. They don't need it. The extremely few that do, can go to their church. They don't have a church? Whose fault is that?

They can go to the soup kitchen. Don't want to put in the effort to go to the soup kitchen? Whose fault is that?

Time for personal responsibility, instead of the whiny incompetence of leftism.
Plenty of people need them. Thats why they are called food stamps. Unless you are saying people dont need to eat moron.

Only a clown would think people on food stamps being obese means they dont need food stamps. How did you draw that correlation? What exactly does it mean to you that they are obese?

Sorry but mobile phones are the wave of the future. Your wish to leave people behind is not granted. You can cry all you want to but no one is getting rid of free food for people in need. Let me know when you have the clout to get rid of foodstamps. Do you have a estimated time you will be able to accomplish this?

No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.

LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.
The difference is that I don't mind paying for food stamps for anyone that needs them white or black you clown. Only a fool would shut them down and effect all the people that need them. What needs to happen is better policing of the system to prevent abuse.

You are missing the point. No one needs them. NO ONE. I worked at charities that handed out more food in a day, than I eat all year. Everyone can get a meal. EVERYONE.

There are no starving people in our country, unless they themselves refuse to walk their butt to the soup kitchen, and I have no problem with someone who refuses to put in that effort, starving.

The research shows that people living off food stamps have a HIGHER rate of obesity than the general population.

Cancel the smart phone, and buy food. They don't need it. The extremely few that do, can go to their church. They don't have a church? Whose fault is that?

They can go to the soup kitchen. Don't want to put in the effort to go to the soup kitchen? Whose fault is that?

Time for personal responsibility, instead of the whiny incompetence of leftism.
Plenty of people need them. Thats why they are called food stamps. Unless you are saying people dont need to eat moron.

Only a clown would think people on food stamps being obese means they dont need food stamps. How did you draw that correlation? What exactly does it mean to you that they are obese?

Sorry but mobile phones are the wave of the future. Your wish to leave people behind is not granted. You can cry all you want to but no one is getting rid of free food for people in need. Let me know when you have the clout to get rid of foodstamps. Do you have a estimated time you will be able to accomplish this?

No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.

LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.
Youve been around 1 whole fat chick with 3 kids? Well guess what Jethro. I grew up in an area for 18 years where the majority of people were on food stamps. Of course people cheat. They do that in every segment of society. However, the vast majority dont. Your myopic view based on 1 fat chick is the epitome of dumb fuckedness.
Considering the unemployment rate is actually around 20%, it might be remembered that HUNGRY people are the most dangerous animals on the planet. They WILL eat.....even if they have to mess you up to get your food. :popcorn:

No. Sorry. Not true. When Republicans pushed through Welfare reform in the 90s, a million some people were kicked off welfare. Crime still declined. People just got jobs. Which is what people do when they can't live off the working people anymore. They start working themselves.

You Lie! - It was Bill Clinton who promised during his 1992 presidential campaign to “end welfare as we know it”, in August 1996 Bill Clinton signed a law that required the states to push welfare recipients into jobs—an approach popularly known as “workfare”.

Republicans don't do shit except deficit spend. Repubtards create conflicts so they can blow tons on Defense where they can bust the budget. From January 1993 until Repubtards came in & blew it, Clinton & the Democrat Congress created job at a much faster rate.

Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

Which explains why Clinton veto'd the first two welfare reform bills, and why he promised to 'fix the reform' after signing the third.

If Bill Clinton really did mean to reform welfare, as he promised in 1992, then why when he had both houses of Congress, didn't he do it?

Why was it only when Republicans had a land slide victory, capturing both houses in 1995, did they start sending up welfare reform, which he veto'd twice?

No, you are full of complete and total crap, as you ALWAYS are. Smack you around with the fact again and again. It's fun for me :)
You provided zero facts! :lol: You only regurgitate propaganda! :lol:

Here are the facts. Republicans Explode Government! Republicans Kill Jobs! Republicans Cause Massive Inflation! Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

You are missing the point. No one needs them. NO ONE. I worked at charities that handed out more food in a day, than I eat all year. Everyone can get a meal. EVERYONE.

There are no starving people in our country, unless they themselves refuse to walk their butt to the soup kitchen, and I have no problem with someone who refuses to put in that effort, starving.

The research shows that people living off food stamps have a HIGHER rate of obesity than the general population.

Cancel the smart phone, and buy food. They don't need it. The extremely few that do, can go to their church. They don't have a church? Whose fault is that?

They can go to the soup kitchen. Don't want to put in the effort to go to the soup kitchen? Whose fault is that?

Time for personal responsibility, instead of the whiny incompetence of leftism.
Plenty of people need them. Thats why they are called food stamps. Unless you are saying people dont need to eat moron.

Only a clown would think people on food stamps being obese means they dont need food stamps. How did you draw that correlation? What exactly does it mean to you that they are obese?

Sorry but mobile phones are the wave of the future. Your wish to leave people behind is not granted. You can cry all you want to but no one is getting rid of free food for people in need. Let me know when you have the clout to get rid of foodstamps. Do you have a estimated time you will be able to accomplish this?

No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.

LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.
Youve been around 1 whole fat chick with 3 kids? Well guess what Jethro. I grew up in an area for 18 years where the majority of people were on food stamps. Of course people cheat. They do that in every segment of society. However, the vast majority dont. Your myopic view based on 1 fat chick is the epitome of dumb fuckedness.

"these people", implies more than one. Again, I've been around them my whole life. And I didn't just 'grow up with them'. I've worked with them for 20 years.

Yes she was, and so where all the others who spent their time figuring out how to scam the system, instead of improving their lives.

Dozens of them. DOZENS. I've met the girls who said openly they canceled their wedding plans because 'he' earned too much, and she'd lose her SNAP benefits. I've met the guys who sold their Medicaid pills for $25 a pill on the streets. I know a guy right now that does work for cash, he'd lose his Welfare if they saw his income.

I only told you of that one specific chick, because for me to tell you the names, and locations of every single scum sucking democrat supporting, Obama voting, public leach on the butt of society, it would fill this thread until I'd be banned for spamming.

From the lady back in 1998, who got hired on at Wendy's and told all of us her first day on the job, that she was working just long enough to qualify for welfare again, and even pointed out the date she qualified and quit showing up for work, to the girl where I work now, walking around the production floor asking if anyone wanted to buy her SNAP card for $25.

How many examples would you like? How many videos from the internet would you like posted? How many articles and stories do you want?

The numbers are endless. You are the only moron here, so blinded by your mindless ideology, you couldn't see reality if it smacked you in the face.

Plenty of people need them. Thats why they are called food stamps. Unless you are saying people dont need to eat moron.

Only a clown would think people on food stamps being obese means they dont need food stamps. How did you draw that correlation? What exactly does it mean to you that they are obese?

Sorry but mobile phones are the wave of the future. Your wish to leave people behind is not granted. You can cry all you want to but no one is getting rid of free food for people in need. Let me know when you have the clout to get rid of foodstamps. Do you have a estimated time you will be able to accomplish this?

No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.

LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.
Youve been around 1 whole fat chick with 3 kids? Well guess what Jethro. I grew up in an area for 18 years where the majority of people were on food stamps. Of course people cheat. They do that in every segment of society. However, the vast majority dont. Your myopic view based on 1 fat chick is the epitome of dumb fuckedness.

"these people", implies more than one. Again, I've been around them my whole life. And I didn't just 'grow up with them'. I've worked with them for 20 years.

Yes she was, and so where all the others who spent their time figuring out how to scam the system, instead of improving their lives.

Dozens of them. DOZENS. I've met the girls who said openly they canceled their wedding plans because 'he' earned too much, and she'd lose her SNAP benefits. I've met the guys who sold their Medicaid pills for $25 a pill on the streets. I know a guy right now that does work for cash, he'd lose his Welfare if they saw his income.

I only told you of that one specific chick, because for me to tell you the names, and locations of every single scum sucking democrat supporting, Obama voting, public leach on the butt of society, it would fill this thread until I'd be banned for spamming.

From the lady back in 1998, who got hired on at Wendy's and told all of us her first day on the job, that she was working just long enough to qualify for welfare again, and even pointed out the date she qualified and quit showing up for work, to the girl where I work now, walking around the production floor asking if anyone wanted to buy her SNAP card for $25.

How many examples would you like? How many videos from the internet would you like posted? How many articles and stories do you want?

The numbers are endless. You are the only moron here, so blinded by your mindless ideology, you couldn't see reality if it smacked you in the face.

"These people" implies you have the intelligence level of an orangutan. Youre dismissed Jethro.
Considering the unemployment rate is actually around 20%, it might be remembered that HUNGRY people are the most dangerous animals on the planet. They WILL eat.....even if they have to mess you up to get your food. :popcorn:

No. Sorry. Not true. When Republicans pushed through Welfare reform in the 90s, a million some people were kicked off welfare. Crime still declined. People just got jobs. Which is what people do when they can't live off the working people anymore. They start working themselves.

You Lie! - It was Bill Clinton who promised during his 1992 presidential campaign to “end welfare as we know it”, in August 1996 Bill Clinton signed a law that required the states to push welfare recipients into jobs—an approach popularly known as “workfare”.

Republicans don't do shit except deficit spend. Repubtards create conflicts so they can blow tons on Defense where they can bust the budget. From January 1993 until Repubtards came in & blew it, Clinton & the Democrat Congress created job at a much faster rate.

Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

Which explains why Clinton veto'd the first two welfare reform bills, and why he promised to 'fix the reform' after signing the third.

If Bill Clinton really did mean to reform welfare, as he promised in 1992, then why when he had both houses of Congress, didn't he do it?

Why was it only when Republicans had a land slide victory, capturing both houses in 1995, did they start sending up welfare reform, which he veto'd twice?

No, you are full of complete and total crap, as you ALWAYS are. Smack you around with the fact again and again. It's fun for me :)
You provided zero facts! :lol: You only regurgitate propaganda! :lol:

Here are the facts. Republicans Explode Government! Republicans Kill Jobs! Republicans Cause Massive Inflation! Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

You better look t those dates closely employment participation was going up under a republican controlled congress started going down when the democrats took over.
No moron, I'm saying they didn't need food stamps, not that they don't need to eat. People that have a higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation, are getting enough food. That's why we have wide spread food stamp fraud. Apparently they are eating fine.

I don't care if I never have the clout to eliminate food stamps. I will stand up against what is evil and wrong, until the day I die, whether no one supports me or not.
Food stamps ensure they get to eat and they are responsible for using them moron. They have to go to the store and pick out the food and plan meals. It teaches planning.

People that have a higher obesity rate have bad dietary habits moron. I figured you thought something stupid like that.

LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.
Youve been around 1 whole fat chick with 3 kids? Well guess what Jethro. I grew up in an area for 18 years where the majority of people were on food stamps. Of course people cheat. They do that in every segment of society. However, the vast majority dont. Your myopic view based on 1 fat chick is the epitome of dumb fuckedness.

"these people", implies more than one. Again, I've been around them my whole life. And I didn't just 'grow up with them'. I've worked with them for 20 years.

Yes she was, and so where all the others who spent their time figuring out how to scam the system, instead of improving their lives.

Dozens of them. DOZENS. I've met the girls who said openly they canceled their wedding plans because 'he' earned too much, and she'd lose her SNAP benefits. I've met the guys who sold their Medicaid pills for $25 a pill on the streets. I know a guy right now that does work for cash, he'd lose his Welfare if they saw his income.

I only told you of that one specific chick, because for me to tell you the names, and locations of every single scum sucking democrat supporting, Obama voting, public leach on the butt of society, it would fill this thread until I'd be banned for spamming.

From the lady back in 1998, who got hired on at Wendy's and told all of us her first day on the job, that she was working just long enough to qualify for welfare again, and even pointed out the date she qualified and quit showing up for work, to the girl where I work now, walking around the production floor asking if anyone wanted to buy her SNAP card for $25.

How many examples would you like? How many videos from the internet would you like posted? How many articles and stories do you want?

The numbers are endless. You are the only moron here, so blinded by your mindless ideology, you couldn't see reality if it smacked you in the face.

"These people" implies you have the intelligence level of an orangutan. Youre dismissed Jethro.

So, you have no actual argument. Got it. You must think it matters to me when you attempt an insult. Or that "Jethro" is an insult?

When a monkey throws poo.... you don't get insulted. Why? It's a monkey.


When you throw poo... I am not insulted then either.... for the same reason. You have to have a level of respectability, and credibility higher than that of a monkey, before your insults could even attempt to matter to me.
Considering the unemployment rate is actually around 20%, it might be remembered that HUNGRY people are the most dangerous animals on the planet. They WILL eat.....even if they have to mess you up to get your food. :popcorn:

No. Sorry. Not true. When Republicans pushed through Welfare reform in the 90s, a million some people were kicked off welfare. Crime still declined. People just got jobs. Which is what people do when they can't live off the working people anymore. They start working themselves.

You Lie! - It was Bill Clinton who promised during his 1992 presidential campaign to “end welfare as we know it”, in August 1996 Bill Clinton signed a law that required the states to push welfare recipients into jobs—an approach popularly known as “workfare”.

Republicans don't do shit except deficit spend. Repubtards create conflicts so they can blow tons on Defense where they can bust the budget. From January 1993 until Repubtards came in & blew it, Clinton & the Democrat Congress created job at a much faster rate.

Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

Which explains why Clinton veto'd the first two welfare reform bills, and why he promised to 'fix the reform' after signing the third.

If Bill Clinton really did mean to reform welfare, as he promised in 1992, then why when he had both houses of Congress, didn't he do it?

Why was it only when Republicans had a land slide victory, capturing both houses in 1995, did they start sending up welfare reform, which he veto'd twice?

No, you are full of complete and total crap, as you ALWAYS are. Smack you around with the fact again and again. It's fun for me :)
You provided zero facts! :lol: You only regurgitate propaganda! :lol:

Here are the facts. Republicans Explode Government! Republicans Kill Jobs! Republicans Cause Massive Inflation! Clinton's & Democrat's Job Creation suffered a major hit in 1995 due to Repubtards! Republicans really screwed us when they won total control in 2000!

You better look t those dates closely employment participation was going up under a republican controlled congress started going down when the democrats took over.

You are absolutely right, and accurate. Be advised, we've told him that. He is either mentally unable, or choosing to willfully ignore the truth. Based on the fact he has rarely if ever had a post which gave the impression of intelligence, which is why I am leaning toward the latter being the case.

Regardless, don't expect an intelligent response worth reading. I've been mostly ignoring him myself.
LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.

You've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, scamming the system?

Have you also been around the wealthy executive, dodging his taxes?

(you don't think scamming the system is only the wheelhouse of the poor, do you?)
LOL! You have the right to think stupidly. Feel free to continue. You can make up all the bull crap you want. You are talking to someone who has been in the low wage $20K a year or less, area of society all my life. I don't know who you think your fooling, other than yourself, and the rest of the brainless morons like you, but me..... I've been around these people my whole life. I've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, selling her SNAP card for $25.

You are not going to fool someone who has real life experience, with your bull crap myths. You have the credibility of a used car salesman with a Geo Prism to sell.

You've been around the fat chick with 3 kids, scamming the system?

Have you also been around the wealthy executive, dodging his taxes?

(you don't think scamming the system is only the wheelhouse of the poor, do you?)

I never said all poor scam the system. You made that implication. *I* am poor. I have never scammed anything. Ever. Never used a food stamp, although I qualified. (I should have, just to enjoy the thought of you pathetic leftists paying for my food... but oh well). Never been on welfare, or section 8 housing, or anything.

I've been around dozens of wealthy executives. Can't say I know of any that dodged taxes. That's more myth than reality. Most executives that violate tax law, are hunted down and skewered. The IRS is more dangerous than the FBI, the NSA, or the ATF. The IRS is the KGB of America. They have the least controls, the most power, and almost unlimited authority. They have their own police force, and even SWAT team.

Now I do know of a wife, who told me her husband runs a back yard mechanic shop, and has separate books for tax purposes. So if you count him being the single employee of his own shop, as an executive. Then I know one executive who is dodging taxes.

That's harder to do when you run a company.... as in an actual company with employees and large bank accounts. Not so hard when you are repairing people's cars for cash.

Now I do know a CEO, of a company local here, who closed down a research and design project, in order to get green-energy grants. Not exactly dodging taxes, but it was soaking the tax payer, to fund a product they intended to build anyway. Of course you leftists support that, right?

I also know of a small business owner from Egypt, that was selling medical products without a license. I was one of only 4 employees he had, and I quit in part because he was violating the law on that issue. I won't work for someone I know is breaking the law.

But that still isn't dodging taxes, which is what you asked.

And I have met poor people who played life straight as an arrow. Of course most of those people, are not poor anymore. Generally, those that play it straight, end up moving up in the world. Not necessarily to CEO or something, but they certainly do move up to a middle class income at least.

Nearly all the business owners I've known, which is many, have all been really decent honest guys.
very interesting


I live in a VERY Red State. I know near a dozen white people that collect collect disability and are not disabled at all. The irony is they all watch Fox News Constantly blame Obama. They think people won't notice the abusing the system if they point the finger.

I DO understand that lot's of black drug dealers trade drugs for EBT cards because I've seen it happen, but I'm guessing your post is a response to Right Wing focus that only blacks use Food Stamps.

As long as the 35% points the finger at the 23%, no one will focus on the the 35%.

I have to edit this. The whites I know abusing the system are not disabled at all. They are perfectly fine, just lazy. I even called the Federal Hotline to abuse Welfare Fraud on a family member. The problem is, if a 1% Doctor or a 1% Lawyer makes you disabled, it's seen as fact. And 1% Lawyers have set ups to get a large % of the Government Welfare when they hire a client that is or isn't disabled.

Yep, Lawyers are receiving VERY LARGE amounts of the disability these fakers are getting. Time to wise up America.
very interesting


I live in a VERY Red State. I know near a dozen white people that collect collect disability and are not disabled at all. The irony is they all watch Fox News Constantly blame Obama. They think people won't notice the abusing the system if they point the finger.

I DO understand that lot's of black drug dealers trade drugs for EBT cards because I've seen it happen, but I'm guessing your post is a response to Right Wing focus that only blacks use Food Stamps.

As long as the 35% points the finger at the 23%, no one will focus on the the 35%.

I have to edit this. The whites I know abusing the system are not disabled at all. They are perfectly fine, just lazy. I even called the Federal Hotline to abuse Welfare Fraud on a family member. The problem is, if a 1% Doctor or a 1% Lawyer makes you disabled, it's seen as fact. And 1% Lawyers have set ups to get a large % of the Government Welfare when they hire a client that is or isn't disabled.

Yep, Lawyers are receiving VERY LARGE amounts of the disability these fakers are getting. Time to wise up America.

Son, come on now. 75% of the population collects 35% of the SNAP and `13% collects 23%. It's obvious to see that although more whites collect SNAP, blacks are MORE LIKELY to collect it.
\\UOTE="SmarterThanTheAverageBear, post: 9994874, member: 50653"]
Son, come on now. 75% of the population collects 35% of the SNAP and `13% collects 23%. It's obvious to see that although more whites collect SNAP, blacks are MORE LIKELY to collect it.[/QUOTE]

Instead of focusing on the race of people receiving benefits, why don't you look at the numbers of people with full-time employment who receive benefits. SNAP benefits are a wage subsidy to any number of large, highly profitable corporations, but you never complain about corporations using what amounts to welfare as a wage subsidy.
very interesting


I live in a VERY Red State. I know near a dozen white people that collect collect disability and are not disabled at all. The irony is they all watch Fox News Constantly blame Obama. They think people won't notice the abusing the system if they point the finger.

I DO understand that lot's of black drug dealers trade drugs for EBT cards because I've seen it happen, but I'm guessing your post is a response to Right Wing focus that only blacks use Food Stamps.

As long as the 35% points the finger at the 23%, no one will focus on the the 35%.

I have to edit this. The whites I know abusing the system are not disabled at all. They are perfectly fine, just lazy. I even called the Federal Hotline to abuse Welfare Fraud on a family member. The problem is, if a 1% Doctor or a 1% Lawyer makes you disabled, it's seen as fact. And 1% Lawyers have set ups to get a large % of the Government Welfare when they hire a client that is or isn't disabled.

Yep, Lawyers are receiving VERY LARGE amounts of the disability these fakers are getting. Time to wise up America.

Son, come on now. 75% of the population collects 35% of the SNAP and `13% collects 23%. It's obvious to see that although more whites collect SNAP, blacks are MORE LIKELY to collect it.

Which has nada to do with the fact far more white people use it. Sorry but raw numbers dont lie. Stats can be manipulated to fool the you.
very interesting


I live in a VERY Red State. I know near a dozen white people that collect collect disability and are not disabled at all. The irony is they all watch Fox News Constantly blame Obama. They think people won't notice the abusing the system if they point the finger.

I DO understand that lot's of black drug dealers trade drugs for EBT cards because I've seen it happen, but I'm guessing your post is a response to Right Wing focus that only blacks use Food Stamps.

As long as the 35% points the finger at the 23%, no one will focus on the the 35%.

I have to edit this. The whites I know abusing the system are not disabled at all. They are perfectly fine, just lazy. I even called the Federal Hotline to abuse Welfare Fraud on a family member. The problem is, if a 1% Doctor or a 1% Lawyer makes you disabled, it's seen as fact. And 1% Lawyers have set ups to get a large % of the Government Welfare when they hire a client that is or isn't disabled.

Yep, Lawyers are receiving VERY LARGE amounts of the disability these fakers are getting. Time to wise up America.

Son, come on now. 75% of the population collects 35% of the SNAP and `13% collects 23%. It's obvious to see that although more whites collect SNAP, blacks are MORE LIKELY to collect it.

Which has nada to do with the fact far more white people use it. Sorry but raw numbers dont lie. Stats can be manipulated to fool the you.

There are, indeed, more White Folk than Black Folk, receiving food stamps.

Then again, there are far more White Folk than Black Folk, as part of the general population.

If you want something more revealing about trends within a racial demographic, you need look no further than the graph which says that 31% of Black Folk have utilized Food Stamps at some point, while less than half that - 15% - on the White Folk side of the demographics fence.

There are a myriad of reasons for this - some which reflect upon society at large, some which reflect upon the demographic group itself.

It's up to each of us to make the best sense we can from all those stats.
...Instead of focusing on the race of people receiving benefits, why don't you look at the numbers of people with full-time employment who receive benefits. SNAP benefits are a wage subsidy to any number of large, highly profitable corporations, but you never complain about corporations using what amounts to welfare as a wage subsidy.
Hmmmmmm... there is some considerable merit in that observation.
Population by race, including Guno's numbers:
  • White: 62.6% of population, 35% on food stamps
  • Black: 13.2% of population, 23% on food stamps
  • Hispanic: 17.1% of population, 15% on food stamps
I wonder what his point is?

I mean, outside of "I hate white people".

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

He was hoping members would just think his #'s meant a higher percentage of whites use food stamps than other groups.
He actually should have never opened this can of worms.

No I think he was just pointing out more white people use food stamps.

I agree, but according to his figures, more than half of the population is white. Hard to believe, but..............
Population by race, including Guno's numbers:
  • White: 62.6% of population, 35% on food stamps
  • Black: 13.2% of population, 23% on food stamps
  • Hispanic: 17.1% of population, 15% on food stamps
I wonder what his point is?

I mean, outside of "I hate white people".

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

He was hoping members would just think his #'s meant a higher percentage of whites use food stamps than other groups.
He actually should have never opened this can of worms.

No I think he was just pointing out more white people use food stamps.

I agree, but according to his figures, more than half of the population is white. Hard to believe, but..............
Maybe I'm reading your statement wrong but 62.6% is more than half of the population.
Population by race, including Guno's numbers:
  • White: 62.6% of population, 35% on food stamps
  • Black: 13.2% of population, 23% on food stamps
  • Hispanic: 17.1% of population, 15% on food stamps
I wonder what his point is?

I mean, outside of "I hate white people".

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

He was hoping members would just think his #'s meant a higher percentage of whites use food stamps than other groups.
He actually should have never opened this can of worms.

No I think he was just pointing out more white people use food stamps.

I agree, but according to his figures, more than half of the population is white. Hard to believe, but..............
Maybe I'm reading your statement wrong but 62.6% is more than half of the population.
It's math Asc. Leave it alone.

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