Food stamps, who are the recipients?

She worked too hard then. She deserved some support. I had an uncle who had arthritis so bad he could have claimed disability but didn't. He climbed those steps every day even though it took 10 minutes to climb them. I would have taken the help. No falling on my sword hero stuff.
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.

Wow. Let's just bring back the workhouses and debtor's prisons.

Kudos to your mom. Really. But why do we expect people to be extraordinary just to make ends meet? Don't you know that extraordinary people contribute more to society when they don't have to obsess over putting food on the table?
Are you saying that the Haves want workers to generally be focusing their energies on the mundane, like paying rent and buying groceries, and don't want workers to have extra energy to do anything else?
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.

And the pieces of puzzle are starting to fall in place now
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.

I own a Grand Marquis, V-8. I have a condo, high speed internet, smart phone with nation wide coverage, and data plan. I have central AC, and a furnished house, closet full of clothes, and everything I could want.

I found out just last month, that I am literally $300 over the max for collecting food stamps. That's insane. Especially when there are several soup kitchens run by private charities, that anyone can come and eat three meals every day. In fact, six meals, if they go to both.

Did you know that the obesity rate is higher for the lowest income bracket?

And you are worried they can't eat? They can eat. Anyone can eat. Only in America can you find fat poor people. You go elsewhere in the world, and when you find poor people, they are skinny as sticks.

Did you know you can earn $80K a year, and still qualify for food stamps? You can drive a porche, and have a $300K mansion, and still collect food stamps.

No. SNAP is a problem. It needs drastically cut back, if not eliminated. Let the charity organizations that hand out food every day, feed our fat poor people.

Look at these poor emaciated men... buying water with their SNAP cards, and dumping the water out to turn the bottles in for a nickle.

Good thing we're paying to feed those poor starving men...... and for you suckers in Oregon, you are paying for it twice. You get to pay them the nickle for dumping the water.

Wow! Look at that poor starving chick. So skinny her breast only poke out a few inches from your tragedy strap top!

Look at that poor starving man, trying to get food for his.... er.... whoever's kid, since he's not married to her... who knows.

Don't they look desperate for food? So desperate, they are selling their SNAP card of $70, for $20. Now that's a great deal! Selling $70 worth of food for $20, so they can buy food for themselves. Good thing you idiotic leftists put in place such a wonderful program. Who knows how hungry they would have been without the $20, for the $70 worth of tax money.

If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?
White kids are usually in school while their parents are out working. The kids learn and the parents are free to earn an income. Its great for everyone! Maybe one day the black community will give it a try too.
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.
Who watches the kids and raises them while the parents are out working all these jobs?
White kids are usually in school while their parents are out working. The kids learn and the parents are free to earn an income. Its great for everyone! Maybe one day the black community will give it a try too.
What school are they going to if they are under 5 years old that is free? How about during the summer when school is out?
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....
Welfare pays for child care when you're working. If you actually want to work.

And btw, no, white people don't just work when the kids are at school, what an asinine thing to say. My mom was a nurse, she worked swings and graveyards. Before she was an nurse (she had to drive 120 miles a day to attend school, btw) she worked as an aid, a home health care provider, and a waitress. All when we were home from school.

What a dumbass you are.

I worked graveyards and swings for years, in treatment, juvenile, elder care and group home facilities. When I was a reporter, I spent $1100 on child care one month because I had to use 2 different sitters, and my hours were all over the place. I wasn't eligible for foodstamps or child care assistance because I worked major overtime...but I worked anyway because that's what we do. We work.

Well..some of us do.
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....

They're fucking morons who have obviously never had to repair their own plumbing.

Which tells me they're in susbidized housing. Anyone who has owned a home doesn't laugh at or about plumbers, and is damn happy to have one next door (as I do, lol).
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....
Laughing at $260K a year and someone trying to tell me they make more than me with that figure.
If someone needs food stamps to eat then by god let them eat. Food stamps a non issue to me especially those that are working full time and collecting them. If their wages are that low then they should be entitled to them.


Why? Maybe they should get a second job, and a third job, like my mom did when she raised 4 kids, without benefit of foodstamps or child support.

And the pieces of puzzle are starting to fall in place now

I said without foodstamps. Not 4th generation welfare like some. Everybody in my family works and always has.
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....
Laughing at $260K a year and someone trying to tell me they make more than me with that figure.

Omg, you're hilarious.
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....

They're fucking morons who have obviously never had to repair their own plumbing.

Which tells me they're in susbidized housing. Anyone who has owned a home doesn't laugh at or about plumbers, and is damn happy to have one next door (as I do, lol).
I would pay someone to repair my plumbing. You must live in a crappy house if you always have plumbing issues. I've put sinks in my home and toliets. Its not hard to be a plumber.
I gave mine back this month. Tore up the card and mailed it back to them, thanked them for the help but no longer needed since I get my SS in December.
Guno kept his.....
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
the plumber who comes and works on my building pulls in 260,000 a year.....and i know this for a fact.....he is family.....not to shabby i dont know what your laughing at....

They're fucking morons who have obviously never had to repair their own plumbing.

Which tells me they're in susbidized housing. Anyone who has owned a home doesn't laugh at or about plumbers, and is damn happy to have one next door (as I do, lol).
I would pay someone to repair my plumbing. You must live in a crappy house if you always have plumbing issues. I've put sinks in my home and toliets. Its not hard to be a plumber.

My point, which you missed because you're functionally illiterate (like all black men who are earning more than 250 K per year? HA!) is that you only come into contact with plumbers and appreciate their income range if you've hired one. Which obviously you haven't done.

I bet you did a great job patching up that sewer problem. Cuz that's what guys who bring home more than 250 K a year spend their time on.

You betcha.

I'm beginning to think schlep may not even be black. No black person could possibly be comfortable making the entire race look douche-baggish...I think he's a plant.

Unless he's just so pathetically ignorant and backward he doesn't know any better..which is also a possibility. The syntax doesn't lie, and his syntax does NOT say "I make 300 g a year as a systems analyst" lolol...

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