Food stamps, who are the recipients?

How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare?
by Leslie Truex, Demand Media

It's possible to start a business with little or no money.


There is an adage that states, "It takes money to make money." While money is required to start a business, one doesn't necessarily need a lot of it. With careful planning and budgeting, a person with little income can build a successful business.

Step 1
Make a list of skills and experience you have that can be applied to a business. Utilize what you know, and don't waste time or money learning something new. Consider offering a service based on a skill you can offer. Get up and running quicker by offering services such as child care, tutoring, administrative support or coaching, which tend to cost less to start than products.

Step 2
Make use of what you own to start and run a business. Don't buy a new computer or expensive software, even if the ones you own don't quite meet your needs. Apply this same principle for other tools and resources you may want. Make do with what you've got before investing in something new.

Related Reading: How to Start My Own Business Course

Step 3
Find free or borrow resources you need. Get free advice on creating a business or marketing plan through your local Small Business Administration or SCORE office. Network with people you know to see if you can use or borrow a computer, or visit a local library, most of which offer free access to computers. Obtain free business tools such as e-mail, Web hosting, blogs, fax services, conference lines and document creation software, if you can afford Internet services or have access to a free computer with Internet access.

Step 4
Employ low-cost marketing tactics such as business cards, social networking, e-mail and press releases.

Step 5
Don't spend your profit. Invest as much of your profits back into the business until its got momentum and generating a steady income.
How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare

If your business is doing well enough to hire employees you sure as hell better not be on welfare.
that's the whole point...
it's ok to admit your mistake.

So you're not getting a job from a welfare recipient,but a past welfare recipient.
Two different things.
false, it's a distinction without a difference.....

Oh really? So you see no difference between a welfare recipient and a business owner?
That begs the you know the difference between male and female?
Just trying to set a baseline on your ignorance.
OH NO iT'S the I fucked up so I'll blame you ploy..
once again
How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare?
By Debbie Dragon, eHow Contributor , last updated August 14, 2014

Debbie Dragon
Debbie Dragon has been writing since 2003. She graduated from the College of Saint Rose with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer information systems and a minor in business administration. She is the co-owner of and Dragon's work has been published on hundreds of websites, including and she has ghostwritten several books and ebooks.

  • business from your home with little to no investment. You'll want access to a computer and Internet for advertising your business, but most service-based businesses can be started from home on a tight budget. Once you've established a profitable business, you may just be able to go off welfare and enjoy being a profitable business owner.

    • 1
      Know your income limits for the various types of welfare you may be receiving (food stamps, state health plans, SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, etc). Welfare programs are regulated by state governments, and each state has different income limitations for eligibility to the programs. If you're unsure what your income limitations are to continue receiving welfare, contact the local Human Service Department located in the government pages of the phone book. If your business exceeds the income limitations, you will need to stop receiving welfare benefits.

    • 2
      Consider your skills and experience. What can you offer individuals or business owners that they need? If you have experience with graphic design, writing or web design skills, you have an opportunity to start a business with very little or no investment.

    • Sponsored Links
    • 3
      Operate the business as a sole proprietor using your own legal name to begin with, since you can do so without filing paperwork in most states, and without paying to start a Limited Liability Company or a Corporation. If after you've been operating your business for awhile it becomes profitable, you might decide to set up a separate entity and file appropriate paperwork for an LLC or Corporation.

    • 4
      Maintain detailed and accurate financial records for your business. Record each payment received and all business-related expenses. When applying for welfare benefits or re-determining eligibility, you will need to show your business records to ensure you are still within the income limitations to remain eligible for your welfare benefits.

    • 5
      Set up a website to showcase your work examples. You can use free web design or blog tools until you've earned enough money from your business activities to have a more professional website designed.

    • 6
      Advertise your business. Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising, and best of all, it's free. Provide a couple of businesses or individuals with your services at no charge in exchange for testimonials you can use in your marketing, and for samples for your website.

Read more : How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare eHow
How do the kids affected by your decision eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
How do the kids affected by your decision eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
I can only guess you were enraged about something. That post sounded like a retarded groundhog reporting on groundhog day.
Let me take a wild guess You are an obama supporter?
clever you're not.
How do the kids affected by your decision eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
How do the kids affected by your decision eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
of course you are dear...modest too.
They are white kids who care RIGHT OP?
Lets just see what race is really affected by the lose of snaps. Isn't that right OP?
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
All I can say is stupid find another discussion board
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
it does :lmao::lmao:
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
All I can say is stupid find another discussion board
And there you have it, folks. Eeveryone quit their job and start a business on someone elses hard earned dime! Yay!

If your business is doing well enough to hire employees you sure as hell better not be on welfare.
that's the whole point...
it's ok to admit your mistake.

So you're not getting a job from a welfare recipient,but a past welfare recipient.
Two different things.
false, it's a distinction without a difference.....

Oh really? So you see no difference between a welfare recipient and a business owner?
That begs the you know the difference between male and female?
Just trying to set a baseline on your ignorance.
OH NO iT'S the I fucked up so I'll blame you ploy..
once again
How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare?
By Debbie Dragon, eHow Contributor , last updated August 14, 2014

Debbie Dragon
Debbie Dragon has been writing since 2003. She graduated from the College of Saint Rose with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer information systems and a minor in business administration. She is the co-owner of and Dragon's work has been published on hundreds of websites, including and she has ghostwritten several books and ebooks.

  • business from your home with little to no investment. You'll want access to a computer and Internet for advertising your business, but most service-based businesses can be started from home on a tight budget. Once you've established a profitable business, you may just be able to go off welfare and enjoy being a profitable business owner.

    • 1
      Know your income limits for the various types of welfare you may be receiving (food stamps, state health plans, SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, etc). Welfare programs are regulated by state governments, and each state has different income limitations for eligibility to the programs. If you're unsure what your income limitations are to continue receiving welfare, contact the local Human Service Department located in the government pages of the phone book. If your business exceeds the income limitations, you will need to stop receiving welfare benefits.

    • 2
      Consider your skills and experience. What can you offer individuals or business owners that they need? If you have experience with graphic design, writing or web design skills, you have an opportunity to start a business with very little or no investment.

    • Sponsored Links
    • 3
      Operate the business as a sole proprietor using your own legal name to begin with, since you can do so without filing paperwork in most states, and without paying to start a Limited Liability Company or a Corporation. If after you've been operating your business for awhile it becomes profitable, you might decide to set up a separate entity and file appropriate paperwork for an LLC or Corporation.

    • 4
      Maintain detailed and accurate financial records for your business. Record each payment received and all business-related expenses. When applying for welfare benefits or re-determining eligibility, you will need to show your business records to ensure you are still within the income limitations to remain eligible for your welfare benefits.

    • 5
      Set up a website to showcase your work examples. You can use free web design or blog tools until you've earned enough money from your business activities to have a more professional website designed.

    • 6
      Advertise your business. Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising, and best of all, it's free. Provide a couple of businesses or individuals with your services at no charge in exchange for testimonials you can use in your marketing, and for samples for your website.

Read more : How Can I Start My Own Business While on Welfare eHow
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
All I can say is stupid find another discussion board
I bet when you voted for obama you did it early and often.
Can you rewrite that so it makes some sense? I read and re read that 6 times and I have no clue what you are trying to say.
You can't comprehend what was written? Oh well I don't give a fuck.
I guess you are to stupid and might want to find another discussion board to fit your lower level comprehension
irony !
I have no problem comprehending what is written take the iron heat it up place it on your face.
As a matter of fact I am very accomplished and successful
At least I am not a dumb ass obama supporter.
Youre not successful if you think 50K a month is a big deal dude. Your written response showed us all that it amazed you. Come on now. Who do you think you are fooling here?
I don't think I responded to the post
I'm a PLUMBER I SET MY OWN PRICE If that gives you any idea what I think is good money.
Plumber?? :rofl:
You wrote it retard. I would hope you know what you wrote. Thats why I asked you to explain it.
One more time stupid I have no problem comprehending what is written
Meaning what you write weak as it is I can comprehend what your wrote.Just how fucking stupid are you? We'll hold that answer until you respond to the other question I asked.
All I can say is stupid find another discussion board
I bet when you voted for obama you did it early and often.
3 times as a matter of fact. Then I voted in place of all my dead relatives all the way back to slavery.

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