Fooled Twice and More..

only in your head.

so please don't try to pretend you know how anyone other than the obama-deranged loons think.

and please let us know when you stop running wing nuts. because he was still better than anything the wing nuts offered.

only in your head.

so please don't try to pretend you know how anyone other than the obama-deranged loons think.

and please let us know when you stop running wing nuts. because he was still better than anything the wing nuts offered.


It's amazing how wrong you can be...:dunno:

although.. Obama Deranged Democrats or O.D.D. has a certain ring to it...thanks.
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only in your head.

so please don't try to pretend you know how anyone other than the obama-deranged loons think.

and please let us know when you stop running wing nuts. because he was still better than anything the wing nuts offered.


Wait so you are saying the "right wing nuts" ran McCain and Romney?

Well now I'm confused here because you people are always telling me that the Tea Party is the right wing nuts. Well I know that the Tea Party didnt runMcCain or Romney so how is that possible?

Or, more likely, you are talking out if your ass.
only in your head.

so please don't try to pretend you know how anyone other than the obama-deranged loons think.

and please let us know when you stop running wing nuts. because he was still better than anything the wing nuts offered.


Wait so you are saying the "right wing nuts" ran McCain and Romney?

Well now I'm confused here because you people are always telling me that the Tea Party is the right wing nuts. Well I know that the Tea Party didnt runMcCain or Romney so how is that possible?

Or, more likely, you are talking out if your ass.

mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.
mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.
Palin energized the conservative base since McCain was hardly a conservative. No party wins without the base. The Palin bashing served mostly to pleasure the left. Liberals weren't going to vote for McCain over Obama and "moderates" weren't going cancel a vote for McCain due to his VP pick. Who factored in Biden as a decision making deal breaker on the left? Presidents aren't elected or not elected by VP picks.

Plus Bush was hammered daily for 8 years and the media helped destroy the economy like they do whenever a Republican is in office. I heard daily how it was the worse economy ever and Bush's numbers were much better than Obama's but we only hear how things are going to improve and are looking up.

Romney anti-choice? Sounds like abortion is your litmus test. But Romney said nothing about repealing Roe v Wade. He couldn't if he tried.
mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.
Palin energized the conservative base since McCain was hardly a conservative. No party wins without the base. The Palin bashing served mostly to pleasure the left. Liberals weren't going to vote for McCain over Obama and "moderates" weren't going cancel a vote for McCain due to his VP pick. Who factored in Biden as a decision making deal breaker on the left? Presidents aren't elected or not elected by VP picks.

Plus Bush was hammered daily for 8 years and the media helped destroy the economy like they do whenever a Republican is in office. I heard daily how it was the worse economy ever and Bush's numbers were much better than Obama's but we only hear how things are going to improve and are looking up.

Romney anti-choice? Sounds like abortion is your litmus test. But Romney said nothing about repealing Roe v Wade. He couldn't if he tried.

She energized the campaign but then she brought it down in one fell swoop. Her extremist views got her a Teapartyish following but that's about it. Nobody of value has any respect for her.
Notice none of the liberals will actually say they like him and instead now say that he was the better choice ? Probably that ugly racism poking it's head out again.

We love the guy, just think where we'd be with Mitt Romney right now.
only in your head.

so please don't try to pretend you know how anyone other than the obama-deranged loons think.

and please let us know when you stop running wing nuts. because he was still better than anything the wing nuts offered.


Wait so you are saying the "right wing nuts" ran McCain and Romney?

Well now I'm confused here because you people are always telling me that the Tea Party is the right wing nuts. Well I know that the Tea Party didnt runMcCain or Romney so how is that possible?

Or, more likely, you are talking out if your ass.

mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.

Palin was the best part of the ticket. McCain showed us some things since he lost. I wouldn't vote for him today.

BTW, how's John Kerry doing? Al Gore?

Couple of real winners there, aye pumpkin?
Notice none of the liberals will actually say they like him and instead now say that he was the better choice ? Probably that ugly racism poking it's head out again.

We love the guy, just think where we'd be with Mitt Romney right now.

A lot better off, but the media would make you think the world was coming to an end.
One of the biggest complaints business owners have today is over-regulation. Even on Meet The Depressed they're talking about government over-reach and excessive regulations.

We have thousands of new regulations being crammed down our throats, and Hillary will continue this. She was the first to try to pass Obamacare back during the Clinton Administration. Obamacare raises taxes and costs businesses, doctors, hospitals, and patients untold billions of dollars in red-tape. And what's worse, the IRS controls enforcement.
mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.
Palin energized the conservative base since McCain was hardly a conservative. No party wins without the base. The Palin bashing served mostly to pleasure the left. Liberals weren't going to vote for McCain over Obama and "moderates" weren't going cancel a vote for McCain due to his VP pick. Who factored in Biden as a decision making deal breaker on the left? Presidents aren't elected or not elected by VP picks.

Plus Bush was hammered daily for 8 years and the media helped destroy the economy like they do whenever a Republican is in office. I heard daily how it was the worse economy ever and Bush's numbers were much better than Obama's but we only hear how things are going to improve and are looking up.

Romney anti-choice? Sounds like abortion is your litmus test. But Romney said nothing about repealing Roe v Wade. He couldn't if he tried.

And no party wins without the moderate/centralist vote. It's a very fine line to walk.
If one looks at the public perception of the Tea Party, it's more negative than positive by quite a margin*. So going straight far right with a ticket complete with far right candidates isn't going to win any national elections.
Like it or not, the public is more comfortable with a more moderate GOP ala the "GOP Establishment"
*. Politics
Public Opinion Toward Tea Party Hits Low Point : It's All Politics : NPR
Tea Party Favorability Falls to Lowest Yet
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Notice none of the liberals will actually say they like him and instead now say that he was the better choice ? Probably that ugly racism poking it's head out again.

We love the guy, just think where we'd be with Mitt Romney right now.

Yeah, that 4% economic growth would have been a real drag.
Notice none of the liberals will actually say they like him and instead now say that he was the better choice ? Probably that ugly racism poking it's head out again.

We love the guy, just think where we'd be with Mitt Romney right now.

Really? I'm amazed by that quite frankly, Sarah.

How do you "love" someone that has been so obviously overwhelmed by the position they hold? To be blunt...Barack Obama's entire Presidency has been one cluster fuck after another. He's spent more to get less done than any President ever...his foreign policy is in tatters...he's presided over the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history...he's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer...and he's fostered a climate of hyper-partisanship ever since his "elections have consequences...I won" lecture to Republicans a month into his first term...that has paralyzed Washington.

Where would we be with a moderate who had a long history of fixing broken things and working well across the aisle? The sad fact is that Mitt Romney was probably the best suited man for the task at hand that there was...but instead of him we got another four years of "amateur hour".
mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.
Palin energized the conservative base since McCain was hardly a conservative. No party wins without the base. The Palin bashing served mostly to pleasure the left. Liberals weren't going to vote for McCain over Obama and "moderates" weren't going cancel a vote for McCain due to his VP pick. Who factored in Biden as a decision making deal breaker on the left? Presidents aren't elected or not elected by VP picks.

Plus Bush was hammered daily for 8 years and the media helped destroy the economy like they do whenever a Republican is in office. I heard daily how it was the worse economy ever and Bush's numbers were much better than Obama's but we only hear how things are going to improve and are looking up.

Romney anti-choice? Sounds like abortion is your litmus test. But Romney said nothing about repealing Roe v Wade. He couldn't if he tried.

She energized the campaign but then she brought it down in one fell swoop. Her extremist views got her a Teapartyish following but that's about it. Nobody of value has any respect for her.
Bullshit on multiple fronts. Palin didn't bring it down and the Tea Party is how the House was won in 2010. How did they lose the election? What was Palin's extremist views? I find it humorous that lefties that support changing this country into a socialist state call a conservative extremist. Nobody of value agrees with you.
Wait so you are saying the "right wing nuts" ran McCain and Romney?

Well now I'm confused here because you people are always telling me that the Tea Party is the right wing nuts. Well I know that the Tea Party didnt runMcCain or Romney so how is that possible?

Or, more likely, you are talking out if your ass.

mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.

Palin was the best part of the ticket. McCain showed us some things since he lost. I wouldn't vote for him today.

BTW, how's John Kerry doing? Al Gore?

Couple of real winners there, aye pumpkin?

Gore did win.
mccain would have won but for palin.

romney beame an anti-choice, romney-care disavowing 1%-er who chose the extremist paul ryan as his VP choice.

so, when "the base" demands that it's candidates take extreme positions to get through the primary, no... they can't swing back for normal people to vote for them.

Palin was the best part of the ticket. McCain showed us some things since he lost. I wouldn't vote for him today.

BTW, how's John Kerry doing? Al Gore?

Couple of real winners there, aye pumpkin?

Gore did win.


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