For 2 years the dems have promised impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Take the lsd and turn on CNN and trip away

I don't need LSD.

I don't even need to smoke pot!

Cause I got a big old bag of Mexican Reds..........
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Take the lsd and turn on CNN and trip away

I don't need LSD.

I don't even need to smoke pot!

Cause I got a big old bag of Mexican Reds..........
I hear snorting fentanyl is the in thing now
He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Take the lsd and turn on CNN and trip away

I don't need LSD.

I don't even need to smoke pot!

Cause I got a big old bag of Mexican Reds..........
I hear snorting fentanyl is the in thing now

I don't believe you. Someone is lying to you.
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Take the lsd and turn on CNN and trip away

I don't need LSD.

I don't even need to smoke pot!

Cause I got a big old bag of Mexican Reds..........
I hear snorting fentanyl is the in thing now

I don't believe you. Someone is lying to you.
Try it youl like it
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy

Sorry guy, I know it is disheartening, but at least until a day regressives take over - accusations alone cannot convict you. You assumed he was guilty from day one, and lived and breathed in the garbage you were fed daily by the media to support it.
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him. As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".
Secondly, a President could have an orgy in the oval office and it is not impeachable. Clinton was not impeached for receiving multiple blow jobs among whatever else they did - he was impeached for perjury and obstruction.
And, BTW - I did not, and still do not support the impeachment of Clinton. It was unnecessary.
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him.

As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".

What you just said is FANTASY.

Strzok was taken off his position early in the case and had no bearing on the final report, so who are you talking about?

Raw data IS in - and it shows gross Obstruction of Justice among other non-criminal, but plenty reprehensible behaviour.
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
The Progs have no plans ready. Only their agendas. they have spent the last 2 years promoting the impeachment/weakening of President Trump. So much could have been done. His agendas are mostly sensible ones that are not extreme and we have to through this. Instead we get the return of slavery, no more abortions, gay people back in the closet and all that bullcrap. You will lament what you bring in. And when it is here, you will have to fight and die to get it out.
They tried to weaken Trump but they made him stronger
Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrats have been conspiring with foreign leaders and our enemies behind Trump's back.
It's a gigantic conspiracy of 90% of the world who think you are nuts.... They don't know about Fox primetime and Rush Savage etc etc etc. Poor America poor world....
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy

Sorry guy, I know it is disheartening, but at least until a day regressives take over - accusations alone cannot convict you. You assumed he was guilty from day one, and lived and breathed in the garbage you were fed daily by the media to support it.
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him. As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".
Secondly, a President could have an orgy in the oval office and it is not impeachable. Clinton was not impeached for receiving multiple blow jobs among whatever else they did - he was impeached for perjury and obstruction.
And, BTW - I did not, and still do not support the impeachment of Clinton. It was unnecessary.

Disheartening, no its is great to be not Trump

Raw data - state your sources that investigators had it out for him but please save the right wing blogger quotes or stories that have no proof

They were doing an investigation and yeah they are human and have opinions
An investigator does his work and if the proof bears out then they believe what they are doing is correct

it is up to the prosecution to determine if enough evidence warrants trial and it is up to the jury to convict

I am sure investigators believe OJ did it but it is irrelevant in a court of law. Investigators should not plant evidence or misquote informants but if you have evidence then please post it

Yet in the end data has to support the investigation

People are in jail and have plead guilty to illegal Russian contacts and they lied

They were part of Trumps team

Trump did say that I hope Russian finds those missing emails which is a clear statement of asking for Russian help

Russian was involved in manipulating the election and Trump had no problem with that because it was to his benefit

Trump had two meeting with Putin and what was accomplished other than Trump saying we have to get along

Putin stood before the cameras and said that "He wanted Trump to win"
and as the head of Russian and a former spy Putin knew what his people were doing with his blessing.

Perjury and Obstruction is lying and he (Clinton) lied about having sex

whereas Trump lies everyday and has to retract his statements

example I didn't know about the payment to stormy and later oh yeah I did know

Trump has always stated that Russian didn't help me and even said that Clinton benefited more from Russia helpl

now Trump just admitted that Russia helped elect him president. “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected."

was he lying before

So if Clinton lied about his relationships and it was assumed that this was also obstruction

What chances does Trump have he lies all the time and his aides have given the FBI statements to what Trump wanted them to do but they refused
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy

Sorry guy, I know it is disheartening, but at least until a day regressives take over - accusations alone cannot convict you. You assumed he was guilty from day one, and lived and breathed in the garbage you were fed daily by the media to support it.
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him. As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".
Secondly, a President could have an orgy in the oval office and it is not impeachable. Clinton was not impeached for receiving multiple blow jobs among whatever else they did - he was impeached for perjury and obstruction.
And, BTW - I did not, and still do not support the impeachment of Clinton. It was unnecessary.

Disheartening, no its is great to be not Trump

Raw data - state your sources that investigators had it out for him but please save the right wing blogger quotes or stories that have no proof

They were doing an investigation and yeah they are human and have opinions
An investigator does his work and if the proof bears out then they believe what they are doing is correct

it is up to the prosecution to determine if enough evidence warrants trial and it is up to the jury to convict

I am sure investigators believe OJ did it but it is irrelevant in a court of law. Investigators should not plant evidence or misquote informants but if you have evidence then please post it

Yet in the end data has to support the investigation

People are in jail and have plead guilty to illegal Russian contacts and they lied

They were part of Trumps team

Trump did say that I hope Russian finds those missing emails which is a clear statement of asking for Russian help

Russian was involved in manipulating the election and Trump had no problem with that because it was to his benefit

Trump had two meeting with Putin and what was accomplished other than Trump saying we have to get along

Putin stood before the cameras and said that "He wanted Trump to win"
and as the head of Russian and a former spy Putin knew what his people were doing with his blessing.

Perjury and Obstruction is lying and he (Clinton) lied about having sex

whereas Trump lies everyday and has to retract his statements

example I didn't know about the payment to stormy and later oh yeah I did know

Trump has always stated that Russian didn't help me and even said that Clinton benefited more from Russia helpl

now Trump just admitted that Russia helped elect him president. “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected."

was he lying before

So if Clinton lied about his relationships and it was assumed that this was also obstruction

What chances does Trump have he lies all the time and his aides have given the FBI statements to what Trump wanted them to do but they refused

Depends what he says if he is ever under oath. That was Bubba's problem, not that he lied, we knew he was lying, but that he did it in court to a judge. Judges hate that.
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him.

As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".

What you just said is FANTASY.

Strzok was taken off his position early in the case and had no bearing on the final report, so who are you talking about?

Raw data IS in - and it shows gross Obstruction of Justice among other non-criminal, but plenty reprehensible behaviour.

Bad behavior, being an asshole...jerking investigators around...none are impeachable offenses.
You know this right?
Being a President that you don't like is not an impeachable offense.
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.
1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.

Trump written responses to Mueller easily available on line

Q1 Trump tower meeting - when did you first learn of the meeting and some other stuff

I have no recollection of learning at the time that (people names who were at the meeting) was considering participating in a meeting (yada yada stuff). Nor do I recall learning during the campaign that the meeting had taken place or the related emails

May 22, 2019 - Trump admits Don Jr. called him BEFORE the June 9th Trump Tower meeting with the Russians

Thus he lied to investigators as he is admitting that he knew before the meeting date that this was going on and lied afterwards when he denied knowing thus it is a crime
of perjury and obstruction of justice as he was being investigated.
This was just the first question

2 - if the mueller report shows that then specify where does it say that and specifically what was misrepresented. You or whatever source your are using are just speculating with no proof of anything.

3. why is this a crime when investigators are saying that they will get their man. They believe he committed a crime. If they did not plant evidence, or misquote sources or frame him why is it a crime that they believe the subject did the crime. They are not the judge or jury which must convict them of a crime. They are human beings and have thoughts and feelings.

Why is it NOT a crime when police shoot unarmed people

Still Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which generally prohibits knowingly and willfully making false or fraudulent statements, or concealing information, in "any matter within the jurisdiction" of the federal government of the United States,[1] even by merely denying guilt when asked by a federal agent

Whether it is lying to a grand jury , policeman, special counsel it is all the same
thus it is important to know what they are lying about

Clinton lied about having sex with that person and he committed perjury

Members of his team try to hide this fact thus committing obstruction of justice

Perjury and obstruction of justice are just broad terms and it is important to know what is the subject matter
Last edited:
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him.

As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".

What you just said is FANTASY.

Strzok was taken off his position early in the case and had no bearing on the final report, so who are you talking about?

Raw data IS in - and it shows gross Obstruction of Justice among other non-criminal, but plenty reprehensible behaviour.

Bad behavior, being an asshole...jerking investigators around...none are impeachable offenses.
You know this right?
Being a President that you don't like is not an impeachable offense.

Lying about a blow job shouldn't be either. Should have waited till 2001 when he was out of office. The people will have their chance to remove him from office soon enough.
Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him.

As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".

What you just said is FANTASY.

Strzok was taken off his position early in the case and had no bearing on the final report, so who are you talking about?

Raw data IS in - and it shows gross Obstruction of Justice among other non-criminal, but plenty reprehensible behaviour.

Bad behavior, being an asshole...jerking investigators around...none are impeachable offenses.
You know this right?
Being a President that you don't like is not an impeachable offense.

Lying about a blow job shouldn't be either. Should have waited till 2001 when he was out of office. The people will have their chance to remove him from office soon enough.

EVen if Trump was impeached (LOL)... he would remain in office. There would then be a trial where REAL, ACTUAL evidence must be presented that MEETS impeachment requirements.
In that trial Clinton was acquitted.
To impeach Trump, you need an impeachable offense...and 2/3 majority and approved by a Judge.
LOL...that is not going to happen.
the only thing that separates the haves and have nots in life is luck. Trump is lucky to be wealthy, lucky to be president, lucky to have 2 supreme court picks and much more
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The raw data of the investigation is in. And in those documents we see that at least several of the investigators openly stated they had it out for him.

As well as there was not enough evidence to support "he was playing footise".

What you just said is FANTASY.

Strzok was taken off his position early in the case and had no bearing on the final report, so who are you talking about?

Raw data IS in - and it shows gross Obstruction of Justice among other non-criminal, but plenty reprehensible behaviour.

Bad behavior, being an asshole...jerking investigators around...none are impeachable offenses.
You know this right?
Being a President that you don't like is not an impeachable offense.

Wtf? Total dodge.

Obstruction of Justice is the impeachable offense here idiot.
To impeach Trump, you need an impeachable offense...and 2/3 majority and approved by a Judge.

There lies the dilemma, I doubt that a majority will impeach him but the real issue is getting whats in the report out in the open. What is important is to get his unethical business dealing out in the open. If he had nothing to hide, he is smart enough to realize there is no reason to hide it.

Still if the repubs were to revolt against Trump and stand for something other than a con man then that would be something

Clearly worth the price of admission
If Trump was guilty of "Collusion" that would have been legally classified as Treason, not collusion.

Thats not true - we are not at war with Russia.

There was a case of 2 guys conducting nuclear espionage for USSR, they couldn't be charged with Treason because we were not at war with USSR.
Lol, and you're calling other people stupid?

Try impeaching genius, prove me wrong
Keep digging kid.

He had the ordacity to call me kid. Danged, I should send him a cake or a pie and thank him proper.
Impeach at will kid

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.

And they probably Stink like the air that comes out of your red-stayathome-SSDI-commee-antiAmerican disgusting mouth.

Welcome to the list #6 or #7?
Try impeaching genius, prove me wrong
Keep digging kid.

He had the ordacity to call me kid. Danged, I should send him a cake or a pie and thank him proper.
Impeach at will kid

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.

And they probably Stink like the air that comes out of your red-stayathome-SSDI-commee-antiAmerican disgusting mouth.

Welcome to the list #6 or #7?
I'm thinkin' the boots might be smarter too.
and for how many years have the right been promising obama and co will pay for their crimes?

it's not as if i agree or disagree at this point - i'm just a spectator with nose bleed seats to this show like the rest of us. but either side promising NOW is the time is just lying to themselves.
All I am saying is that there is no impeachment. Not now or ever
i don't think there will be either.

but the drones on both sides continue to scream shit like TODAY IS THE DAY they get emotionally satisfied.

annoying as fuck.
But the people who voted democratic deserve the truth, all they have is lies

Now we just need to sort out whose lies.
What do you want, a diagram? 100% of the respected media in the world thinks you people are absolute brainwashed functional morons, so many phony scandals character assassinations and Misinformation from the GOP it is ridiculous. You live on an imaginary planet. Breaking for you dupes... Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA are honest, the Rich do not pay enough in taxes we have a flat tax system and that is ruining the country and our people. Everything you know is wrong. Fox Rush Savage the Koch brothers heritage excetera excetera is not journalism, it is propaganda especially Fox primetime and around elections... Your radio demagogues of course Are a total disgrace

respected media

Thats' a funny one!

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