For 2 years the dems have promised impeachment

The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
There is no law requiring Hysterical House Dems to censure and just because they have the authority to censure doesn't mean they must but they have made clear they have no more control over their seething hatred than you do.

Ironically, even unhinged Adam "Bugeye" Schiff just last week admitted that impeachment will die on the Senate floor. He has yet to release any of the evidence of Trump's criminality that for many months he has claimed to have or to have seen. Have you not yet caught on to the game they are playing with your head?
Did you know that Schiff violated the espionage act if he did not take this info to the feds
I'd go further and say if the Dems truly believe Trump is a criminal they are violating their oath of office by not impeaching him today, thereby leaving him in the highest office in the land. The widely-known secret is their little game is strictly dirty politics, much as it was last year with Kavanaugh, and the American voters are not nearly as dim or deplorable as the Dems need to believe we are.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
I don’t believe that and you shouldn’t either. They are several R senators who dislike Donnie and might vote to remove. Still won’t be enough, but blows up your silly opinion.

Your stupid partisanship is making you dumb.
How does not being enough votes blow up my opion that there aren't enough votes?

What is wrong with you?
You are not informed. Many R senators dislike The Don and many have voted with the Ds to stop Trump. Wake up. Your dumb hatred of the R Party is dumb.

My guess is a removal vote in the senate could be close.
Oh, now you think it would be close?

View attachment 263799
Yes it could be. Are you aware of the times R senators have voted against Donnie? I suspect not because you get your news from MSLSD.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
I don’t believe that and you shouldn’t either. They are several R senators who dislike Donnie and might vote to remove. Still won’t be enough, but blows up your silly opinion.

Your stupid partisanship is making you dumb.
How does not being enough votes blow up my opion that there aren't enough votes?

What is wrong with you?
You are not informed. Many R senators dislike The Don and many have voted with the Ds to stop Trump. Wake up. Your dumb hatred of the R Party is dumb.

My guess is a removal vote in the senate could be close.
Oh, now you think it would be close?

View attachment 263799

The Goal Tender would keep moving the Goal Posts to prevent any attempt at anyone from kicking the ball anywhere near the goal posts.
If you can impeach Clinton, for lying about sex ....

Yeah except that isn't what Clinton was impeached for.
He was impeached for two accounts:
1) Perjury. He lied, UNDER OATH both in court and to the Senate. You cannot be impeached for lying unless it is in an open court, or while appearing before Congress in a hearing. He did both.
2) Obstruction of Justice. Him and his lawyer team pressured, coached several White House employees and officials to repeat/fabricate stories they were instructed while under oath.
It wasn't simple lying.

1) Has not lied under oath, or while appearing before Congress.
2) The Mueller report has already been shown to have misrepresented witness statements in an attempt to show Trump obstructed, but the both the written documentation by investigators and FULL transcripts have proved those misrepresentations as false.
3) As will be shown, the investigators, by their own words, were biased against the witness...and even wrote in emails to each other that one way or another they would get him. This alone poisons ANY material these specific investigators contributed to the investigation, as well as any additional information that came from said material.


Unlike Trump who flat out refused to be interviewed, Clinton actually testified.

Clinton's shanadigans were over a blowjob, while Trump and his campaign were playing footsie with foreign adversary, followed by a heavy dose of cover-up and firing or attempted firing of the justice department officers.

The substance of the crimes is WAAAY more serious.

Your TRUMP section is straight up fantasy
The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
There is no law requiring Hysterical House Dems to censure and just because they have the authority to censure doesn't mean they must but they have made clear they have no more control over their seething hatred than you do.

Ironically, even unhinged Adam "Bugeye" Schiff just last week admitted that impeachment will die on the Senate floor. He has yet to release any of the evidence of Trump's criminality that for many months he has claimed to have or to have seen. Have you not yet caught on to the game they are playing with your head?
Did you know that Schiff violated the espionage act if he did not take this info to the feds
I'd go further and say if the Dems truly believe Trump is a criminal they are violating their oath of office by not impeaching him today, thereby leaving him in the highest office in the land. The widely-known secret is their little game is strictly dirty politics, much as it was last year with Kavanaugh, and the American voters are not nearly as dim or deplorable as the Dems need to believe we are.
Both sides have been doing it for decades. Look what happened to Clinton. Same stuff different party. It’s pathetic from all sides
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Impeach for what?

Obstruction of Justice. DUH.

Whatever happened to collusion? That's all we heard for years. You remember, tick tock, Mueller's closing in, any day now?

newsflash - there is no crime called Collusion, though maybe there ought to be.

Trump got cleared on Criminal Conspiracy, meaning there wasn't enough evidence of a highly involved collaboration but there was still plenty of playing footsie with Russians that could be described as collusion.

The fact that he got cleared may have also had to do with the fact that he was dangling a pardon for Manafort who was dicking the investigation around and ultimately refused co-operation.
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Senate vote for removal speculation....

47 D and Independent YES VOTES
...need 20 R votes for removal to get the two thirds required. Seems unlikely. Likely the seven who voted with the Ds to stop the national emergency declaration would vote with the Ds. So, they need 13 more.
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
U mean they will follow the law and investigate the fisa process
Lol, and you're calling other people stupid?

Try impeaching genius, prove me wrong
Keep digging kid.

He had the ordacity to call me kid. Danged, I should send him a cake or a pie and thank him proper.
Impeach at will kid
Senate vote for removal speculation....

47 D and Independent YES VOTES
...need 20 R votes for removal to get the two thirds required. Seems unlikely. Likely the seven who voted with the Ds to stop the national emergency declaration would vote with the Ds. So, they need 13 more.

I don't see it becoming a factor since McConnel would never allow it to reach the floor for a vote. I like Nancy's approach better. A regular Comey moment is coming.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
There is no law requiring Hysterical House Dems to censure and just because they have the authority to censure doesn't mean they must but they have made clear they have no more control over their seething hatred than you do.

Ironically, even unhinged Adam "Bugeye" Schiff just last week admitted that impeachment will die on the Senate floor. He has yet to release any of the evidence of Trump's criminality that for many months he has claimed to have or to have seen. Have you not yet caught on to the game they are playing with your head?
Did you know that Schiff violated the espionage act if he did not take this info to the feds
I'd go further and say if the Dems truly believe Trump is a criminal they are violating their oath of office by not impeaching him today, thereby leaving him in the highest office in the land. The widely-known secret is their little game is strictly dirty politics, much as it was last year with Kavanaugh, and the American voters are not nearly as dim or deplorable as the Dems need to believe we are.
Both sides have been doing it for decades. Look what happened to Clinton. Same stuff different party. It’s pathetic from all sides
As I said there is no fake news unless there is real news
U mean they will follow the law and investigate the fisa process
Lol, and you're calling other people stupid?

Try impeaching genius, prove me wrong
Keep digging kid.

He had the ordacity to call me kid. Danged, I should send him a cake or a pie and thank him proper.
Impeach at will kid

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Impeach for what?

Obstruction of Justice. DUH.

Whatever happened to collusion? That's all we heard for years. You remember, tick tock, Mueller's closing in, any day now?

newsflash - there is no crime called Collusion, though maybe there ought to be. Trump got cleared on Criminal Conspiracy, but there was plenty of playing footsie with Russians that could be described as collusion.
Collusion means spying so it is a crime. If you collude with Russia you would be a spy and see prison, it's only collusion in DC because they all collude all the time
Lol, and you're calling other people stupid?

Try impeaching genius, prove me wrong
Keep digging kid.

He had the ordacity to call me kid. Danged, I should send him a cake or a pie and thank him proper.
Impeach at will kid

I have a pair of Boots older than you are.
You do not know my, though you think that you do.

Think less know more kid
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Impeach for what?

Obstruction of Justice. DUH.

Whatever happened to collusion? That's all we heard for years. You remember, tick tock, Mueller's closing in, any day now?

newsflash - there is no crime called Collusion, though maybe there ought to be. Trump got cleared on Criminal Conspiracy, but there was plenty of playing footsie with Russians that could be described as collusion.
Collusion means spying

You clearly have no idea wtf you are saying.

It DOES NOT mean that.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.

First there needs to be an investigation using the evidence gained from not just the Mueller report to see if the President is guilty of a crime. Do we have to explain this whole process as well to the Trumpets...

If a Crime has been established and Trump would be given ample time to defend himself. Then there might be a need to the options available... Faced with the evidence Trump might just resign and ask for immunity..
Impeach for what?

Obstruction of Justice. DUH.

Whatever happened to collusion? That's all we heard for years. You remember, tick tock, Mueller's closing in, any day now?

newsflash - there is no crime called Collusion, though maybe there ought to be. Trump got cleared on Criminal Conspiracy, but there was plenty of playing footsie with Russians that could be described as collusion.
Collusion means spying

You clearly have no idea wtf you are saying.

It DOES NOT mean that.
Impeach at will kid
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.

First there needs to be an investigation using the evidence gained from not just the Mueller report to see if the President is guilty of a crime. Do we have to explain this whole process as well to the Trumpets...

If a Crime has been established and Trump would be given ample time to defend himself. Then there might be a need to the options available... Faced with the evidence Trump might just resign and ask for immunity..
You have any extra lsd
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
Yesssssss.....impeach the Orange man.
Can't win an election fair and square, so impeach the POTUS, just to get what you want.
Why have elections if you're simply not gonna abide by the result???

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