For 2 years the dems have promised impeachment

It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.

I know exactly what I am saying. You seem to be having a reality problem. Good. Stay that way. It'll make your head explode.
Damn you’re stupid.
Stupid is a compliment for this one
Actually, they have the votes right now. They are not through the evidence gathering and discussions yet. And as long as they don't call it Impeachment, they can call it something like "Admonishment" and make it public at the right time. You actually believe that ALL Republicans support Trump blindly? More and more are starting to wise up.
I know they have the votes which is why they should do it. You have to face up to the fact that you have been lied too

They have the votes in the House. But the Criminal in Charge of the Senate won't allow it to be brought to the floor even if there is enough votes in the Senate to pass it. Nancy is right on this one. Better to take it to the Voters and let them decide AFTER the formal House admonishment.
The vote itself is only legal if a threshold is met. The Muller report did not meet the threshold Pelosi knows this and is respecting the constitution by blocking the illegal vote

The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
I know they have the votes which is why they should do it. You have to face up to the fact that you have been lied too

They have the votes in the House. But the Criminal in Charge of the Senate won't allow it to be brought to the floor even if there is enough votes in the Senate to pass it. Nancy is right on this one. Better to take it to the Voters and let them decide AFTER the formal House admonishment.
The vote itself is only legal if a threshold is met. The Muller report did not meet the threshold Pelosi knows this and is respecting the constitution by blocking the illegal vote

The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
Trump wants the idiots to censor him, all he cares about is MAGA for the voters. Pelosi can throw her dentures, no one cares
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
U mean they will follow the law and investigate the fisa process
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
Pelosi has no power to do anything except send stuff to the Senate

Again the system does not do what you want it to do

So grow up
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.
Lol, he said the voters will remove.

Read what is said, not what you wish was said.
The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Wrong the house can only impeach on the grounds that impeachable high crimes were uncovered.

This was not found so the vote would be illegal and be overturned in the Senate anyway

They should be helping America,

Who said anything about Impeachment. I am talking about Censoring. You really need to keep up, cupcake. And change those diapers.
So you have admitted that impeachment is impossible

See you can learn

You are the one that keeps preaching Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. I go with Nancy's line and go for Censor. It completely bypasses the Criminals in the Senate and takes it directly to the voters. The fun part is, Nancy gets to time it JJJUUUSSSSTTTT right on when to release it.
Do it, trumps approval rating will rise.....

Glad that you see that you lost the impeachment game and admit such

LOL, dipwad. I have never pushed for Impeachment. I already knew that the criminals in the Senate wouldn't impeach no matter what. But know this, those criminals are all betting their entire careers on this thing. If the charges are solid (which they are) then the senate goes blue in 2020. They have tied themselves directly to Trumps wagon. Sink or swim. I think between now and Nov 2020 there is going to be even more of a exodus away from Trump as the House keeps digging. The Republican Party just might survive this as soon as they reestablish the Republican Party and throw off the insanity of the Party of Trump.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
Pelosi has no power to do anything except send stuff to the Senate

Again the system does not do what you want it to do

So grow up
Impeach away then, if you cant figure out how to do that then centure away

Have fun
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?
Was I not clear enough? The republicans in the Senate will lie,.cheat, and steal at his direction. They compose a majority (that means more than anyone else) and that means no 2/3s vote for impeachment.

Got it now?
I don’t believe that and you shouldn’t either. They are several R senators who dislike Donnie and might vote to remove. Still won’t be enough, but blows up your silly opinion.

Your stupid partisanship is making you dumb.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
The Senate won't convict, regardless; this is political, not "legal". There are simply not enough true witness bearing morals to go around on the right wing even with a "McCarthy era phrase in our pledge".
Because it can't possibly be that you and our Hysterical House Dems are unhinged and their words and actions strictly political and lacking in "true witness bearing morals, eh? :lol:

Poll: Majority oppose Trump impeachment, but most Democrats support it
A majority of polled voters oppose impeaching and removing President Trump but a strong majority of Democrats are in favor of doing so, according to the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey.

I am not a Dem but I do support Impeachment. But I know as long as we have the criminal element Republicans in the Senate it won't happen successfully. So we have the House go through the motions, do the investigations, level the charges and call it something else. Then present it to the voters and let them decide. The Senate should be worried, real worried at this point. Their cushy jobs may be in jepordy and some may even be caught up in the obstruction charges themselves later on.
Yeah … and none of that can be your delusional self speaking? The opinion that we have "criminal element Republicans in the Senate" is simply one of your delusions but the Hysterical House Dems will indeed impeach and the Senate - including some rational Dems - will laugh it off the floor with an admonition that House Dems GTF up. In the end 2020 will be a repudiation not only of socialism but of silly Dems who let both their bitter, petulant loons and their true natures out of the can and now can't get them back in.

From the looks of things, Nancy is going for Censoring Trump not Impeaching him. That works even better and can be timed even better. A real Comey moment.
Wrong the house can only impeach on the grounds that impeachable high crimes were uncovered.

This was not found so the vote would be illegal and be overturned in the Senate anyway

They should be helping America,

Who said anything about Impeachment. I am talking about Censoring. You really need to keep up, cupcake. And change those diapers.
So you have admitted that impeachment is impossible

See you can learn

You are the one that keeps preaching Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. I go with Nancy's line and go for Censor. It completely bypasses the Criminals in the Senate and takes it directly to the voters. The fun part is, Nancy gets to time it JJJUUUSSSSTTTT right on when to release it.
Do it, trumps approval rating will rise.....

Glad that you see that you lost the impeachment game and admit such

LOL, dipwad. I have never pushed for Impeachment. I already knew that the criminals in the Senate wouldn't impeach no matter what. But know this, those criminals are all betting their entire careers on this thing. If the charges are solid (which they are) then the senate goes blue in 2020. They have tied themselves directly to Trumps wagon. Sink or swim. I think between now and Nov 2020 there is going to be even more of a exodus away from Trump as the House keeps digging. The Republican Party just might survive this as soon as they reestablish the Republican Party and throw off the insanity of the Party of Trump.
So you just gave up on the impeachment that was promised

Kid if there is no impeachment the dems will lose record numbers in 20
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.

I know exactly what I am saying. You seem to be having a reality problem. Good. Stay that way. It'll make your head explode.
Damn you’re stupid.
tenor (3).gif
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
The Senate won't convict, regardless; this is political, not "legal". There are simply not enough true witness bearing morals to go around on the right wing even with a "McCarthy era phrase in our pledge".
Because it can't possibly be that you and our Hysterical House Dems are unhinged and their words and actions strictly political and lacking in "true witness bearing morals, eh? :lol:

Poll: Majority oppose Trump impeachment, but most Democrats support it
A majority of polled voters oppose impeaching and removing President Trump but a strong majority of Democrats are in favor of doing so, according to the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey.

I am not a Dem but I do support Impeachment. But I know as long as we have the criminal element Republicans in the Senate it won't happen successfully. So we have the House go through the motions, do the investigations, level the charges and call it something else. Then present it to the voters and let them decide. The Senate should be worried, real worried at this point. Their cushy jobs may be in jepordy and some may even be caught up in the obstruction charges themselves later on.
Yeah … and none of that can be your delusional self speaking? The opinion that we have "criminal element Republicans in the Senate" is simply one of your delusions but the Hysterical House Dems will indeed impeach and the Senate - including some rational Dems - will laugh it off the floor with an admonition that House Dems GTF up. In the end 2020 will be a repudiation not only of socialism but of silly Dems who let both their bitter, petulant loons and their true natures out of the can and now can't get them back in.

From the looks of things, Nancy is going for Censoring Trump not Impeaching him. That works even better and can be timed even better. A real Comey moment.
Censoring means nothing except that there is no evidence to impeach
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.

I know exactly what I am saying. You seem to be having a reality problem. Good. Stay that way. It'll make your head explode.
Damn you’re stupid.
View attachment 263794
Is that Pelosi
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.

I know exactly what I am saying. You seem to be having a reality problem. Good. Stay that way. It'll make your head explode.
Damn you’re stupid.
Stupid is a compliment for this one
You're as clueless as he is.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove silly boy. Currently the Senate is 53 Rs 45 Ds and 2 independents. How is it that the senate is in his pocket?

Nancy only needs a simple majority to Censor the President. You want to bet she can get a 2/3s for censoring from the House? They don't need to send that to the Senate. It amounts to the same thing as Impeachment but it's not sent to the Senate. It's sent to the Voters instead for them to vote on. Don't know about you but you scum suckers should be shaking in your diapers on this one.
WTF is wrong with you? You haters are the problem.

Pelosi is not in the senate and the House can’t remove.
Lol, he said the voters will remove.

Read what is said, not what you wish was said.
It’s not what he said it’s what you posted. A removal vote in the senate could be close, because many Rs dislike Donnie. So, your dumb partisan shots at the R Party are stupid.
I know they have the votes which is why they should do it. You have to face up to the fact that you have been lied too

They have the votes in the House. But the Criminal in Charge of the Senate won't allow it to be brought to the floor even if there is enough votes in the Senate to pass it. Nancy is right on this one. Better to take it to the Voters and let them decide AFTER the formal House admonishment.
The vote itself is only legal if a threshold is met. The Muller report did not meet the threshold Pelosi knows this and is respecting the constitution by blocking the illegal vote

The Mueller report has no qualifications to show a threshold of any kind. Anymore than it has the authority to level charges against a sitting President. The House can vote any way it feels obligated to with or without your permission. And it can be done with a simple majority as well. Now, tell me again what would be illegal about a vote of admonishment from the House to the President? Some may even call it Censoring.
Most will call it what it would be … a small, petty, meaningless act of bitter House Dems.

Yeah … the only things Dems do well these days is whine and shoot themselves in the foot. :D

Yes, but it's the law. You know, that yellowed and tattered document that you and your Orange God seems to misplace whenever it suits you.
There is no law requiring Hysterical House Dems to censure and just because they have the authority to do so doesn't mean they must but they have made clear they have no more control over their seething hatred than you do.

Ironically, even unhinged Adam "Bugeye" Schiff just last week admitted that impeachment will die on the Senate floor. He has yet to release any of the evidence of Trump's criminality that for many months he has claimed to have or to have seen. Have you not yet caught on to the game they are playing with your head?
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