For 2 years the dems have promised impeachment

Well, just like the GOP being unable to get anything done for two years even though they controlled the White House, House and Senate, the Dems don't have quite enough crazies to get Trump impeached.

Thank goodness there's at least a LITTLE sanity remaining in the parties.
Well, just like the GOP being unable to get anything done for two years even though they controlled the White House, House and Senate, the Dems don't have quite enough crazies to get Trump impeached.

Thank goodness there's at least a LITTLE sanity remaining in the parties.
There is no sanity in the party embracing socialism
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

The problem remains, Frannie. Aside from the fact that impeachment would fracture the Democrats beyond repair and likely ASSURE Trump a 2020 victory,


What was the crime?

For obstruction to happen, there has to be something to obstruct about. You've been stealing from the company and cooking the books to hide it. They get suspicious and want to investigate. You OBSTRUCT the investigation by refusing to turn over the books or try to destroy them in order to HIDE DISCOVERY of your guilt!

HOW DO YOU OBSTRUCT an investigation where the only thing that can be found is that you are innocent? And that WAS the findings of Mueller in regards to the real investigation on collusion. All of the "Part 2" crap about Trump obstructing only had to do with his unwillingness to see his presidency wasted on something he knew from the git go as totally political and frivolous with an investigator HE KNEW to be prejudiced! Since when is defending yourself a crime by not willingly cooperating with your own public lynching?

Well, it ISN'T. And at that, your unwillingness to bend over and spread your cheeks has to come with a proven corrupt intent; something you stood to gain by the obstruction and all Trump had to gain was his being shown INNOCENT of collusion. Cooperate or not, obstruct or not, the outcome was the same: innocent of collusion. There was no corrupt intent in anything Trump tried to do and Mueller admitted that. Ergo, you cannot prove criminal obstruction.

So of the three categories all impeachments have ever come under, all that leaves for the Dems is the one thing they can't and don't want to admit:

They are impeaching because THEY DON'T LIKE HIM, didn't like the outcome of 2016 and don't think they can beat him in 2020 in an open and fair election either!

And fucked they are if they go for that!
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But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
and for how many years have the right been promising obama and co will pay for their crimes?

it's not as if i agree or disagree at this point - i'm just a spectator with nose bleed seats to this show like the rest of us. but either side promising NOW is the time is just lying to themselves.
All I am saying is that there is no impeachment. Not now or ever
i don't think there will be either.

but the drones on both sides continue to scream shit like TODAY IS THE DAY they get emotionally satisfied.

annoying as fuck.
But the people who voted democratic deserve the truth, all they have is lies

Now we just need to sort out whose lies.
What do you want, a diagram? 100% of the respected media in the world thinks you people are absolute brainwashed functional morons, so many phony scandals character assassinations and Misinformation from the GOP it is ridiculous. You live on an imaginary planet. Breaking for you dupes... Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA are honest, the Rich do not pay enough in taxes we have a flat tax system and that is ruining the country and our people. Everything you know is wrong. Fox Rush Savage the Koch brothers heritage excetera excetera is not journalism, it is propaganda especially Fox primetime and around elections... Your radio demagogues of course Are a total disgrace
Collusion means spying so it is a crime

It's fun to just make up meanings for words to fit your agenda isn't it?

However in this case....

"In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of "collusion." In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[ e ]" was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation's scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office's focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. In connection with that analysis, we addressed the factual question whether members of the Trump Campaign "coordinat[ ed]"-a term that appears in the appointment order-with Russian election interference activities. Like collusion, "coordination" does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law. We understood coordination to require an agreement-tacit or express- between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference. That requires more than the two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests."
Collusion means spying so it is a crime

It's fun to just make up meanings for words to fit your agenda isn't it?

However in this case....

"In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of "collusion." In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[ e ]" was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation's scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office's focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. In connection with that analysis, we addressed the factual question whether members of the Trump Campaign "coordinat[ ed]"-a term that appears in the appointment order-with Russian election interference activities. Like collusion, "coordination" does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law. We understood coordination to require an agreement-tacit or express- between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference. That requires more than the two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests."
Trust me kid if you colluded with Russia you would be charged with spying.....
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
The Progs have no plans ready. Only their agendas. they have spent the last 2 years promoting the impeachment/weakening of President Trump. So much could have been done. His agendas are mostly sensible ones that are not extreme and we have to through this. Instead we get the return of slavery, no more abortions, gay people back in the closet and all that bullcrap. You will lament what you bring in. And when it is here, you will have to fight and die to get it out.
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
The Progs have no plans ready. Only their agendas. they have spent the last 2 years promoting the impeachment/weakening of President Trump. So much could have been done. His agendas are mostly sensible ones that are not extreme and we have to through this. Instead we get the return of slavery, no more abortions, gay people back in the closet and all that bullcrap. You will lament what you bring in. And when it is here, you will have to fight and die to get it out.
They tried to weaken Trump but they made him stronger
and for how many years have the right been promising obama and co will pay for their crimes?

it's not as if i agree or disagree at this point - i'm just a spectator with nose bleed seats to this show like the rest of us. but either side promising NOW is the time is just lying to themselves.
All I am saying is that there is no impeachment. Not now or ever
i don't think there will be either.

but the drones on both sides continue to scream shit like TODAY IS THE DAY they get emotionally satisfied.

annoying as fuck.
But the people who voted democratic deserve the truth, all they have is lies

Now we just need to sort out whose lies.
What do you want, a diagram? 100% of the respected media in the world thinks you people are absolute brainwashed functional morons, so many phony scandals character assassinations and Misinformation from the GOP it is ridiculous. You live on an imaginary planet. Breaking for you dupes... Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA are honest, the Rich do not pay enough in taxes we have a flat tax system and that is ruining the country and our people. Everything you know is wrong. Fox Rush Savage the Koch brothers heritage excetera excetera is not journalism, it is propaganda especially Fox primetime and around elections... Your radio demagogues of course Are a total disgrace
So you want to tax the rich so they leave, then what kid
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either
We are all entitled and I would not expect unanimity in so large a group "but a strong majority of Democrats are in favor of doing so" while "Sixty-three percent of respondents said the investigations into Trump are hurting the country."

Poll: Majority oppose Trump impeachment, but most Democrats support it
And that is why Pelosi is not moving on it.
Damned if they do and damned if they don't. :D

By not doing what "a strong majority" of their lemmings favor the Hysterical House Dems risk alienating the lunatic base that they let out of the can who - even if they don't turn on the "moderate" Dems - will at least lose some motivation to put away their bongs and vid games long enough to vote.

If they do impeach it will die on the Senate floor. Either way the Dems will incur the ire and perhaps the wrath of the American electorate while doing the impossible … making this POTUS seem the persecuted underdog (and we do love them).
For political junkies the last 3 years have been a blast and the best is yet to come. :beer:

Yup. Pelosi is in a very tough position.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.

They really don't want ALL the secrets coming out. That's Trump's ace in the hole.
Yes we do. All the secrets and let the chips fall where they may.

I'm not worried, are you?

Nope. I don't want nasty little secrets hanging around, even if Obama's spying is one of them.
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would
Well, just like the GOP being unable to get anything done for two years even though they controlled the White House, House and Senate, the Dems don't have quite enough crazies to get Trump impeached.

Thank goodness there's at least a LITTLE sanity remaining in the parties.
Yeah.....and there's no RINO'S in their ranks taking bribes from Democrats.....I'm sure if they were serious about impeachment they could buy enough votes.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

The question is... why do you want Democrats to impeach trump?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I do not, the fact is that the dems promised this and now do not have the balls.

They won’t because trump owns the senate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Not without support in the Senate they didn't. A majority of America wants the opportunity to fire The Trumpybear in 2020 anyway.

Keep investigating and hold as many public hearings as possible.
Indeed as the hearings are taking the place of what the dems are not doing for America and will get trump more votes

Not true, The White House is the hold up on legislation not Congress. Don't you remember his recent temper tantrum at Speaker Pelosi? He refuses to work with them as long as he is under investigation. How long was Clinton under investigation and did any meaningful legislation pass while those many investigations were going on? How about during the Watergate investigation?

The point does have Truthiness to it, because it feels like it should be true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
The Progs have no plans ready. Only their agendas. they have spent the last 2 years promoting the impeachment/weakening of President Trump. So much could have been done. His agendas are mostly sensible ones that are not extreme and we have to through this. Instead we get the return of slavery, no more abortions, gay people back in the closet and all that bullcrap. You will lament what you bring in. And when it is here, you will have to fight and die to get it out.
They tried to weaken Trump but they made him stronger
Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrats have been conspiring with foreign leaders and our enemies behind Trump's back.
Sorry the dems are doing zero except for screaming impeachment

They went to the White House and were told Trumpybear can't work under the pressure of the House investigating him. All other recent president have had to deal with it. Just goes to show that he is not in any way a capable leader.

They need 218 votes for it to impeach and the fact is a majority of them do not support it. But, I'm sure if feels like they're all screaming doesn't it?
Trump should not work with people who want him convicted so if the dems want achievement they must either apologize or impeach

They are too dumb to do either

He should be able to, like the men who held the office before him, but as the greatest snowflake ever, he simply can't.

I can see Nancy's apology now, "Gee Donnie, I'm so sorry you're such a Snowflake!"
Nope, would you let me in your home to paint if I were charging you with crimes?

Lol sure you would

Find your own studio to paint in. If I were under investigation for a possible crime, I could still work with police if that were part of my job. Face it, he's just not fit for the job. This is just another example of that.
Take the lsd and turn on CNN and trip away

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