for all my conservative friends

Except it's the ones going to church that carries the load in helping the less fortunate.

Collection plates aren't enough to help all of the people that need help. Without foodstamps and welfare programs there would be people starving in the streets.

I never said the churches cover all the needs, I said the ones going to church are the ones doing the leg work helping the less fortunate. Tomorrow morning our church will feed and clothe in the church parking lot, in addition to us another four or five church groups will be there...they are all religious organizations. I've yet to see a non religious organization show up
You will never see a non religious group show up to help feed the hungry, they to busy pushing their agenda.
I never said the churches cover all the needs

So should the public cover what need the churches can't, or do we leave those people behind?

You're trying to build a straw man and I'm not biting. You stated conservatives ignore the less fortunate and "go to church on Sunday"....that was a lie. I have no problem with taxes being used to give someone a leg up, however I do have a problem with people making it a "career"
Very few middle-class “white” people (the majority of self-identified “Conservatives”) have any direct interactions with welfare recipients, so a lot of the commentary about welfare and people on welfare are both ignorant and insensitive.

But there are some factual observations that can validly be made:

Despite the expenditure of untold Billions of taxpayers’ money on the “war on poverty,” the levels of American poverty have not been measurably decreased.
Most people on welfare have simply made disastrous personal choices in their lives which are the primary reasons for their poverty. Specifically, these are (a) the decision to have children outside marriage, (b) the decision to reject the thirteen years of free public education that are available to every U.S. resident, and (c) the decision not to seek out employment – keeping in mind the fact that a “bad” job doesn’t “pay” as well as “welfare,” but “bad” jobs often put one in a position to later find a better job, then a better job, and so on.

Racism can effectively be EXCLUDED as a reason for poverty. White people who have children out of wedlock, who drop out of school, and who refuse to take employment that is available have approximately the same levels of poverty as “black” people who make the same choices. Poverty is cultural, not racial.

State legislatures are constantly scheming to make “welfare” so meager and demanding that it results in a lifestyle that is intolerable, and yet the lifestyle of having babies and living on the dole are apparently quite tolerable to a significant portion of the population, particularly the “minority” population. And not only does this lifestyle persist, it is handed down from generation to generation.

No good deed goes un-punished.
The people who talk about lazy welfare recipients living the good life are usually people who know fuck-all about poverty and do fuck-all to help others.
Despite the expenditure of untold Billions of taxpayers’ money on the “war on poverty,” the levels of American poverty have not been measurably decreased.

Administering to the poor has become an industry.

Every 6 months the welfare recipient needs to change places with the case worker. And vice versa.

The poor person will learn job skills and earn more money. The case worker will learn humility.
Nope but Google is your friend, do you own homework....and cease bothering me with silliness

So you just pull bullshit out your ass and post it as truth. Got it.
But you just KNOW welfare is a career choice for some. You just don't know how many.

Look dumb fuck, we both know there are people out there abusing the stfu with your nonsense
It's easy for some people, particularly conservatives, to think that those "on the dole" have it better than them in this "welfare state", just because they work for what they have while those with nothing aren't earning their keep. But I'm pretty sure that welfare recipients have pretty shitty lives. How am I sure? For one thing, they have no sense of self worth. And they have no futures. Sounds pretty shitty to me. And every time I hear some conservative whining about people getting free shit and how great the welfare recipients have it , I suggest that they quit their jobs, spend all their money, then go on the dole themselves to live that great life they're so jealous of. And guess what, surprise! Not one single person has ever taken me up on it. Not one. Go figure.

Not to worry, as long as we keep following the policies of the gub'mint worshipers we'll ALL get to experience a life of poverty first hand at which point their will be nobody to "whine about people getting free shit" and you folks will finally have your wish. :cool:
Somewhere in America there is a black person that sells drugs and cashes welfare checks. That person is used to justify the destruction of programs that help millions of people that really need them. It's interesting that with conservatives the focus is always on the few that abuse the help instead of the millions that need it.

Only black people sell drugs and cash welfare checks? Gee, that's enlightening (not in the way it was intended).
Except it's the ones going to church that carries the load in helping the less fortunate.

Collection plates aren't enough to help all of the people that need help. Without foodstamps and welfare programs there would be people starving in the streets.
With fewer liberals in control there would be less people on the streets because the economy would be doing better. Libs screw things up then double down and make it worse.
The people who talk about lazy welfare recipients living the good life are usually people who know fuck-all about poverty and do fuck-all to help others.
Bullshit. First off, you assholes spin it to mean living the good life. Some may, some may not. No one said they were living like the wealthy. Plus, anyone paying taxes is doing their part.
The people who talk about lazy welfare recipients living the good life are usually people who know fuck-all about poverty and do fuck-all to help others.
Bullshit. First off, you assholes spin it to mean living the good life.
The words you used were "plenty living off public money are doing pretty well".

You know fuck-all how they are doing.
The people who talk about lazy welfare recipients living the good life are usually people who know fuck-all about poverty and do fuck-all to help others.
Bullshit. First off, you assholes spin it to mean living the good life.
The words you used were "plenty living off public money are doing pretty well".

You know fuck-all how they are doing.
Yes I do fuckhead. I know some and so do many others that I know. All you have is flatulence, it won't work.
The people who talk about lazy welfare recipients living the good life are usually people who know fuck-all about poverty and do fuck-all to help others.
As opposed to the people who do fuck all about poverty except advocate wasting ever increasing amounts of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY try to "fight" it and posting on Internet Message Boards .... don't look now Mr. Preacher but there's a big ass log in your eye.

Time for the gub'mint worshipers around here to put their keyboards down and get off their lazy asses and go actually DO something about it instead of criticizing other people who don't like seeing the fruits of their labor continually chucked down government rat holes so gub'mint worshiping miscreants can feel good about themselves.
You almost gotta laugh watching liberals go on and on about their fantasies and assumptions of what conservatives are thinking. The dirty little secret is that conservatives want the welfare class to do better and gain useful employment but libs have some psychological quirk that causes them to ridicule and insult the good people of the United States who happen to be conservative while placing handy labels on people that solidifies their place in the underclass of society.
It's easy for some people, particularly conservatives, to think that those "on the dole" have it better than them in this "welfare state", just because they work for what they have while those with nothing aren't earning their keep. But I'm pretty sure that welfare recipients have pretty shitty lives. How am I sure? For one thing, they have no sense of self worth. And they have no futures. Sounds pretty shitty to me. And every time I hear some conservative whining about people getting free shit and how great the welfare recipients have it , I suggest that they quit their jobs, spend all their money, then go on the dole themselves to live that great life they're so jealous of. And guess what, surprise! Not one single person has ever taken me up on it. Not one. Go figure.
You are one confused puppy. MANY people would quit working and go on the dole but don't want to fuck the country in doing so. Your moral compass is broken so of course that didn't factor in.

Nor are you in a postion to speak for everyone, you are not god. Plenty of working stiffs are having a hard time and plenty living off public money are doing pretty well and have all day to fuck off. Like posting on internet boards.
one day ice you'll find that hard work during your miserable life would have paid off ,,,,
I know a lazy government titty sucker when I run across one.
lol mr ice if you refer to me you once again are wrong as rain I'm posting from here in Ft Lauderdale from the condo on the beach that I own and use 5,6 months of the year,,,,and have more green than I or my family will ever need
Nope but Google is your friend, do you own homework....and cease bothering me with silliness

So you just pull bullshit out your ass and post it as truth. Got it.
But you just KNOW welfare is a career choice for some. You just don't know how many.

Look dumb fuck, we both know there are people out there abusing the stfu with your nonsense

Welfare has one of the lowest rates of waste, fraud and abuse.

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