For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

The Republican budget defunded Food Stamps and “Meals on wheels”, but made Trump’s 2017 “temporary” tax cuts to billionaires, permanent.
no it didn't, you read it wrong. It's ok. I understand that not giving an increase is defunding to you all. Hilarious though. And again shows that you are not for working people. You're from Canada so that makes sense, you voted for a premier who stole the people's money who were on the boycott. Shameful and making ordinary citizens the criminals. Just like every good demofk.
Yes it most certianly does

No it doesn't. Socialist medicine started in Canada with a small town in Saskatchewan, after a flu outbreak killed a number of the local residents. There was no hospital for miles around, and many people died because there was no place to care for them close by. So the town got together, raised the funds and built a hospital. Everyone contributed labour, materials and money. The richest people in town gave the most. The poorest worked to build the place.

The idea caught on.

There isn't one demofk who is for school choice, so they can remain the masters to blacks.

"School choice" is a very bad idea and has resulted in the current mess in your primary and secondary school systems, bleeding money from public education, and creating some serious economic problems. Right wing Americans are sending their kids to schools which are all white, all straight, and where evolution, science and climate change aren't taught.

The rest of the world is educating our children in the skills they will need for the 21st Century - science, technology, biology and science. No sex education, and abstinence only. Studies are showing that students are picking colleges by their politics.

They whole mess is backfiring on the right. They're being taught to be Republicans, not members of an educated, modern day technology based work force.

no it didn't, you read it wrong. It's ok. I understand that not giving an increase is defunding to you all. Hilarious though. And again shows that you are not for working people. You're from Canada so that makes sense, you voted for a premier who stole the people's money who were on the boycott. Shameful and making ordinary citizens the criminals. Just like every good demofk.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, and it completely ignores the fact that Biden is asking for a clean debt ceiling bill, just like they gave Trump, every time he asked for one.

The debt ceiling is being lifted to cover spending already approved. Proposed budget cuts should be in the budget.

Nobody "stole the protestors' money". All of the moneys were returned to be donors. The Trucker's protest was just a scam to sucker the faithful into donating.

Last but not least, I have never, and will never vote for Premier Doug Ford, or any other member of the Ford family, even if they are the only candidate running.
"School choice" is a very bad idea and has resulted in the current mess in your primary and secondary school systems, bleeding money from public education, and creating some serious economic problems
Kkking at its finest
Libs are far better at "love thy neighbor"

Cons are fantastic at driving their enemies' weeping women and children before them
Nobody oppose resources to clothe and feed disadvantaged children. What they oppose is government programs to help them which never work and only encourage dependency.

Do you support spaying any woman who commits paternity fraud or tricks a man into impregnating her?
Do you mean this question?
Do you support spaying any woman who commits paternity fraud or tricks a man into impregnating her?
No I do not. It is time men have some skin in the game. It takes two to tango. If a woman has an abortion, she can face legal consequences. A man must have consequences for impregnating someone who has an abortion. I say castaration. Maybe legal consequences could be considered also.
Recently Biden said that All children are our (meaning the left's) children That's what stalin said and i don't think he was a Godly man....note the capital letter G.

What does God's word say about children and parents

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. (Psalm 127:3)
Our children do not belong to Pres. Biden or the government or our neighbors or their teachers. They belong to parents and to the Lord.
Are “our nation’s children . . . all our children”? No! We should certainly be concerned about and care about children other than our own. For example, we should fight to protect them from murder by abortion or for research, body-mutilating drugs and surgeries, and sexual predation and sexualization from drag queens and other groomers (many of whom are public school teachers).

There's more:

Your children are your own to raise, to educate. NO ONE elses'.

He commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God. . . . (Psalm 78:5–7)
God gives parents, and in particular fathers as the spiritual head of the house, the authority to educate children.
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Do you mean this question?
Do you support spaying any woman who commits paternity fraud or tricks a man into impregnating her?
No I do not. It is time men have some skin in the game. It takes two to tango. If a woman has an abortion, she can face legal consequences. A man must have consequences for impregnating someone who has an abortion. I say castaration. Maybe legal consequences could be considered also.
So you are a hypocrite and misandrist got it.

Men have long since been held legally accountable for the children they concieve. That has not changed. It is by definition skin in the game
No it doesn't. Socialist medicine started in Canada with a small town in Saskatchewan, after a flu outbreak killed a number of the local residents. There was no hospital for miles around, and many people died because there was no place to care for them close by. So the town got together, raised the funds and built a hospital. Everyone contributed labour, materials and money. The richest people in town gave the most. The poorest worked to build the place.

The idea caught on.

"School choice" is a very bad idea and has resulted in the current mess in your primary and secondary school systems, bleeding money from public education, and creating some serious economic problems. Right wing Americans are sending their kids to schools which are all white, all straight, and where evolution, science and climate change aren't taught.

The rest of the world is educating our children in the skills they will need for the 21st Century - science, technology, biology and science. No sex education, and abstinence only. Studies are showing that students are picking colleges by their politics.

They whole mess is backfiring on the right. They're being taught to be Republicans, not members of an educated, modern day technology based work force.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, and it completely ignores the fact that Biden is asking for a clean debt ceiling bill, just like they gave Trump, every time he asked for one.

The debt ceiling is being lifted to cover spending already approved. Proposed budget cuts should be in the budget.

Nobody "stole the protestors' money". All of the moneys were returned to be donors. The Trucker's protest was just a scam to sucker the faithful into donating.

Last but not least, I have never, and will never vote for Premier Doug Ford, or any other member of the Ford family, even if they are the only candidate running.
Yes it does and you are making an apples/oragens comparison. False equivelance and massive failure for you

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