For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Name a woman stoned to death for adultery in the past 2,000 years.

That has nothing at all to do with what I said..why do you stay so retarded? You cannot make a cogent argument to save your life, can you?

Admit it, you just don't have the chops to actually address what I some lame shit about my naming some unknown victims in some unknown stupid.
Care to give us the passages where God advocated taking money by force to give others?

Neither Jesus H. Christ, nor any of His top disciples ever advocated government run social insurance programs.

That has nothing at all to do with what I said..why do you stay so retarded? You cannot make a cogent argument to save your life, can you?

Admit it, you just don't have the chops to actually address what I some lame shit about my naming some unknown victims in some unknown stupid.
So you don’t care Islamos stone and mutilate women as you read this.

Oh. The same ones Democrats cheer.
Prove that number you congenital moron!

By their fruits you should know them.

Provide evidence Obama is the Christian as he claims.
So you don’t care Islamos stone and mutilate women as you read this.

Oh. The same ones Democrats cheer.'re all over aren't does that have to do with your topic? Where did I say or imply that I 'didn't care' about those issues...or deplore them..which I do...but that has jack shit to do with the topic. Your topic. One begins to think you just wanted to bash and troll..and had no interest at all in any real answer...LOL!

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