Zone1 For Christians who believe in Darwinian evolution, question

Genesis was written after the Babylonian exile. It's a foundation myth for Bronze Age people.
The accounts were passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was recorded in writing. Which is true for the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It's the allegorical account of history that all nations share.
Who? Are you kidding? Bronze Age people came up with an explanation.
He's asking you what you believe. You'll dodge it because you are a secular humanist. And the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence is uncomfortable for you.
The accounts were passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was recorded in writing. Which is true for the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It's the allegorical account of history that all nations share.

Borrowed from the cultures around them. Does that make the myths history in your mind? These stories are valuable morality tales... memorable stories. I agree they're allegories... so what is the problem with evolution?
He's asking you what you believe. You'll dodge it because you are a secular humanist. And the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence is uncomfortable for you.

Nope. I'm a Christian. I know the stories quite well, but I don't reject science and education. I think God gave us a brain and reason.
Borrowed from the cultures around them. Does that make the myths history in your mind? These stories are valuable morality tales... memorable stories. I agree they're allegories... so what is the problem with evolution?
No. Shared experiences. It makes them what I said they were; allegorical accounts of historical events such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization which is captured allegorically in the account of the Tower of Babel.
Nope. I'm a Christian. I know the stories quite well, but I don't reject science and education. I think God gave us a brain and reason.
And yet you can't bring yourself to say who or what you believe created the universe. You are aware the universe had a beginning, right? The account of Genesis - which is not a polytheistic belief - credits God with creating the universe; the heavens and the earth.
If you believe in evolution, you DONT believe in the creation story. So why even claim to be a Chrsitian?
If you believe in evolution, you DONT believe in the creation story. So why even claim to be a Chrsitian?

Fundamentalists organized in 1917 in reaction to science and modernity. That gave us the Scopes Monkey Trial. Do you believe in Bronze Age myths? I think God gave us a brain.
Dude, if you don't want to believe it then don't. I couldn't care less. Go be happy.

Intelligence is the pinnacle of creation. The universe is an intelligence creating machine. Beings that know and create were predestined by the laws of nature. It's not a coincidence the universe popped into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence.
Hey, slow down a bit, it's just a discussion. You can't just automatically have everybody agreeing with your beliefs.

You made an incorrect statement and I showed you that it wasn't correct according to a dictionary.

Two reasons:
1. You're trying to claim too many liberties in your translation of your bible to English.

2. Your religious beliefs cause you to not accept that humans are just one of the mammals.
If you believe in evolution, you DONT believe in the creation story. So why even claim to be a Chrsitian?
It's non that simple Harley and even I as an atheist can grant Christians the freedom to interpret as they claim.
If you're a Christian, be careful of what Christian beliefs you exclude! It may all end up being just a few fundamentalist extremists who remain as believers.
It's non that simple Harley and even I as an atheist can grant Christians the freedom to interpret as they claim.
If you're a Christian, be careful of what Christian beliefs you exclude! It may all end up being just a few fundamentalist extremists who remain as believers.
By "interpret" you mean ignore what the bible actually says, I assume. Thats usually what it means.
By "interpret" you mean ignore what the bible actually says, I assume. Thats usually what it means.

Do you comprehend this from Deuteronomy?

The heavens refer to the stars. They did have stars back then, you know.
There's no need for bitterness and sarcasm. I was being honest by including the first line of that quote. It's the second line that causes you the problem you have to deal with.

But of course I'm obliged to allow you a choice on whether it was written rhetorically or it was intended to be the literal truth.
My God? That's an odd way of saying it. But if what you say is true you wouldn't be here discussing God in the first place. Your belief in nothing offer you no functional advantage whatsoever. If it did atheism would be the norm and belief in God would be the exception.
As just one atheist I don't claim any functional advantage.
But I do claim a functional advantage due to my freedom from religious superstitious beliefs.

We atheists aren't a group as such, we are just individuals who don't accept the Christian god, as all we have in common.

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