Zone1 For Christians who believe in Darwinian evolution, question

Does that mean that you believe that God had absolutely no hand in the propagation of millions of species of plant, fungus, and animal life on Earth?

Did God just watch it all unfold for billions of years, and then when humans evolved, decide that they are so sinful that he must take human form to suffer and die for those sins?
/——/ As a Catholic, I was taught that evolution and creationism can co-exist. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. I can’t understand why the two hardcore sides can’t meet in the middle. Evolution is part of creationism as designed by God.
/——/ As a Catholic, I was taught that evolution and creationism can co-exist. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. I can’t understand why the two hardcore sides can’t meet in the middle. Evolution is part of creationism as designed by God.
Twisting it to make it appear that the Catholic church doesn't need to choose is dishonest IMO.

That would be something on which Harley could hang his hat.
Twisting it to make it appear that the Catholic church doesn't need to choose is dishonest IMO.

That would be something on which Harley could hang his hat.
/——/ What does that mean? And what does my grandson Harley have to do with this? He’s only 10.
Someone like you.

Just curious... is it important for you to see me that way? If so, why?
Not you personally, but you seem to be representing the Catholic faith as their spokesman.
Or, as it appears to be now, just a segment of the Catholic faith.
And yet you can't bring yourself to say who or what you believe created the universe. You are aware the universe had a beginning, right? The account of Genesis - which is not a polytheistic belief - credits God with creating the universe; the heavens and the earth.
Surada's belief system are worth your while to accept. Your Catholic church can't afford to be discriminatory to the lengths you're choosing to take it.

Most of his beliefs can be explained away by saying it's to be accepted literally or rhetorically.

Harley and others like him, afford you no such liberties.
Untrue. What is not to believe?
How does billions of years of evolution to get to where we are, not contradict the creation story?
He took a rib from adam to make a woman. Didnt say she evolved from a fish, did it?
Perhaps don't tell people what they do or don't believe--or who and what they are. Allow them to tell you. Then listen.
Fine. Be completely inconsistent. Its your stupidity. Not mine.
"DERPY DERP DERP I am a Christian, but I dont believe Christinaity"
How does billions of years of evolution to get to where we are, not contradict the creation story?
He took a rib from adam to make a woman. Didnt say she evolved from a fish, did it?
Are you an atheist who takes the Bible literally?
Fine. Be completely inconsistent. Its your stupidity. Not mine.
"DERPY DERP DERP I am a Christian, but I dont believe Christinaity"
What does the Book of Genesis have to do with Christianity? Genesis happened thousands of years prior to Christianity.
Hey, slow down a bit, it's just a discussion. You can't just automatically have everybody agreeing with your beliefs.

You made an incorrect statement and I showed you that it wasn't correct according to a dictionary.

Two reasons:
1. You're trying to claim too many liberties in your translation of your bible to English.

2. Your religious beliefs cause you to not accept that humans are just one of the mammals.
That's news to me that a dictionary defines a being that knows and creates. If you want to use an an ant as your poster child for that be my guest. Sounds like a fringe argument to me though.

We know from our experiences that intelligence tends to create intelligence. We are obsessed with making smart things. Ants? Not so much. When an ant builds a technological society and ponders the origin of the universe let me know.
There's no need for bitterness and sarcasm. I was being honest by including the first line of that quote. It's the second line that causes you the problem you have to deal with.

But of course I'm obliged to allow you a choice on whether it was written rhetorically or it was intended to be the literal truth.
There's no bitterness or sarcasm on my part. Yes, the creation account was written allegorically and captured the essence of the event. The account tells us that God created everything. That there was a process or sequence and that man arose from that creation.
As just one atheist I don't claim any functional advantage.
But I do claim a functional advantage due to my freedom from religious superstitious beliefs.

We atheists aren't a group as such, we are just individuals who don't accept the Christian god, as all we have in common.
According to Darwin... if atheism offered a functional advantage atheism would be the norm and belief in God would be the exception.

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