Zone1 For Christians who believe in Darwinian evolution, question

He knows himself that he can't force his interpretations on all Christians.
I believe that growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth. That honest men can have honest differences of opinions and not have to misstate the other or act like assholes towards each other.

You seem to be confusing me participating in discussions with forcing my opinions on others. That's incorrect.

The next time I correct you I won't be so nice.
I have no issues at all. Never did. I think you are the one with the issues. It's not my fault you are uncomfortable with the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence. That's your problem.
The universe didn't pop into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence.

And so yes, you/we have an issue.

Science has a theory that life may exist elsewhere other than just the earth, but the theory doesn't include life being hardwired on earth or anywhere else.

Rhetorically speaking or literally speaking?

Another lie or the truth as you see it?

A Catholic's POV or Christianity's?
Maybe thats true. I dont doubt it. I just dont think its your God.
Jealousy, being vengeful, genocidal etc arent the traits of a supreme being, IMO.
That's fine, don't. I think you are reading it wrong. But whatever perception of God you have it won't help you until you enter into a relationship with him.
The universe didn't pop into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence.

And so yes, you/we have an issue.

Science has a theory that life may exist elsewhere other than just the earth, but the theory doesn't include life being hardwired on earth or anywhere else.

Rhetorically speaking or literally speaking?

Another lie or the truth as you see it?

A Catholic's POV or Christianity's?
Sure it did. It makes you super uncomfortable too.
Any universe which has the EXACT same structure of matter as our universe will produce life and intelligence. Any universe which has a slightly different structure of matter, will not. It's just science.
That's fine, don't. I think you are reading it wrong. But whatever perception of God you have it won't help you until you enter into a relationship with him.
Idk how anyone could misinterpret his actions. Ignore them, sure. Defend them anyway, sure. But misinterpret? Naw
I grew up in the church. I used to love going to church. I prayed etc.
Then i hit 12 or 13 and grew up a bit.
Ok. Can you tell me what your perception of God is then? I'm not asking for the Christian perception, I'm asking for the TN perception of God.
I believe that growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth. That honest men can have honest differences of opinions and not have to misstate the other or act like assholes towards each other.
I know that's what you think. But I also know that all Christians don't allow you that leeway of exploring. You're trying to force it on them and now you're left by yourself with your dogmatist views.
I think your church would instruct you to be more tolerant of the beliefs of others.

And in fact, you attempt to show tolerance with Surada and Harley, but you still maintain your dogmatic beliefs to the exception of others.
You seem to be confusing me participating in discussions with forcing my opinions on others. That's incorrect.

The next time I correct you I won't be so nice.
As I suggested above for other Christians' beliefs.
I don't expect you to find much in common with atheists, as I find little in common with your beliefs as well as other Christians' beliefs.
So Chrsitians dont believe in Gods creation?
They are not required to see God as a genii poofing everything into creation in an instant. May want to learn about what Christians can believe. before telling them what they believe.
Ok. Can you tell me what your perception of God is then? I'm not asking for the Christian perception, I'm asking for the TN perception of God.
Good for you to ask him!

But how will you react when he or others answer?

Have you learned anything about tolerance?
They are not required to see God as a genii poofing everything into creation in an instant.
Well you're very welcome to the discussion at exactly when you're needed.

Ding indeed forces his opinion on other Christians to believe his god 'poofed' into existence!

Ding said:
It's not my fault you are uncomfortable with the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence. That's your problem.
They are not required to see God as a genii poofing everything into creation in an instant. May want to learn about what Christians can believe. before telling them what they believe.
So they can still be christians while not believing scripture. That makes a lot of sense.
Good for you to ask him!

But how will you react when he or others answer?

Have you learned anything about tolerance?
I guess you will just have to wait to find out. But it will most likely be the opposite of how you behave towards people who hold different beliefs.

I'm sure you believe you are tolerant of others, but I'm not seeing it.

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