For Crick- New Pages2k Data Paper

hey crick- McIntyre has yet another article up on the PAGES2K papers.

Gergis et al 2012 (which corresponds to PAGES2K up to a puzzling one year offset) said that they used “disturbance-corrected” data for Oroko:

“for consistency with published results, we use the final temperature reconstructions provided by the original authors that includes disturbance-corrected data for the 213 Silver Pine record…( E. Cook, personal communication)

By “disturbance correction” , do they mean the replacement of proxy data after 1957 by instrumental data? Or have they employed some other method of “disturbance correction”?

Assessment of this question is unduly complicated because Cook never archived Oroko measurement data or, for that matter, any of the chronology versions or reconstructions appearing in the technical articles. Grey versions of the temperature reconstruction (but not chronology) have circulated in connection with multiproxy literature (including Mann and Jones 2003, Mann et al 2008, Gergis et al 2012 and PAGES2K 2013). In addition, two different grey versions occur digitally in Climategate letters from 2000 and 2005, with the later version clearly labeled as containing a splice of proxy and instrumental data. The Gergis version is clearly related to the earlier grey versions, but, at present, I am unable to determine whether the “disturbance correction” included an instrumental splice or not.

hmmmmm....... where have I heard about about splicing instrumental data onto a proxy reconstruction before.....

doncha love the way the first paper says what they did and the knock on papers somehow forget to mention what has been done?

Gergis2K and the Oroko 8220 Disturbance-Corrected 8221 Blade Climate Audit
Yep, it did.
See, this is what I don't get, why lie? All one has to do is go to youtube and watch. And Jiminie, it doesn't. Why lie like that? Are you that connected to this argument that you just blantantly lie? Now that's just silly and I feel sorry for you!! Poor Jiminie. :dunno::dunno:
You don't read the IPCC's assessment reports. I don't read McIntyre.
I read both. Science is supposed to be ideas put forth for discussion and criticism. You don't read the criticism so you don't know where the the weaknesses are.

Do you even know why the Gergis paper was retracted? You don't find out stuff like that on SkS.
I do read criticism; from the author's scientific peers, not from unqualified, biased, ego-driven "whackaloons".
It was not retracted and it was not withdrawn. It has not yet been published. It's earlier appearance was on a pre-print server that was not intended to be publicly accessible.

Paper claiming hottest 60-year-span in 1 000 years put on hold after being published online at Retraction Watch


Updates Journal of Climate adds info about withdrawn hot temps paper chemistry journal corrects retraction notice at Retraction Watch

For several months, the page housing the Journal of Climate study read:

The requested article is not currently available on this site.

It still does. But another page that should house the paper now reads, as commenter Skiphil notes:

Due to errors discovered in this paper during the publication process, it was withdrawn by the authors prior to being published in final form.

do you know the reasons they withdrew their paper? it had been through peer review and was given a publishing date.
It was withdrawn because one of the authors, Dr. Karoly, found an error. A reader of Climate Audit may or may not have found it independently.

Dr. Karoly then publicly and graciously thanked McIntyre for his work on it. McIntyre responded by implying Dr. Karoly stole the work from Climate Audit, lied about finding the error, and was planning more deliberate fudging data in the future.

So, standard McIntyre behavior. That would be why nobody pays attention to him.
It was withdrawn because one of the authors, Dr. Karoly, found an error. A reader of Climate Audit may or may not have found it independently.

Dr. Karoly then publicly and graciously thanked McIntyre for his work on it. McIntyre responded by implying Dr. Karoly stole the work from Climate Audit, lied about finding the error, and was planning more deliberate fudging data in the future.

So, standard McIntyre behavior. That would be why nobody pays attention to him.
so why wasn't it corrected and resubmitted?
I don't know.

Now, was there some point to bringing it up, other than to demonstrate how the peer review process catches errors?
We know that's the canonical dogma of the CultOfMcIntyre. However, the CultOfMcIntyre has a long history of just making shit up, which is why nobody outside the cult pays any attention to them.
We know that's the canonical dogma of the CultOfMcIntyre. However, the CultOfMcIntyre has a long history of just making shit up, which is why nobody outside the cult pays any attention to them.
making shit up? Oh ok, so where's that experiment that shows 120 PPM of CO2 does anything to the climate? no, no,no.. now let's see it!!!!! As Ted Knight said in Caddy Shack, "We're Waiting"!!!!1
We know that's the canonical dogma of the CultOfMcIntyre. However, the CultOfMcIntyre has a long history of just making shit up, which is why nobody outside the cult pays any attention to them.

Dripping irony hairball...dripping irony...and we know that no one in your cult pays attention to anyone who challenges your dogma...
It wasn't the peer review process that caught the error...

Since none of us have seen the actual communications between the reviewers and the authors; on what, precisely, is that comment based?

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