For some Trump supporters there'll soon be an unpleasant awakening

Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.

What a crock of crap, only 2.5 million get insurance through the exchange. Another 2.5 million get to stay on mommies insurance, which isn't supposed to change. You're just pulling crap out of you ass as usual.
What do you mean it isn't supposed to change? It's only there because of Obamacare. Seems you'll be one of the disappointed.
Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.

What a crock of crap, only 2.5 million get insurance through the exchange. Another 2.5 million get to stay on mommies insurance, which isn't supposed to change. You're just pulling crap out of you ass as usual.
What do you mean it isn't supposed to change? It's only there because of Obamacare. Seems you'll be one of the disappointed.

Actually I will be disappointed, not because I have rug rats under 26 yoa, but because the republicans seem to have bought in on spawn not being grown up till age 26. Maybe we should raise the voting age to 26, we don't want irresponsible children voting, right?

But then we'd have to disqualify you regressive also.
Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.
what is a better solution to our healthcare problem? why can we afford a socialized, War on Drugs and not socialized, healthcare?

Get back to me AFTER the ANCHOR baby nonsense is taken away. We are on the hook for the baby costs (often delivery to death) as well as the "parents" since the situation is so screwed up.

After that what American citizens were NOT already covered by some sort of low-income health plan? Medicaid?

I don't know the answer. There are 535 congressional + staff hired to figure it out.
Anchor babies have no impact on our War on Drugs. It is still useless.

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