For some Trump supporters there'll soon be an unpleasant awakening

Don't worry right wingers......after your euphoria wears out, we'll still be here to remind you of ALL those moronic promises that your orange clown made and have NOT been met...
Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.
You still here?
For bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflakes there is no awakening from the nightmare of Hillary's LOSS.

Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.
Obamacare is nothing more than legalized extortion, there is no need for that.
Don't worry right wingers......after your euphoria wears out, we'll still be here to remind you of ALL those moronic promises that your orange clown made and have NOT been met...
Sorry, but Conservatives will be 'celebrating' the fact that Hillary was REJECTED...again...for the next 4 to 8 years, no matter what. :p
Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.

Who fucking cares. That 80% can take care of that them selves.
Sorry, but Conservatives will be 'celebrating' the fact that Hillary was REJECTED...again...for the next 4 to 8 years, no matter what. :p

For morons like Queasy, the criticisms toward Trump will always be interpreted as a defense of Clinton....and for such idiots, the oncoming butt hurt will be even worse.
Sorry, but Conservatives will be 'celebrating' the fact that Hillary was REJECTED...again...for the next 4 to 8 years, no matter what. :p

For morons like Queasy, the criticisms toward Trump will always be interpreted as a defense of Clinton....and for such idiots, the oncoming butt hurt will be even worse.
Projected butthurt? I don't feel a thing.:ahole-1:
For morons like Queasy, the criticisms toward Trump will always be interpreted as a defense of Clinton....and for such idiots, the oncoming butt hurt will be even worse.
You are exactly right, criticism of Trump for every little thing he does, which snowflakes are doing right now while Trump hasn't even taken the office yet, WILL be recognized as bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflake resentment and hatred.
Any campaign promise he made is fair game, noone should be surprised about a decision in line with these promises. After that it is an issue of ongoing governance and managing as needed. Again, Trump was elected to do this job over his adversary.

Would the alternative be more appealing? Trump makes many promises and does nothing differently than the last administration?

OMG What an idiot you are. He' isn't POTUS yet in case that escaped your notice.

He WON'T be POTUS till 20 Jan 17 and his cabinet picks have been great so far. Is he perfect?? Hell no but he's much better than the alternative.

I have no idea why you call me names when I am suggesting he should do what he says he will do and noone should be surprised. This is better than the alternative to not doing what he promises, I realise he isn't the President yet.

Apology expected.
Here's an example of both the future butt-hurt of Trump acolytes, and the abject stupidity in opting and voting for the charlatan.

Vox senior editor Sarah Kliff wrote a poignant account last week of her visit to Whitley County, Ky., where the uninsured rate declined 60 percent under Obamacare but 82 percent of voters supported Trump.

There, Kliff, a former Post colleague, found Trump voters who were downright frightened that the president-elect would do exactly — literally — what he and Republicans promised: repeal Obamacare.

Among those she found was Trump voter Debbie Mills, a store owner whose husband awaits a lifesaving liver transplant; they got insurance through Obamacare, and Mills is hoping the law won’t be repealed.

“I don’t know what we’ll do if it does go away,” Mills said. “I guess I thought that, you know, [Trump] would not do this. That they would not do this, would not take the insurance away. Knowing that it’s affecting so many people’s lives. I mean, what are you to do then if you cannot . . . purchase, cannot pay for the insurance?”

Mills, who supported Trump for other reasons, figured Obamacare repeal was just talk. “I guess we really didn’t think about that, that he was going to cancel that or change that or take it away,” she said. “I guess I always just thought that it would be there. I was thinking that once it was made into a law that it could not be changed.”

Trump voters didn’t take him literally on Obamacare. Oops?
Trump is promising repeal and replace. Good grief! You left wing whackos are like the old man on the corner ringing a bell and screaming 'THE END IS NIGH".

Here's an example of both the future butt-hurt of Trump acolytes, and the abject stupidity in opting and voting for the charlatan.

Vox senior editor Sarah Kliff wrote a poignant account last week of her visit to Whitley County, Ky., where the uninsured rate declined 60 percent under Obamacare but 82 percent of voters supported Trump.

There, Kliff, a former Post colleague, found Trump voters who were downright frightened that the president-elect would do exactly — literally — what he and Republicans promised: repeal Obamacare.

Among those she found was Trump voter Debbie Mills, a store owner whose husband awaits a lifesaving liver transplant; they got insurance through Obamacare, and Mills is hoping the law won’t be repealed.

“I don’t know what we’ll do if it does go away,” Mills said. “I guess I thought that, you know, [Trump] would not do this. That they would not do this, would not take the insurance away. Knowing that it’s affecting so many people’s lives. I mean, what are you to do then if you cannot . . . purchase, cannot pay for the insurance?”

Mills, who supported Trump for other reasons, figured Obamacare repeal was just talk. “I guess we really didn’t think about that, that he was going to cancel that or change that or take it away,” she said. “I guess I always just thought that it would be there. I was thinking that once it was made into a law that it could not be changed.”

Trump voters didn’t take him literally on Obamacare. Oops?

You should try the Democratic Underground forum. Maybe they will read the crap you post.
Don't worry right wingers......after your euphoria wears out, we'll still be here to remind you of ALL those moronic promises that your orange clown made and have NOT been met...

Don't worry leftists, your euphoria can be recaptured using drugs of choice. But I'm going to remind you of a few promises concerning Obamafail made by the token black man, which proved to be lies:

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan.

Obamacare will reduce the health insurance premiums of Americans

No family making less than $250,000 a year will see their taxes increase

I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, now or in the future.

I will sign a universal healthcare bill into law…that covers every American.
Donald Trump’s supporters, in conservative writer Salina Zito’s formulation, take him seriously but not literally. For those who didn't take Trump literally and have received health insurance through the so called Obama-Care will soon be faced with this dilemma regarding the repeal of the ACA pushed so hard by congressional conservatives.

The Urban Institute estimated this month that under the partial repeal plan previously passed by Republicans in Congress, 30 million people would lose insurance, 82 percent of them would be in working families and 56 percent would be white and among adults who would lose insurance, ....and 80 percent of them don’t have college degrees.

Meh, if they lost 0bamacare, they could ditch that disaster and get affordable health insurance.
Any campaign promise he made is fair game, noone should be surprised about a decision in line with these promises. After that it is an issue of ongoing governance and managing as needed. Again, Trump was elected to do this job over his adversary.

Would the alternative be more appealing? Trump makes many promises and does nothing differently than the last administration?

OMG What an idiot you are. He' isn't POTUS yet in case that escaped your notice.

He WON'T be POTUS till 20 Jan 17 and his cabinet picks have been great so far. Is he perfect?? Hell no but he's much better than the alternative.

I have no idea why you call me names when I am suggesting he should do what he says he will do and noone should be surprised. This is better than the alternative to not doing what he promises, I realise he isn't the President yet.

Apology expected.

And given.
Don't worry right wingers......after your euphoria wears out, we'll still be here to remind you of ALL those moronic promises that your orange clown made and have NOT been met...
Sorry, but Conservatives will be 'celebrating' the fact that Hillary was REJECTED...again...for the next 4 to 8 years, no matter what. :p
So will the Russians . . . :badgrin:

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