For the Love of God, Stop Saying Trump Was an Antiwar President

what about Jan 6? Trump almost instigated a civil war, not to mention being a warmonger for foreign war

I think it was Nancy Piglosi who brought in the military after the people walked through the capitol building. Yeah, it was Piglosi that almost brought the civil war upon US. Oh by the way, when the Republicans were at the ball field, it was a Democrat that shot them up. That was the actual start of the civil war, dumbass.
under Trump, American dominance crumbled, as China rose, ISIS evil rampaged across the middle east, and North Korea and Iran developped a bomb
what about Jan 6? Trump almost instigated a civil war, not to mention being a warmonger for foreign war

Are you kidding? TRUMP! was the Peace President, the first in a long time to start no new hostilities. Heck, he should have won the Nobel Prize for Peace, he deserved it more than a certain previous president did.
Are you kidding? TRUMP! was the Peace President, the first in a long time to start no new hostilities. Heck, he should have won the Nobel Prize for Peace, he deserved it more than a certain previous president did.

Or a certain former Vice-President before him.

But at this point, the Nobel Prize has become such a laughingstock that it'd be an insult to anyone who truly deserved a prize comparable to what the Nobel Prize once stood for.
For the love of God's stop talking about the Trump administration or find the history forum and focus (if you can) on real issues and current politics.
When the Marxist/Demofascists like you call for a protest, people die and cities burn. The only person who "died that day" was a white woman shot by a black man. Why do you hate women so much?

I'm a Marxist / Demofascist who hates women?

Wow, it's amazing how much I learn about myself here.
This is his worse BS thread yet....
The first President to not start a war in I don't know how long, and even signed a peace deal with Israel and their Muslim neighbors, something that John Kerry said could never be done without including the terrorist Palestinians.

And he gets zero credit

Simply amazing.

How is it Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for attacking Libya but Trump gets impeached after signing a Middle East peace agreement?
Holy Cow... you make some dump post... but this one is takes the cake.
well i didn't write the article. i just thought it was thought provoking enough to share, and that Trumpanzees will get butthurt over it, so i couldn't resist posting it

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