For The Record

"Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people."

I keep hearing this from Liberals. Fact is Trump doesn't need a mandate. He won so it's his agenda whether you like it or not.
the 'slimmest' of margins is a 269-269 tie, with the sitting vice president making the deciding vote.

Then we have Bush v Gore

Followed by Bush v Kerry

Carter v Ford

Trump v Clinton at 306-232 is hardly the 'slimmest' of margins.

You're wrong, but that is nothing new. I'll wait and see how many members of the EC vote their conscience.
LOL Donald Trump won
All because you dumbfucks wanted a corrupt, bitchy, American hating, bank loving goon.

Trump won because he fooled the bigots, racists, sexists, misogynists and anti government, anti union, anti teacher, anti gun control, anti abortion, i.e. single issue voters by telling all of the above what they wanted to hear.

What you elected was an Authoritarian Plutocrat, who is able to lead sheep with with demagoguery and false promises.

How's his anti cronyism and anti establishment promise working out for you TN?
Trump won because he presented proposals for issues many voters were concerned about, most critically those working class voters who tend to vote Democrat in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that both Obama and Clinton have ignored.

Explain to us how winning Wisconsin and Michigan by less than 1%, and Penn by barely more than 1% (and thus giving Trump the victory) is in anyway instructive that Trump did anything more than promise the people what they wanted?

HRC hurt herself fatally with her comment on coal, and calling some of Trump supporters deplorable.
These are blue states that Clinton would have won if she had addressed the economic concerns of working class people there, but she couldn't because she was afraid of alienating the Hispanic vote if she blamed depressed economic conditions of NAFTA or illegal immigrants.

She faced a similar problem in West Virginia. If she had advocated for clean coal as Trump did, she would have risked losing support from some environmentalists who are opposed to and use of coal regardless of how clean it is.

This is a deep problem for the Party. Since the Democrats switched their focus during the Clinton presidency from the problems of the poor and working class to the issue of the middle, they have lacked a national agenda. From FDR through LBJ, the focus of the Party was on the issues of poor and working class Americans, but they were traumatized by the Reagan years, and Clinton persuaded them to switch their emphasis for poor and working class Americans to middle class Americans. This was the essence of his strategy of "triangulation" in his 1996 election win.

Today the Party's base is made up special interest groups like Hispanics, gays, African Americans, environmentalists who are often at odds with other parts of the traditional Democratic base. This is what happened in states like Michigan and West Virginia. Clinton tried to cover up her inability to address the concerns of these voters with kitschy slogans like "stronger together" or "I want to build bridges not walls" which had no substantial meanings, but while this ploy worked for Obama, Clinton just didn't have the right stuff to pull off this swindle.

Thanks. A thoughtful post and a thought provoking one that the DNC needs to consider moving on.
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

Who cares ?

Fact: Trump is president - elect
Fact: The GOP kept the senate (BTW: it was a given that it would change hands)
Fact: The GOP kept the house.
Fact: The GOP has more state houses since 1920 (or thereabouts)

Who needs a mandate ?

The GOP owns the show.
LOL Donald Trump won
All because you dumbfucks wanted a corrupt, bitchy, American hating, bank loving goon.

Trump won because he fooled the bigots, racists, sexists, misogynists and anti government, anti union, anti teacher, anti gun control, anti abortion, i.e. single issue voters by telling all of the above what they wanted to hear.

What you elected was an Authoritarian Plutocrat, who is able to lead sheep with with demagoguery and false promises.

How's his anti cronyism and anti establishment promise working out for you TN?

He's not even the president yet.

Good grief.
"Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people."

I keep hearing this from Liberals. Fact is Trump doesn't need a mandate. He won so it's his agenda whether you like it or not.

As a patriot, I don't like Trump, or any of his picks for his cabinet.

As a person who is ecologically concerned, his picks for his administration are very disturbing.

As a grandfather who cares about our posterity, I believe everything Trump says and does will impact our posterity's health, education and civil rights negatively.
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

Who cares ?

Fact: Trump is president - elect
Fact: The GOP kept the senate (BTW: it was a given that it would change hands)
Fact: The GOP kept the house.
Fact: The GOP has more state houses since 1920 (or thereabouts)

Who needs a mandate ?

The GOP owns the show.

So does the Communist Party in China and the government in N. Korea, the Nazi's in Germany,circa 1932 - 1945, and now the Republikan Party come January 2017 in the United States.
It is a mandate.

We are a Union of states.

A majority of 60% of the states chose trump.

He has the mandate of the States that the federal government represents and works for.
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.
Trumps mandate from the people is pretty impressive...
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

You lost, so yes he does.

"If you want a say in government, you have to win elections"--Barack Hussein Obama
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

Trumps mandate from the people is pretty impressive...

Yeah, losing by 2.6 million popular votes is very impressive.
My guess is the OP is just now coming out of his November nightmare, and is looking for anything he can come up with in an attempt to throw cold water on what actually was a huge win for the GOP, and staggering losses all across the country for liberalism.
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.
Trumps mandate from the people is pretty impressive...
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

Trumps mandate from the people is pretty impressive...

Yeah, losing by 2.6 million popular votes is very impressive.
what did Trump lose?
"Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people."

I keep hearing this from Liberals. Fact is Trump doesn't need a mandate. He won so it's his agenda whether you like it or not.

As a patriot, I don't like Trump, or any of his picks for his cabinet.

As a person who is ecologically concerned, his picks for his administration are very disturbing.

As a grandfather who cares about our posterity, I believe everything Trump says and does will impact our posterity's health, education and civil rights negatively.
Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

The National Vote: Trump 46.3%; HRC 48.2% [Clinton received over 2.6 million votes more than did Trump]



Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.

Who cares ?

Fact: Trump is president - elect
Fact: The GOP kept the senate (BTW: it was a given that it would change hands)
Fact: The GOP kept the house.
Fact: The GOP has more state houses since 1920 (or thereabouts)

Who needs a mandate ?

The GOP owns the show.

So does the Communist Party in China and the government in N. Korea, the Nazi's in Germany,circa 1932 - 1945, and now the Republikan Party come January 2017 in the United States.

My top 3 concerns are the economy, jobs, and national security. I believe securing the border is crucial to the success of my top 3. I think Trump was the best for my concerns.
Yeah, losing by 2.6 million popular votes is very impressive.

That butthurt rash is still with you I see. You ought to get some salve on that or something...

Anywho, what disingenuous bullshit! Not only is the popular vote irreverent to the election, every honest person understands it would have been quite different if it where the means by which we elect a president.

Both candidates would have campaigned and spent very differently and the people CERTAINLY would have voted differently if it were a popular vote race. My wife and I are perfect examples. We live in a state where the winner was predetermined, so we voted libertarian. If we were in Ohio or North Carolina...or if the popular vote was the measure...we most certainly would have voted to prevent Shrillary getting into office. There were millions of voters that did not vote at all or did not vote for president because of how the elector college works.

Stated differently, no one, not even you as super smart as I'm sure you are, can say who would have won if the presidency were determined by popular vote. Adults understand this...yet you won't leave it alone.

Really pathetic.
Fact: Trump is President Elect, but has no mandate from the people.
So? Neither did obama or anyone else except perhaps Reagan. We only hear about compromise when the left loses, when they win they have no problem ramming their shit down our throats and laughing if we protest. You lost so eat shit.
Democrats should play the part of obstructionist Republicans on everything trump tries to reverse. Force McConnell to use the nuclear option so that when the Democrat return to power with a slim margin they can reverse the damage.
Democrats should play the part of obstructionist Republicans on everything trump tries to reverse. Force McConnell to use the nuclear option so that when the Democrat return to power with a slim margin they can reverse the damage.
When DON'T Democrats do that? Compromise is agreeing fully with them. And the nuclear option is in place thanks to Dirty Harry!
My guess is the OP is just now coming out of his November nightmare, and is looking for anything he can come up with in an attempt to throw cold water on what actually was a huge win for the GOP, and staggering losses all across the country for liberalism.

What is "liberalism" in your opinion?

Others are free to respond to this question.

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