For the Wonks: "Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay

Funny.. I am against government giving assistance, entitlements, bailouts, etc to anyone or any company...

But you might want to avoid the conclusions by winger sources "As Washington’s first progressive multi-issue think tank..."... that is the first line about this IPS.. self admittedly in a bias position.. and not to be taken completely seriously

Why? because you say so?

Because it used to be a soviet front organization. Only a commie would associate themselves with these people.

Right up your alley then - bailing out the wealthy welfare kingpins. Congrads liberal! You're in line for the "Golden Sheep of the Day" trophy.
Is there anything there you disagree with or just the word progressive?

They are a self proclaimed activist group with FAR left actions and history.. by nature, BIASED... this is no different than someone using a right wing activist group as 'proof'.. .it is bullshit to do.... we'll take your use of this source seriously the moment you take a birfer winger group seriously

Anything specific or what? I mean if thye are wrong please point it out but you seem intent on not pointing out how its wrong or how they are "far left".

"The world’s wealth derives in large part from resources that belong to all of us."

Right from their mission statements... wrong wrong wrong.. their history and ties to extremist left wing politics and leaders..

It is as biased and winger as a birfer site... period... and such sites are not to be taken seriously as 'proof' of anything

The difference between you and me.. I reject winger sites no matter what 'side' they are on... you embrace ones from the left, while bashing those from the right

Get a real source... then get back to us

And oh... already gave my stance on subsidies of any kind... you know where I stand
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.
Then quit subsidizing those people....In fact, quit subsidizing everyone.

Problem solved.
you ever deal w/ angry farmers? :tomato:
Then quit subsidizing those people....In fact, quit subsidizing everyone.

Problem solved.

Never happen, because the criminal politicians in Wall Street, DC get their kickbacks at campaign donation time. But it's a riot to watch sheep worship at the alter of their wealth-gods who bone them up the ass.

Plus they get promises of future employment (if you want to call having your name on a letterhead "employment")
Then quityerbitchin'.
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!

Good thing goddamned socialist Democrat Party 1%-ers don't get subsidies! :rolleyes:
Funny.. I am against government giving assistance, entitlements, bailouts, etc to anyone or any company...

But you might want to avoid the conclusions by winger sources "As Washington’s first progressive multi-issue think tank..."... that is the first line about this IPS.. self admittedly in a bias position.. and not to be taken completely seriously

Greedy Prick$

"The Dodd-Frank financial reform law aimed to make it easier for the public to know how much CEOs are getting paid in comparison to their workers. The law includes a provision requiring public companies to disclose their CEO-to-worker pay ratios, but nearly three years after the law passed, the Securities and Exchange commission still hasn't put the rule in place, thanks in part to business opposition to the proposal, according to ABC News.

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who authored the provision told ABC last year: "It might embarrass some companies to reveal that they pay their CEO in the range of 400 times what they pay their typical worker."

[ame=]Gordon Gekko - "I create nothing, I own." - YouTube[/ame]​
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They are a self proclaimed activist group with FAR left actions and history.. by nature, BIASED... this is no different than someone using a right wing activist group as 'proof'.. .it is bullshit to do.... we'll take your use of this source seriously the moment you take a birfer winger group seriously

Anything specific or what? I mean if thye are wrong please point it out but you seem intent on not pointing out how its wrong or how they are "far left".

"The world’s wealth derives in large part from resources that belong to all of us."

Right from their mission statements... wrong wrong wrong.. their history and ties to extremist left wing politics and leaders..

It is as biased and winger as a birfer site... period... and such sites are not to be taken seriously as 'proof' of anything

The difference between you and me.. I reject winger sites no matter what 'side' they are on... you embrace ones from the left, while bashing those from the right

Get a real source... then get back to us

And oh... already gave my stance on subsidies of any kind... you know where I stand

Geez...ok if it's 50 questions you want to play, I'm game.

What about their mission statement is wrong? Anything specific?
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

Right! They believe that if only we vote correctly then we can vote in ppl who don't use or need money. Once we find that guy we have to support him and if we don't, we get whats coming to us.

One big flaw with that is, that guy...doesn't exist
Anything specific or what? I mean if thye are wrong please point it out but you seem intent on not pointing out how its wrong or how they are "far left".

"The world’s wealth derives in large part from resources that belong to all of us."

Right from their mission statements... wrong wrong wrong.. their history and ties to extremist left wing politics and leaders..

It is as biased and winger as a birfer site... period... and such sites are not to be taken seriously as 'proof' of anything

The difference between you and me.. I reject winger sites no matter what 'side' they are on... you embrace ones from the left, while bashing those from the right

Get a real source... then get back to us

And oh... already gave my stance on subsidies of any kind... you know where I stand

Geez...ok if it's 50 questions you want to play, I'm game.

What about their mission statement is wrong? Anything specific?

I gave 1 example already... Then, go thru their 'fellows' and look at the far left, communist, socialist, world government types that are at the center of this 'think tank'.... then their support of 'true democracy' (AKA mob rule) is rather disturbing as well.. they are a self admitted progressive (AKA extreme leftist) think tank.. .BY NATURE, extremely biased.. and as stated, the minute you start accepting the right wing activists as being legit sources and 'proof', you let us know.... until then, you show that you are only interested in the conclusions of your incredibly biased wingers as long as they are only on one side

I will stick with my stance of not accepting any winger sites as 'proof' of anything

And IPS is definitely winger
"Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay - IPS

A new report by IPS and Campaign for America's Future shows that America’s top CEOs are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies at the same time they’re pushing austerity cutbacks in government programs that benefit ordinary citizens

Thanks to a “performance pay” tax loophole, large corporations in the United States today are routinely deducting enormous executive payouts from their income taxes. In effect, these companies are exploiting the U.S. tax code to send taxpayers the bill for the huge rewards they’re doling out to their top executives.

Now this is the type of wealth redistribution that gets a stamp of approval :clap2:

*hard sarcasm*

This is neither a “subsidy” nor a "loophole"; these companies have simply avoided the penalty put in place in 1993 for companies who pay their top executives more than $1 million. Under that rule, not only does the executive pay tax on his earnings over $1 million, but the corporation doesn't receive a deduction (hence also paying the tax on his earnings). The same income is therefore taxed twice; that makes this a penalty provision.

According to your article, the law sent the message that "No rational society can view annual executive compensation over $1 million as a reasonable business expense worthy of a tax deduction," proving that Barack Obama was not the first to engage in “class warfare.” Bill Clinton championed this legislation and intentionally included the “performance pay” clause to ensure that any excess was based on performance. In order to be deductible the performance measures have to be determined in advance and voted on by the shareholders, among other rules. Should the shareholders not be free to determine a performance package for their executives? When they meet those objectives, are the compensation awards not a business expense?

Funny that a progressive site is complaining about a law written and championed by a progressive President and passed by a progressive Congress; the Democrats had significant majorities in both the House and the Senate as well as the Clintons in the White House.
"Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay - IPS

A new report by IPS and Campaign for America's Future shows that America’s top CEOs are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies at the same time they’re pushing austerity cutbacks in government programs that benefit ordinary citizens

Thanks to a “performance pay” tax loophole, large corporations in the United States today are routinely deducting enormous executive payouts from their income taxes. In effect, these companies are exploiting the U.S. tax code to send taxpayers the bill for the huge rewards they’re doling out to their top executives.

Now this is the type of wealth redistribution that gets a stamp of approval :clap2:

*hard sarcasm*

How colossally stupid... your argument only works if one assumes that the federal government is entitled to 100% of everyone's income and by taking a legal deduction, you are somehow denying the government its money.

You need to grow up, seriously, just grow up and stop being such an ignoramus.
Why? because you say so?

Because it used to be a soviet front organization. Only a commie would associate themselves with these people.

Right up your alley then - bailing out the wealthy welfare kingpins. Congrads liberal! You're in line for the "Golden Sheep of the Day" trophy.

I have no idea what this gibberish is intended to signify. are you tyring to claim the IPS is right-wing?
"Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay - IPS

A new report by IPS and Campaign for America's Future shows that America’s top CEOs are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies at the same time they’re pushing austerity cutbacks in government programs that benefit ordinary citizens

Thanks to a “performance pay” tax loophole, large corporations in the United States today are routinely deducting enormous executive payouts from their income taxes. In effect, these companies are exploiting the U.S. tax code to send taxpayers the bill for the huge rewards they’re doling out to their top executives.

Now this is the type of wealth redistribution that gets a stamp of approval :clap2:

*hard sarcasm*

How colossally stupid... your argument only works if one assumes that the federal government is entitled to 100% of everyone's income and by taking a legal deduction, you are somehow denying the government its money.

You need to grow up, seriously, just grow up and stop being such an ignoramus.

When they skip out, we pay the tab
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

Right. The "moneyed interests" and the 1% are the ones who wanted to increase the rate on the top income bracket by $660 billion.

Lib theories are so stupid it's hard to believe they have the chutzpah to utter them in public.
Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!

Anyone who believes that is a certified moron.
Geez...ok if it's 50 questions you want to play, I'm game.

What about their mission statement is wrong? Anything specific?

ROFL! For starters, this claim is obviously wrong:

"The world’s wealth derives in large part from resources that belong to all of us."

Wealth is almost entirely the result of human effort. How many flat screen TVs do you see hanging from tree branches?
Earth to CC, all payroll is deductible for a company, including the little guy in the mail room. So by your reasoning everyone who is employed is being subsidized, it's part of the cost of doing business. Do you really want to go there?

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