For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

Does not matter how far back you go.
Historically there really is no valid "Israel".
When the Hebrew tribes invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, they called the area around Jerusalem Israel, but only for about 150 years, and it was invalid because they were evil invaders who massacred the native Canaanites, for no valid reason.
And mass genocide makes a country invalid, not valid.

The Romans created a fake Israel again around 100 BC. but it only lasted until around 60 AD and the Jewish revolt was suppressed by the Romans.

There has never been an Israel really until the UN made it up on 1948.
And that was a huge mistake because the UN did nothing to defend the rights of the Arabs who owned land in the newly created Israel, and did nothing when Israel violated the 1948 partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank.

There really is no excuse for that obvious theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

However the biscuit gets buttered, today there is no area on the maps called Palestine, yet there is an area called Israel.
Oh gosh! Min Trut must be shaking in her boots, huh? You are a loser with nothing to prop yourself up with.

What a stupid question. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, you’ve already said they don’t deserve their country…
This is very difficult to read... Shameful actually.

At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3
This is very difficult to read... Shameful actually.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3

I almost cried... not really. It's BS

Well, you’ve already said they don’t deserve their country…
Deserve? Did you say "deserve"? The American Indians deserve their own country(ies), the Jews ..... not yet they don't. But your comment is meant to be in conjunction with some other point you'd like to make, yes? So, let's hear it. You're not going to chicken out, are you?

Might makes right......doesn't matter how far back you want to go -- and the only reason any of us give a fuck is because of religion.

Native Americans existed in this country before any European settlers came -- but none of it matters because the settlers had more guns, so that tends to justify any and every action

Palestinians really have no power so lets stop pretending like they matter
Might makes right......doesn't matter how far back you want to go -- and the only reason any of us give a fuck is because of religion.

Native Americans existed in this country before any European settlers came -- but none of it matters because the settlers had more guns, so that tends to justify any and every action

Palestinians really have no power so lets stop pretending like they matter

They always intended a Jewish state and to get rid of the Palestinian majority.

Might makes right ...... Palestinians really have no power so lets stop pretending like they matter
They'll matter when one of your loved ones is touring Israel and gets taken hostage and bundled into Palestine. You'll then be faced with the choice of advocating an attack that will end the life of that person (by intention or by friendly fire) ... or suggesting dialogue and an understanding of the Palestinians' point of view. 😑
Deserve? Did you say "deserve"? The American Indians deserve their own country(ies), the Jews ..... not yet they don't.
So, there it is. You do not believe Israel has a right to exist…Let me know when res 181 is reversed.
But your comment is meant to be in conjunction with some other point you'd like to make, yes? So, let's hear it. You're not going to chicken out, are you?

Israel is a recognized nation, Whether you agree or not. The nation was attacked by terrorists on 10/7. Israel has the right to go after those who attacked their citizens. Simple as that.
Oops. Hate when that happens.

View attachment 857092

Zionists: "We will take house after house" from Palestinians in Jerusalem.

1,400BCE., Jerusalem first mentioned and Judea mentioned in 733BCE. Muslims didn't exist until Islamic invasions in the mid-600's CE. That's two thousand years after the Hebrews (Jews) had already settled in and when the Muslims came, it was by force (war) against the "infidels."
So, there it is. You do not believe Israel has a right to exist…Let me know when res 181 is reversed.

Israel is a recognized nation, Whether you agree or not. The nation was attacked by terrorists on 10/7. Israel has the right to go after those who attacked their citizens. Simple as that.

I understand their fear. They should have built a Jewish state where there were no people.

So, there it is.
What exactly?
You do not believe Israel has a right to exist …
That is a simple accusation that deserves a simple confirmation. The problem is that you have shown yourself to be very neurotic on the issue and you make absurd conclusions and spin yourself like a dreidel during Hanukkah. You don't understand the difference between Israel, Zionism, and Judaism and so think 2 + 2 = 12.
Israel is a recognized nation, Whether you agree or not.
The nation was attacked by terrorists on 10/7. Israel has the right to go after those who attacked their citizens. Simple as that.
Palestine has been under attack since Israel's inception AGAINST UNITED NATION'S INTERNATIONAL LAW. I know that international law doesn't impress you but the Palestinians have the right to retaliate, with or without the assistance of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Queida, ISIS, Russia, or whomever. If you are going to cry about it then don't do it in front of my lawn or I'll run you off for trespassing. Simple as that.

Discounting claims of the Golan Heights' strategic value, war hero Moshe Dayan once told a reporter that Israel took the plateau from Syria simply because Israelis wanted it for farmland.

Dayan ranked his 1967 decisions to capture the Golan and allow Jews to return to Hebron as his two greatest mistakes as defense minister, the legendary Israeli....

According to Dayan, Israel deliberately provoked the shootings as a pretext to attack. "We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn't possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot," he said.

Discounting claims of the Golan Heights' strategic value, war hero Moshe Dayan once told a reporter that Israel took the plateau from Syria simply because Israelis wanted it for farmland.

Dayan ranked his 1967 decisions to capture the Golan and allow Jews to return to Hebron as his two greatest mistakes as defense minister, the legendary Israeli....

According to Dayan, Israel deliberately provoked the shootings as a pretext to attack. "We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn't possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot," he said.
:goodposting: I actually read the biography of Moshe Dyan quite some many years ago but this is an eye-opener!
What exactly?

That is a simple accusation that deserves a simple confirmation. The problem is that you have shown yourself to be very neurotic on the issue and you make absurd conclusions and spin yourself like a dreidel during Hanukkah. You don't understand the difference between Israel, Zionism, and Judaism and so think 2 + 2 = 12.


Palestine has been under attack since Israel's inception AGAINST UNITED NATION'S INTERNATIONAL LAW. I know that international law doesn't impress you but the Palestinians have the right to retaliate, with or without the assistance of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Queida, ISIS, Russia, or whomever. If you are going to cry about it then don't do it in front of my lawn or I'll run you off for trespassing. Simple as that.
Only in a liberals world, is the victim responsible for the attack on themselves…

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