For those who want to blame the Bush admin for this:

And the Bush Admin has been warning us about it for years. They wanted oversight, and the assholes refused to provide any, because they swore this would never happen.

Right, and the Bush administration didn't change the lending rules from mandatory to voluntary. Oh, yes Ali, Bush has been a real regulator all along. What the hell are you drinking. Your party is the part of deregulation which is a major cause of what happened.

I am always amazed that anyone who does not make at least a quarter of a million can continue to vote for Republicans.

What Bullshit. Your party had absolute power for 6 years. The Dems now have had partial power for just over a year and your frigging folks have filibustered more in that time than the Dems did in six years.

Thanks for the correction .... my bad for sure....

I'll try again....

12 members of Franks own Banking Committee voted NO on that bail out and still R's get the blame for it not passing....(12 out of 37)

That should set the record right.....first error I've ever made....:lol:

The Virginian Federalist: House Banking Committee Democrats defeat Bank Bailout

Monday, September 29, 2008
House Banking Committee Democrats defeat Bank Bailout

The House of Representatives voted down the bank bailout bill today on a close vote 228 to 205. 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans voted no. The Virginia congressional delegation vote was also split with Congressman Bobby Scott (D) and Robb Wittman (R), Thelma Drake (R), Randy Forbes (R), Virgil Goode (R) and Robert Goodblatte (R) voting no. Eric Cantor (R), Frank Wolf (R), Tom Davis (R), Jim Moran (D) and Rick Boucher (D) voted yes. The entire roll call is here.

What is interesting is the vote cast by members of the House Banking Committee (see below the fold). With the difference between yeas and nays overall 23, a shift of 12 votes would pass the bill. Of the 37 Democrats on the committee, 12 voted no. One can conclude that it was the 12 Democrat members of the House Banking Committee who voted no were the votes which defeated the bill.

Brad Sherman, California N
William Clay, Jr., Missouri N
Joe Baca, California N
Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts N
David Scott, Georgia N
Al Green, Texas N
Emanuel Cleaver, Missouri N
Lincoln Davis, Tennessee N
Paul Hodes, New Hampshire N
André Carson, Indiana N
Don Cazayoux, Louisiana N
Travis Childers, Mississippi N

One can conclude that, if one is an idiot. The Republicans said themselves that they switched last minute. They are the ones responsible for killing it. And why exactly are the Democrats on the Banking committee the only ones responsible for voting for it?

They broke 2/3 for 1/3 against. Roughly the same as Democrats in the House as a whole. If Boehner could have controlled his people, it would have passed.
And it will fail miserably, as did the "plan" to "build" the economy by extending low-interest loans to high-risk lenders.

You have no idea thats the case.

PEOPLE HAVE TO BE ACCOUNTABLE. They have to earn their own money, they have to support their own lifestyle, and when they fail, THEY FUCKING FAIL.

The problem is that people who aren't directly related to the credit crisis, did nothing wrong, and were responsible, will also fail.

You can't continue to prop up a system which doesn't work. People will lose jobs. Particularly people in the banking industry. Oh no, there goes Money Tree, Rent A Center, Barney's Used Car Mo-Town (Everyone Approved for a Car Loan!).

They aren't. They are changing the rules.

But it has got to happen and we will recover. You can't save everyone all the time from bad choices. Eventually someone has to take a fall, and the longer you put it off, the more people will fall. And no, it isn't going to be the fault of Bill the Valet at the casino down the road (ok, well, maybe a casino is a bad example, but you get the idea) when the casino (ok, casino is a really bad comparison, but I couldn't think of anyone else around here with valets) has to lay off 35 percent of its workers.

No, its not his fault. But yet he, and millions of other Americans, get hurt by it because you want a rough fix to the economy. Let me guess: Your in a secure position where it won't hurt you.

He'll just get a job either fishing or at an oil refinery, if we ever build any. Or he'll get a job washing dishes. Or he'll start his own window-washing business.

Naah, theres no credit so he can't afford to buy a boat. No credit so no new refineries can get started. As for washing dishes, hes now competing with so many other people that even if he does get the job, wages will be so depressed he won't be able to afford to live. Start his own business? Nope, no credit.

The point is, it's gonna happen. Quit bailing people out and let the cards fall where they may and start over.

No, its really not. I guarantee it, there will be a bail out. If theres not, stocks will drop so far and so fast, and Americans will see the value of their 401k's plummet, will freak out, and Congress will past a bill like whoa. But I doubt people will remain stupid for that long. A bill will pass, I guarantee it.

I know I can always get a job. Always. I don't care what it is, I am not someone who will ever be whining that there's no work. If there's no work, I'll make fucking work. And most Americans are like that.

No, you really don't know that. I mean theres always work for prostitutes I guess, but other than that a real credit crunch will fuck the economy and hard.

It'll be ok, Larkinn. Perhaps the business I create will be that of a professional hand-holder for the liberals and lefties who freak out at the thought of life being too intense and realistic.

Oh, I'll be fine. I'm not worried about me. I'm in school which is a very safe place to be in a recession or depression, plus as long as the economy doesn't flat out die, my job is recession-proof. Plus both of my parents work at a public university, so its not like their jobs are going anywhere.
One can conclude that, if one is an idiot. The Republicans said themselves that they switched last minute. They are the ones responsible for killing it. And why exactly are the Democrats on the Banking committee the only ones responsible for voting for it?

They broke 2/3 for 1/3 against. Roughly the same as Democrats in the House as a whole. If Boehner could have controlled his people, it would have passed.

Someone actually wanted a bill passed that Bush asked for ? Are you fucking crazy ??????
One can conclude that, if one is an idiot. The Republicans said themselves that they switched last minute. They are the ones responsible for killing it. And why exactly are the Democrats on the Banking committee the only ones responsible for voting for it?

They broke 2/3 for 1/3 against. Roughly the same as Democrats in the House as a whole. If Boehner could have controlled his people, it would have passed.

If cow shit was butter we wouldn't have to churn!
Perhaps then you could get an education and have something better to do than follow me around making asinine comments.

perhaps. Do you dispute that if cowshit were butter we wouldn't have to churn? How so?
Anyone that remotely thinks Bush deserves an iota of blame for this is a methane-breathing clone that should be put to sleep at the earliest convenience.

Want to blame someone? Point that fragile finger at Nancy "I Love NAMBLA Parades" Pelosi and Harry "I Surrender" Reid. Those 2 have created the biggest goatfuck in Congress since...well, ever.

This libbie controlled, Do-Nothing Congress is laughable.
perhaps. Do you dispute that if cowshit were butter we wouldn't have to churn? How so?

I am not disputing the accuracy of the statement, merely its relevancy. Its also true that Thailand is part of Asia, but if you brought that fact up in this discussion, you would be just as retarded.
Anyone that remotely thinks Bush deserves an iota of blame for this is a methane-breathing clone that should be put to sleep at the earliest convenience.

Want to blame someone? Point that fragile finger at Nancy "I Love NAMBLA Parades" Pelosi and Harry "I Surrender" Reid. Those 2 have created the biggest goatfuck in Congress since...well, ever.

This libbie controlled, Do-Nothing Congress is laughable.

Oh, do tell how Congress, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid caused the economic slowdown considering they, as you said, "do-nothing".
I am not disputing the accuracy of the statement, merely its relevancy. Its also true that Thailand is part of Asia, but if you brought that fact up in this discussion, you would be just as retarded.

poot wittle wib, cannot control the content. so sue me. Nancy should learn to keep her big mouth shut. Maybe.
Do nothing is no better, but also no worse, than do the wrong thing. Both sides equal in blame, both sides wrong.
poot wittle wib, cannot control the content. so sue me. Nancy should learn to keep her big mouth shut. Maybe.

Yes, me pointing out how retarded you are is me trying to control you. Actually its called influence. But unfortunately someone as stupid as you can't tell the difference between government control and another citizen advising you of how to sound less like a jabbering money.

Sue you? Umm, sure. Learn the laws, retard.

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