For those with faith no evidence is necessary; for those without it, no evidence will suffice.

Evidence would absolutely suffice

How about the universe? Or how about your existence? Is that sufficient evidence of a creator?
That is evidence that there was creation. How it was done, who or what was responsible, what moral laws we are expected to follow, etc all the stuff religions try to explain, that’s a different story.
Sorry man, not to knock those with faith but they have faith because the need and want to believe in something. They don’t seek evidence as skeptics because the lack of evidence would only weaken their faith and that’s not what they want to do
Of course you are knocking people with faith, but that is not the worst. As someone without faith you are telling people with faith what they "really" want to avoid. I find it odd that people with no faith are such self-proclaimed experts on those with faith. I think it best for those with no faith to talk about having no faith and leave it to those with faith to talk about having faith. ;)
This is a discussion forum. If you think I got something wrong or if you have a different point of view then please present it. I wanted to be a priest when I was young. Grew up in the church, have gone to church plenty of times in recent years as my girl is a devote follower. Don’t assume you know me. I’ve had faith, I’ve lost faith, and now I’m sharing a perspective I have from my experience.
Evidence would absolutely suffice for those whiteout faith. It just needs to be real evidence they can trust.
Evidence has boundaries. It is confined to physical existence because by definition evidence is something that can be measured by five physical senses. Spirit has shed physical boundaries. It is like demanding that someone insist being told the weight of a huge rock in miles per second. A rightful response to such a demand is, "Don't be silly."

Likewise physical measurement/evidence of what is spirit deserves only the response of, "Don't be silly." If one absolutely cannot live or think in terms beyond evidence (that which is physical) then the exploration of things that are spirit or spiritual is not their field of exploration. They are confined to what is physical.
Yet according to the Old Testament god communicated with people directly and through angels and even a being in human form who performed miracles. There were interactions in the physical realm. Should that kind of evidence present itself then that evidence would suffice for most non believers IMO
This is a discussion forum. If you think I got something wrong or if you have a different point of view then please present it. I wanted to be a priest when I was young. Grew up in the church, have gone to church plenty of times in recent years as my girl is a devote follower. Don’t assume you know me. I’ve had faith, I’ve lost faith, and now I’m sharing a perspective I have from my experience.
:) That was my point. Tell people what you think based on your own experiences...not what they think.
Yet according to the Old Testament god communicated with people directly and through angels and even a being in human form who performed miracles. There were interactions in the physical realm. Should that kind of evidence present itself then that evidence would suffice for most non believers IMO
The Apostles had evidence. For one-twelfth of the Apostles evidence made no difference. Those in the Old Testament who reported seeing an angel (or even a burning bush) only had their word, no evidence. (Sure, Moses, you saw a burning bush that showed no signs of burning. And your proof is a bush that has no signs of burning.)

Once we choose to explore beyond the physical, we must let go of the physical, which means we are in a realm with no evidence. Other than our word, and as we all know, that can prove tricky as well.

What I find interesting contemplation, is that even with evidence a bit over eight percent of the population would still not believe. What do you think...was Judas' problem not enough evidence?
Yet according to the Old Testament god communicated with people directly and through angels and even a being in human form who performed miracles. There were interactions in the physical realm. Should that kind of evidence present itself then that evidence would suffice for most non believers IMO
The Apostles had evidence. For one-twelfth of the Apostles evidence made no difference. Those in the Old Testament who reported seeing an angel (or even a burning bush) only had their word, no evidence. (Sure, Moses, you saw a burning bush that showed no signs of burning. And your proof is a bush that has no signs of burning.)

Once we choose to explore beyond the physical, we must let go of the physical, which means we are in a realm with no evidence. Other than our word, and as we all know, that can prove tricky as well.

What I find interesting contemplation, is that even with evidence a bit over eight percent of the population would still not believe. What do you think...was Judas' problem not enough evidence?
There always a percentage of outliers with anything you measure. Some people don’t believe their own lying eyes. Most people believe what they can see. Moses might not of had evidence to show others but he had first hand interaction that he saw to convince him. I believe that’s how most people operate. The things they see for themselves they have stronger convictions in. Things they read or hear about they have less conviction. It’s human nature
Things they read or hear about they have less conviction. It’s human nature
Then perhaps I am an outlier. ;)

Moses and the burning bush, Jesus feeding five thousand, Jonah and Nineveh, Abraham and the angel...none of these have any bearing on my life. The one all have in common that does have a bearing on my life is God's presence and that He does interact/speak with individuals. I was just a tot with my Little Golden Books when I told my parents that like Noah and Abraham, I wanted God to speak to me. My parents told me that didn't happen any more, just back in Biblical times. Too bad, because God was going to have to return and speak to me. And, I told Him so.
Things they read or hear about they have less conviction. It’s human nature
Then perhaps I am an outlier. ;)

Moses and the burning bush, Jesus feeding five thousand, Jonah and Nineveh, Abraham and the angel...none of these have any bearing on my life. The one all have in common that does have a bearing on my life is God's presence and that He does interact/speak with individuals. I was just a tot with my Little Golden Books when I told my parents that like Noah and Abraham, I wanted God to speak to me. My parents told me that didn't happen any more, just back in Biblical times. Too bad, because God was going to have to return and speak to me. And, I told Him so.
The belief that God spoke to Moses and all your other examples are from stories that you’ve been told or that you’ve read. That’s not first hand so a large number of people are going to be skeptical of the source in its entirety
The belief that God spoke to Moses and all your other examples are from stories that you’ve been told or that you’ve read. That’s not first hand so a large number of people are going to be skeptical of the source in its entirety
Doesn't matter how many are skeptical. To my current day life the only pertinent part is that God does communicate with humans. I pursued that rather than trying to track down a burning bush that did not burn. Or even giving further thought to the bush. Or Moses' life.
The belief that God spoke to Moses and all your other examples are from stories that you’ve been told or that you’ve read. That’s not first hand so a large number of people are going to be skeptical of the source in its entirety
Doesn't matter how many are skeptical. To my current day life the only pertinent part is that God does communicate with humans. I pursued that rather than trying to track down a burning bush that did not burn. Or even giving further thought to the bush. Or Moses' life.
How do you know God communicated with humans?
Do you believe what you read in the Bible as fact or do you read it on a metaphorical level?
Rabbis recommend studying the Bible over reading the Bible. I tend to look for the theme--what is the purpose of the story, the lesson our ancestors wished to pass on to the next generations. I find it also vital to keep in mind that Hebrew is an objective language, not subjective. It also only has about six thousand words. Since most languages are subjective, we have an imperfect translation. It helps to have commentary from someone who was brought up speaking Hebrew.

Next, I always remember that not everything in the Bible is about me, my time in history, or my culture. I try to read from the perspectives of the original author and his original audience. From there it is easier to decipher what is history, what is biography, what is metaphor.

Most important: The Bible is not a newspaper, an Encyclopedia, a text book of any kind (be it history or science). Its accounts are presented as stories in a memorable fashion. As we all know let's not get facts get in the way of a good story. The story of a small boy downing a giant did happen. However, it is certain that small boy was not King David. Great story with a great lesson none-the-less.
Things they read or hear about they have less conviction. It’s human nature
Then perhaps I am an outlier. ;)

Moses and the burning bush, Jesus feeding five thousand, Jonah and Nineveh, Abraham and the angel...none of these have any bearing on my life. The one all have in common that does have a bearing on my life is God's presence and that He does interact/speak with individuals. I was just a tot with my Little Golden Books when I told my parents that like Noah and Abraham, I wanted God to speak to me. My parents told me that didn't happen any more, just back in Biblical times. Too bad, because God was going to have to return and speak to me. And, I told Him so.
The one all have in common that does have a bearing on my life is God's presence and that He does interact/speak with individuals.
no, the commonality is there has never been an instance where more than one person was involved to give witness to any of the events alleged by the individual making the claim ... including meriweather.
Hebrews 11:1
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
You can't go wrong with Aquinas, Mortimer; his logic is flawless, and no one has refuted them yet, not without dishonestly changing his word definitions to something he didn't actually say or mean.
Moses and the burning bush
You mean the angel of the Lord.

An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from within the thorn bush, and behold, the thorn bush was burning with fire, but the thorn bush was not being consumed. בוַיֵּרָ֠א מַלְאַ֨ךְ יְהֹוָ֥ה אֵלָ֛יו בְּלַבַּת־אֵ֖שׁ מִתּ֣וֹךְ הַסְּנֶ֑ה וַיַּ֗רְא וְהִנֵּ֤ה הַסְּנֶה֙ בֹּעֵ֣ר בָּאֵ֔שׁ וְהַסְּנֶ֖ה אֵינֶ֥נּוּ אֻכָּֽל:
How do you know God communicated with humans?
My Little Golden Book said so. If it were true, then He could do the same with me. True. Eventually moved on to studying the Bible.
Do you believe what you read in the Bible as fact or do you read it on a metaphorical level?

Many of the 'stories' operate on several levels, as indicated by by their method of Chiastic structuring, and across books and stories as well, along with at least four 'voices' contributing to the complexities. None of it accepted as 'canon' was written by con men or idiots.
Evidence would absolutely suffice for those whiteout faith. It just needs to be real evidence they can trust.

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