For True Believers in Their Bibles Being the Literal Word of God.

There's no reason why all Christians shouldn't possess faith enough to allow them to believe that their bibles are the literal and truthful word of their god. To do anything less is to backslide and commit the greatest of sins.

As an example, The Noah's ark story can be reconciled with modern science in several ways. One of which is that the god shrunk all the animals to 1 thousandth size in order to fit them all into the confines of his boat.

Or, the Grand Canyon is proof of the biblical flood and is even claimed to be so at the site.

The Christian god can do anything and everything. It's time for Christians to stop backsliding and come back to relying on their faith. If they don't then they are selling the farm to non-believers.

Fwiw, I am a believer in the truth, no matter where it leads.
To hell or to heaven, I make no excuses for my commitment to facts and reality.

Where is that 40% of Americans who commit to believing creation and rejecting Darwininan evolution? Do they really believe or do they only believe on conditions that can keep them in a comfort zone?

Do you miss eating cheeseburgers and wearing wool with linen?
I never understood why some people feel so perplexed and confused when they pick up a bible, and read the words within.

Of course, I also never understood why people feel so afraid and freaked out when they look in their mirror, and see a cop behind them. I actually feel comforted, but that's just me.
Oh, at one point I was definitely perplexed and confused. So I dug deeper. I am willing to bet that you and I may read the Bible quite differently, but the end result is much the same. :)
Militant atheists arguing for a literal reading of the bible. smh.
Anyone tripping up Ding in the Word of God is called a Militant Atheist.
What a wet-noodle he is.
Ding is an angry christian who is tempted to proclaim his belief in his bible and his god, but he has backslid out of fear of being mocked.

This thread has already drawn out some true christians whose faith has served them well. Perhaps some of them will provide inspiration for ding to come back into the fold of true believers?

Don't be afraid. I'll be gentle with you when I pop your cherry there.
The backsliding christian is the one who needs to introduce profanity.
And in fact this thread is meant to exclude those christians who have lost faith in their bibles and their god as being the literal truth!

Only real christians need apply here.
I never claimed to be a saint. I'm not a twisted rationalizing socialist.
The crazy thing about this is that only Christians matter to our God.
That's why Jesus said he came for the lost; that he would leave ninety-nine to find the one. Alas, I am now one of the flock he leaves to go in search. ;)
Furthermore, you godbotherers arrogantly believe heaven awaits because you think you have unique access to knowledge I don't have. You don't. You have no knowledge of what your God thinks or wishes although some speak as if they get messages every day.
That is a bit harsh, and it certainly doesn't pertain to the majority. The Bible teaches that God's law is stamped on everyone's heart; that non-believers will be judged by their own hearts. Therefore no one has any more or any less knowledge of what God thinks or wishes than you. Now some may know scripture better than others, but knowing scripture is not the same as knowing God. Even you get the same message every day as all the rest of us. It is written on our hearts.

The crazy thing about this is that only Christians matter to our God.
Even Evil Knievel couldn't jump that gap in logic. That is not what she wrote.
Fwiw, I am a believer in the truth, no matter where it leads.
Seems like the OP is exactly the opposite. Ignore any contradictory evidence and follow your faith.
I didn't start this discussion with the intent of confusing christians, but I didn't think of any precautions to prevent confusion.

In any case it seems to have survived the badlands for an unusually long time so far.
Hard to know.. The Bible has been redacted and amended many times.

Even Genesis had two separate stories.. one for Judah and one for Israel.
They were cobbled together about the 5th century BC.
Yes, one account seemed to focus more on physical; the other may have been addressing the spiritual. As far as Jesus, his philosophy was to seek out the lost; the healthy did not need a physician.
I find comfort in reading God's word,
It is a great feeling, isn't it.

I never understood why some people feel so perplexed and confused when they pick up a bible, and read the words within.

Of course, I also never understood why people feel so afraid and freaked out when they look in their mirror, and see a cop behind them. I actually feel comforted, but that's just me.
The true believers have no difficulty at all, they believe unconditionally in their bibles being their god's word. These are the people who I've attempted to attract to this discussion. Mr. Merieather is not one of them and is quite unashamedly proclaiming to not be a believer. As has the 'ding' proclaimed himself to be a backsliding conditional believer.
Hard to know.. The Bible has been redacted and amended many times.

Even Genesis had two separate stories.. one for Judah and one for Israel.
They were cobbled together about the 5th century BC.
Yes, one account seemed to focus more on physical; the other may have been addressing the spiritual. As far as Jesus, his philosophy was to seek out the lost; the healthy did not need a physician.

The different stories of Judah and Israel account for the doublets in Genesis.
Hard to know.. The Bible has been redacted and amended many times.

Even Genesis had two separate stories.. one for Judah and one for Israel.
They were cobbled together about the 5th century BC.
Yes, one account seemed to focus more on physical; the other may have been addressing the spiritual. As far as Jesus, his philosophy was to seek out the lost; the healthy did not need a physician.
Scoff at the true believers at your own peril folks.
Nearly 40% of Americans understand that the bible hasn't changed, it's the backsliders interpretation of god's word that has changed, due to a lack of faith when challenged with modern science.
There's no reason why all Christians shouldn't possess faith enough to allow them to believe that their bibles are the literal and truthful word of their god. To do anything less is to backslide and commit the greatest of sins.

As an example, The Noah's ark story can be reconciled with modern science in several ways. One of which is that the god shrunk all the animals to 1 thousandth size in order to fit them all into the confines of his boat.

Or, the Grand Canyon is proof of the biblical flood and is even claimed to be so at the site.

The Christian god can do anything and everything. It's time for Christians to stop backsliding and come back to relying on their faith. If they don't then they are selling the farm to non-believers.

Fwiw, I am a believer in the truth, no matter where it leads.
To hell or to heaven, I make no excuses for my commitment to facts and reality.

Where is that 40% of Americans who commit to believing creation and rejecting Darwininan evolution? Do they really believe or do they only believe on conditions that can keep them in a comfort zone?

Do you miss eating cheeseburgers and wearing wool with linen?
The confusion I've created here is not intentional, it's just a way I've found to bring out the true believers from the conditional believers who have become backsliders.
"Mr. Meriweather" believes. Period. And can also identify the symbolic from the literal, and words that have more than one application--i.e. when son of means 'son' and when it means 'descendant of'.

Donald H should remember I have opted out of engaging with him directly. He knows why.
There's no reason why all Christians shouldn't possess faith enough to allow them to believe that their bibles are the literal and truthful word of their god. To do anything less is to backslide and commit the greatest of sins.

As an example, The Noah's ark story can be reconciled with modern science in several ways. One of which is that the god shrunk all the animals to 1 thousandth size in order to fit them all into the confines of his boat.

Or, the Grand Canyon is proof of the biblical flood and is even claimed to be so at the site.

The Christian god can do anything and everything. It's time for Christians to stop backsliding and come back to relying on their faith. If they don't then they are selling the farm to non-believers.

Fwiw, I am a believer in the truth, no matter where it leads.
To hell or to heaven, I make no excuses for my commitment to facts and reality.

Where is that 40% of Americans who commit to believing creation and rejecting Darwininan evolution? Do they really believe or do they only believe on conditions that can keep them in a comfort zone?

Do you miss eating cheeseburgers and wearing wool with linen?
The confusion I've created here is not intentional, it's just a way I've found to bring out the true believers from the conditional believers who have become backsliders.

What's the problem with backsliding?

Furthermore, you godbotherers arrogantly believe heaven awaits because you think you have unique access to knowledge I don't have. You don't. You have no knowledge of what your God thinks or wishes although some speak as if they get messages every day.
That is a bit harsh, and it certainly doesn't pertain to the majority. The Bible teaches that God's law is stamped on everyone's heart; that non-believers will be judged by their own hearts. Therefore no one has any more or any less knowledge of what God thinks or wishes than you. Now some may know scripture better than others, but knowing scripture is not the same as knowing God. Even you get the same message every day as all the rest of us. It is written on our hearts.
My point is this God myth is just that. No one has evidence it exists let alone get messages daily. That's absurd.
You speak of knowing God. You don't. You only think you do because you believe the bible. That is not certain knowledge of anything.
As for being written on your heart, now you are being silly.

Atheists will not be judged by themselves or anyone else. It is a threat by religion for recalcitrant atheists.

You should return to the origins of the bible, who wrote it and why. Not one magical event can be verified. The original authors were illiterate and very vague. It was changed and flourished into deeming it was law from God once it's value was realised it could be used as a business tool of religion.
You are continuing that tradition today.

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