For your consideration

People are hypocrites. I guess that's what you are getting at .

Like when you see people wh big flags tied to their trucks . Flag gets all tattered , but it's ok!
Yeah...I'm not sure I really get behind that, either. I mean, I know that military, and government, vehicles do it (jeeps, and the like), but that's kinda different, because, well...they're official. I'm not sure that it is entirely respectful when it is done to civilian vehicles.
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!

Jackboots are above the law!!!

People aren't against "the police " . They are against bad cops and police brutality .
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?
I for one, am definitely not for a police state.

However I do respect and recognize all the crap that LEOs have to put up with.

Changing the nation's flag? no
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!

Jackboots are above the law!!!

People aren't against "the police " . They are against bad cops and police brutality .
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?
If you redid the flag for The Liberal Left, his Illegal Immigrant Mules & his Islamic Radical Friends It would resemble a pile of ashes!
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!

Jackboots are above the law!!!

People aren't against "the police " . They are against bad cops and police brutality .
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

Army Rangers, who swore to defend the citizens of the United States and the Constitution beg to differ.

Also, they can get away with killing. Any time, any place, no prosecution. That's just a factoid I know from being a citizen of the United States.
I recently saw this advertised on my Facebook for purchase to "show your support" for "Blue Lives Matter":


I'm curious what you guys think about this. While I fully support our police, and Law Enforcement professionals, I'm not sure that I am entirely comfortable with this sort of promotion. I mean imagine the United States flag being presented with any other colour scheme (say green, and red - the colours of South Africa - in support of "Black Lives matter") for whatever cause you want to think about. Would you consider that a disrespectful use of the American Flag? Then why would it be any less disrespectful, just because it happens to be a cause that one happens to agree with?

Now, I have no doubt that people are going to bring up flag burning, "art projects" (you'll notice I put that in quotation marks) in which the "artist" pisses on the flag, stomps on the flag, or, in some other way, disrespects the flag. While I understand that the Supreme Court have decided that this is a legal act of expression, I still find it no less disrespectful. So, let us not get bogged down in whether it is legal, or not. I am more interested in whether you think it is appropriate.

Although I support the police I wouldn't display the Blue Lives Matter flag. I would have a bumper sticker with Blue Lives Matter on it. The American flag is the symbol of the greatest country on earth and each color, stripes and stars have a meaning. I can't find the word "expression" in the 1st Amendment or the Constitution and I can't imagine how those liberal progressive members of SCOTUS can think shitting on or burning the flag is "expression." They need their old bony asses stomped for that decision. And the people who desecrate the flag need some broken arms and cracked skulls.
Okay. The question is one of the spirit of the First amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" Was this only a promise that American citizns are guaranteed the right to say whatever they like, or are they allowed the freedom to express themselves without fear of government reprisal? If it is only the former, then what about paintings? Does this mean that if I paint a picture of the President that is...less than flattering...the government should be allowed to round me up, and throw me in prison? What about music? Or theatre? It is for this reason that the Courts determined that the spirit of the First Amendment was to allow individuals the freedom to express themselves. Now, that being said, we have determined that almost none of our rights are universal, without limitations. This is, in fact, the fight over the Second. Why should it be sacrosanct when no other right is? We already have limits to what, and when you can say things. Try yelling "Fire" without cause in a crowded theatre, and see what happens. My personal opinion is that one of those limitations should extend to recognised symbols of our liberties - notably the flag. Unfortunately, the Courts do not agree. They believe that an individual's right to express themselves trumps any value of an ideological symbol. Hence the legality of desecrating the flag for "artistic, or political purpose".
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!

Jackboots are above the law!!!

People aren't against "the police " . They are against bad cops and police brutality .
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!

Jackboots are above the law!!!

People aren't against "the police " . They are against bad cops and police brutality .
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

Army Rangers, who swore to defend the citizens of the United States and the Constitution beg to differ.

Also, they can get away with killing. Any time, any place, no prosecution. That's just a factoid I know from being a citizen of the United States.
Really? So, when did the Stars and Bars stop being the US flag? And what is the US flag, now? Because that was certainly the US flag when I served...
Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.

I rather made a point of stating that I have no opinion on the "Blue Lies Matter thing" one way, or the other. I did that on purpose. Because, as I have repeatedly stated, I specifically did not want this to be a referendum on that particular cause. I was more concerned with what was being done to the Stars and Bars in the name of that cause.
I recently saw this advertised on my Facebook for purchase to "show your support" for "Blue Lives Matter":


I'm curious what you guys think about this. While I fully support our police, and Law Enforcement professionals, I'm not sure that I am entirely comfortable with this sort of promotion. I mean imagine the United States flag being presented with any other colour scheme (say green, and red - the colours of South Africa - in support of "Black Lives matter") for whatever cause you want to think about. Would you consider that a disrespectful use of the American Flag? Then why would it be any less disrespectful, just because it happens to be a cause that one happens to agree with?

Now, I have no doubt that people are going to bring up flag burning, "art projects" (you'll notice I put that in quotation marks) in which the "artist" pisses on the flag, stomps on the flag, or, in some other way, disrespects the flag. While I understand that the Supreme Court have decided that this is a legal act of expression, I still find it no less disrespectful. So, let us not get bogged down in whether it is legal, or not. I am more interested in whether you think it is appropriate.

Although I support the police I wouldn't display the Blue Lives Matter flag. I would have a bumper sticker with Blue Lives Matter on it. The American flag is the symbol of the greatest country on earth and each color, stripes and stars have a meaning. I can't find the word "expression" in the 1st Amendment or the Constitution and I can't imagine how those liberal progressive members of SCOTUS can think shitting on or burning the flag is "expression." They need their old bony asses stomped for that decision. And the people who desecrate the flag need some broken arms and cracked skulls.
Okay. The question is one of the spirit of the First amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" Was this only a promise that American citizns are guaranteed the right to say whatever they like, or are they allowed the freedom to express themselves without fear of government reprisal? If it is only the former, then what about paintings? Does this mean that if I paint a picture of the President that is...less than flattering...the government should be allowed to round me up, and throw me in prison? What about music? Or theatre? It is for this reason that the Courts determined that the spirit of the First Amendment was to allow individuals the freedom to express themselves. Now, that being said, we have determined that almost none of our rights are universal, without limitations. This is, in fact, the fight over the Second. Why should it be sacrosanct when no other right is? We already have limits to what, and when you can say things. Try yelling "Fire" without cause in a crowded theatre, and see what happens. My personal opinion is that one of those limitations should extend to recognised symbols of our liberties - notably the flag. Unfortunately, the Courts do not agree. They believe that an individual's right to express themselves trumps any value of an ideological symbol. Hence the legality of desecrating the flag for "artistic, or political purpose".

You don't find it ironic and hypocritical that you want to limit free speech for a symbol of free speech?
I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.

I rather made a point of stating that I have no opinion on the "Blue Lies Matter thing" one way, or the other. I did that on purpose. Because, as I have repeatedly stated, I specifically did not want this to be a referendum on that particular cause. I was more concerned with what was being done to the Stars and Bars in the name of that cause.

Well, you done outed yourself sir.

This is the stars and Bars:


I personally know who flies that.
I recently saw this advertised on my Facebook for purchase to "show your support" for "Blue Lives Matter":


I'm curious what you guys think about this. While I fully support our police, and Law Enforcement professionals, I'm not sure that I am entirely comfortable with this sort of promotion. I mean imagine the United States flag being presented with any other colour scheme (say green, and red - the colours of South Africa - in support of "Black Lives matter") for whatever cause you want to think about. Would you consider that a disrespectful use of the American Flag? Then why would it be any less disrespectful, just because it happens to be a cause that one happens to agree with?

Now, I have no doubt that people are going to bring up flag burning, "art projects" (you'll notice I put that in quotation marks) in which the "artist" pisses on the flag, stomps on the flag, or, in some other way, disrespects the flag. While I understand that the Supreme Court have decided that this is a legal act of expression, I still find it no less disrespectful. So, let us not get bogged down in whether it is legal, or not. I am more interested in whether you think it is appropriate.

Although I support the police I wouldn't display the Blue Lives Matter flag. I would have a bumper sticker with Blue Lives Matter on it. The American flag is the symbol of the greatest country on earth and each color, stripes and stars have a meaning. I can't find the word "expression" in the 1st Amendment or the Constitution and I can't imagine how those liberal progressive members of SCOTUS can think shitting on or burning the flag is "expression." They need their old bony asses stomped for that decision. And the people who desecrate the flag need some broken arms and cracked skulls.
Okay. The question is one of the spirit of the First amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" Was this only a promise that American citizns are guaranteed the right to say whatever they like, or are they allowed the freedom to express themselves without fear of government reprisal? If it is only the former, then what about paintings? Does this mean that if I paint a picture of the President that is...less than flattering...the government should be allowed to round me up, and throw me in prison? What about music? Or theatre? It is for this reason that the Courts determined that the spirit of the First Amendment was to allow individuals the freedom to express themselves. Now, that being said, we have determined that almost none of our rights are universal, without limitations. This is, in fact, the fight over the Second. Why should it be sacrosanct when no other right is? We already have limits to what, and when you can say things. Try yelling "Fire" without cause in a crowded theatre, and see what happens. My personal opinion is that one of those limitations should extend to recognised symbols of our liberties - notably the flag. Unfortunately, the Courts do not agree. They believe that an individual's right to express themselves trumps any value of an ideological symbol. Hence the legality of desecrating the flag for "artistic, or political purpose".

You don't find it ironic and hypocritical that you want to limit free speech for a symbol of free speech?
Touché. And while I am not suggesting that it should be criminalised, I do think that, at some point, one should exercise some sense of decorum, don't you? Simply because you can do something, does that mean that you should? At some point, shouldn't your own sense of good taste kick in, and say, "Yeah...ya know? maybe not..."
Pound Salt Butt Burt Jihadi.

LEO 99% of them are hard working Honest people placed in difficult situations. We have the best LEO in the world and the most protections for our citizens against abuses.

To refer to any cop as a Jack Boot when most of them vehimently support your Constitutional Rights Disgusts Me.

You should move somewhere else more to your liking so you can get a damn education in reality!
People scream about how I am a nasty liberal! Well, I support our cops and believe that they need to get tough at times when criminals break the law.

There needs to be a team of special prosecutors for police that do wrong. They can't be people that deal with the police to convict criminals day in and day out. This a common-sense solution.

1-2 per county and publicly elected every 2 years.

Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

Army Rangers, who swore to defend the citizens of the United States and the Constitution beg to differ.

Also, they can get away with killing. Any time, any place, no prosecution. That's just a factoid I know from being a citizen of the United States.
Really? So, when did the Stars and Bars stop being the US flag? And what is the US flag, now? Because that was certainly the US flag when I served...

So would it be ok to desecrate older flags ? The ones before we had 50 stars?

When troops wear camo colored flags on their uniforms , is that kosher ?
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.

I rather made a point of stating that I have no opinion on the "Blue Lies Matter thing" one way, or the other. I did that on purpose. Because, as I have repeatedly stated, I specifically did not want this to be a referendum on that particular cause. I was more concerned with what was being done to the Stars and Bars in the name of that cause.

Well, you done outed yourself sir.

This is the stars and Bars:


I personally know who flies that.'re right. I was gonna say stars and stripes, and then I couldn't remember if that was right, or if stars and bars was the actual proper term. Thanks for calling me out.
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.

I rather made a point of stating that I have no opinion on the "Blue Lies Matter thing" one way, or the other. I did that on purpose. Because, as I have repeatedly stated, I specifically did not want this to be a referendum on that particular cause. I was more concerned with what was being done to the Stars and Bars in the name of that cause.

Well, you done outed yourself sir.

This is the stars and Bars:


I personally know who flies that.

Yeah. The flag of traitors to our country . Way worse than changing the color scheme of the us flag.
Once again, the purpose of my OP WAS. NOT. intended as a referendum on the "Blue Lives Matter" cause. Love the police. Hate the police. Behold the field with all of the fucks I don't give:


I want to know about people's opinions on what was done to our nation's flag in the name of this cause...

I don't feel like you exactly clarified your position in the OP.
Sorry. That's not the US flag, next!
Welllll...except it is. That's the point. They took the US flag, and altered the colours to make it not the US flag. You don't find that even a little disrespectful?

Army Rangers, who swore to defend the citizens of the United States and the Constitution beg to differ.

Also, they can get away with killing. Any time, any place, no prosecution. That's just a factoid I know from being a citizen of the United States.
Really? So, when did the Stars and Bars stop being the US flag? And what is the US flag, now? Because that was certainly the US flag when I served...

So would it be ok to desecrate older flags ? The ones before we had 50 stars?

When troops wear camo colored flags on their uniforms , is that kosher ?
Older flags? Not sure. I would probably lean toward the not. I mean it was still our national flag.

The camo flags are different. Those are officially sanctioned patches used for a specific purpose issued to our troops for that purpose.
This is you,right?

Where the fuck did that come from?!?!

Well, you're all hating on the "Blue lives matter" thing.

I rather made a point of stating that I have no opinion on the "Blue Lies Matter thing" one way, or the other. I did that on purpose. Because, as I have repeatedly stated, I specifically did not want this to be a referendum on that particular cause. I was more concerned with what was being done to the Stars and Bars in the name of that cause.

Well, you done outed yourself sir.

This is the stars and Bars:


I personally know who flies that.

Yeah. The flag of traitors to our country . Way worse than changing the color scheme of the us flag.

What pray tell are you talking about? Where are you from?

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