Forbes Says Trump is Broke


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

So what is he, a multi-billionaire who avoids paying taxes, or a poor man, fighting for the other unfortunate ones in America?

The Robin Hood of politics! What a great ad idea. Really get Forbes and MSM confused.
He is a grifter with a bad tan and a hooker for a wife..He is worth as much as he can take yous for.
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

You know, I call bullshit on the NY Slimes' claim...

If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again...

Then turn around and put their hands behind their backs, because the people involved in the story have finally proven something... That they committed a FEDERAL FELONY!!!
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

You know, I call bullshit on the NY Slimes' claim...

If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again...

Then turn around and put their hands behind their backs, because the people involved in the story have finally proven something... That they committed a FEDERAL FELONY!!!
" If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again..."

That sounds like the guy in question, right?
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

“Broke”...he can sell one building in NYC and become even wealthier. The jealousy you people have is mind boggling. Until he ran for President he was considered to be a top notch businessman with his own reality show that was renewed multiple times. Now he wins and suddenly he is a broke racist. You people have no shame. None.
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

You know, I call bullshit on the NY Slimes' claim...

If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again...

Then turn around and put their hands behind their backs, because the people involved in the story have finally proven something... That they committed a FEDERAL FELONY!!!
" If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again..."

That sounds like the guy in question, right?
Trump is under no obligation to make his tax returns public...

But if a lying rag like the Slimes prints something, they need to at least provide evidence that they didn't make this story up, too...
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

I thought he was worth billions and paid no taxes and was evading taxes. Today he is broke, so I guess there was no tax evasion.

The mass misinformation is beyond belief. How the hell do you tell what is reliable and what is not.

As far as I'm concerned, show the proof and then we might be able to talk about it being believable.

I beginning to believe this is just a Democratic Party trying to provoke Trump into showing his taxes.
When a guy is doing a great job, what difference does it make about his personal finances? You know that if he did anything shady they would have caught it as hard as they're trying.

You did notice Trump was impeached. For doing a shady Ukraine deal.
Dear leader is broke according to Forbes.

A guy that's worth $1B has the same amount of debt... $1 Billion.

"Forbes says President Donald Trump is a billionaire, but he has more than a billion dollars in debt.
The New York Times Sunday evening dropped a bombshell investigation into Trump’s taxes, after having obtained twenty years of his returns. The Times reported Trump is $421 million in debt to an unknown entity.
(One former top Mueller team attorney just strongly suggested that entity is Russia.)"

So let's see if I have this straight.

1) Trump is a billionaire who is avoiding taxes by taking deductions

2) But he doesn't have a billion, he squandered his inheritance through incompetence

3) But he has $426 million in debt, which is $1B so he has net zero and he's still bad for not paying more in taxes than he owed

--- and ---

4) Russia, Russia, Russia!

Do I have your crap right?
So what is he, a multi-billionaire who avoids paying taxes, or a poor man, fighting for the other unfortunate ones in America?

The Robin Hood of politics! What a great ad idea. Really get Forbes and MSM confused.

I'd guess he is neither.
" If they have the tax returns, they need to produce copies to prove they're not lying again..."

That sounds like the guy in question, right?

Actually all they need do is wait for Trump to sue them, or the DOJ try to prosecute them.

That would be proof they have the goods. Because it's not illegal to release "phony" tax information.
The OP says he's in debt a billion the article says 426 million.

I'd call that a small discrepancy.
Forbes says $1.13 Billion in debt. NYT says $421M. If you had reading skills you would have noticed the (so called by you) discrepancy.
So, which is it?

By the way, the word "broke" must mean something different to you.

In debt? Sure. Some of the richest companies in the world carry huge debts so they can operate. That's what all the risk is about. You probably wouldn't understand that. You probably just collect your paycheck without a single thought as to the risk/debt someone else incurred to pay you.

I love hearing from of these brilliant armchair business people who probably work in an hourly job and play the lottery.
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