Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest

What I'd like to see is the public policing both Trump and Clinton equally for "conflicts of interest"

So would I.

Democrats passed gun control in 1968 under Russian and Chinese influence, and the Clintons were deeply and intimately involved with, connected to, and dependent on China.
BRICS was around before Trump tossed his hat in the ring.

Sure. Trump's money was made long before his run for office. But the idea of 'BRICS' as an investment thesis for big, no-questions-asked, western money is relatively recent.
I’m sure lots of Americans have their hat in that ring.

Sure. In their retirement funds. Whether they are aware of it or not. Whether they want it or not.
BRICS was around before Trump tossed his hat in the ring.

Sure. Trump's money was made long before his run for office. But the idea of 'BRICS' as an investment thesis for big, no-questions-asked, western money is relatively recent.
I’m sure lots of Americans have their hat in that ring.

Sure. In their retirement funds. Whether they are aware of it or not. Whether they want it or not.
No one ever knows what’s in their funds.
Of course, since Mango Mussolini handed over the businesses to Don "Guido" Trump Junior, Orange Loyalists will see absolutely nothing wrong with this -- NADA


The largest American office of China's largest bank sits on the 20th floor of Trump Tower, six levels below the desk where Donald Trump built an empire and wrested a presidency. It's hard to get a glimpse inside. There do not appear to be any public photos of the office, the bank doesn't welcome visitors, and a man guards the elevators downstairs--one of the perks of forking over an estimated $2 million a year for the space.

Trump Tower officially lists the tenant as the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, but make no mistake who's paying the rent: the Chinese government, which owns a majority of the company. And while the landlord is technically the Trump Organization, make no mistake who's cashing those millions: the president of the United States, who has placed day-to-day management with his sons but retains 100% ownership. This lease expires in October 2019, according to a debt prospectus obtained by Forbes. So if you assume that the Trumps want to keep this lucrative tenant, then Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. could well be negotiating right now over how many millions the Chinese government will pay the sitting president. Unless he has already taken care of it: In September 2015 then-candidate Trump boasted to Forbes that he had "just renewed" the lease, around the time he was gearing up his campaign.

The real money in the Trump empire comes from commercial tenants like the Chinese bank. Forbes estimates these tenants pay a collective $175 million a year or so to the president. And they do so anonymously. Federal laws, drafted without envisioning a real estate billionaire as president, require Trump to publicly disclose the shell companies he owns--but not the hundreds of businesses pouring money into them or even the extent of the money involved.​

Loads More:

Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight

On the 1040, what line does that go on?
Dear DrLove
What I'd like to see is the public policing both Trump and Clinton equally for "conflicts of interest"

I don't mind people questioning these foreign rentals and "emolument" deals
if the same standards were enforced for the Clintons and donations/speaking fees
that were arguably tied to deals with foreign interests and investments as well.

What bothers me is trying to substitute one case "in place of" going after another,
then both cancelling out instead of investigating and resolving both!

Two wrongs don't make either of them right.
But America and the media has gotten into this habit of saying basically:
"Well, we didn't go after X when XYZ happened, so why should we go after A over ABC???"

This is backwards!

We should still go after both XYZ on the left and ABC on the right,
and hold all cases to public account.

Instead of just judging and punishing parties politically for points,
where is the correction to these conflicts?

What the normal policy is to avoid conflicts of interest is to avoid any APPEARANCE of them.

For example, while Trump is in office, why not let a nonprofit group take over part of the
businesses and let the profits from any "conflicting sources"
go toward charity causes that the public agrees are nonpartisan.

So for Russian and Chinese money going to Trump or Clinton,
why not direct those funds to go toward help for Trafficking or Sweatshop victims,
since both Russian, Chinese and other Asian workers are suffering from
global trafficking and slavery. Why not let some of the profits pay for
the extra costs of Security detail for the First Family when they travel for leisure.

There could be creative ways to work this out, where the money
goes to costs or causes that the public agrees is consistent and not conflicting with
political or personal interests.

See Code of Ethics for Govt Service
Any conflicts in duty to the public interest first, above personal gain,
should be resolved.

And NOT politicized where parties take turns excusing one for the other.
Neither side gets policed that way!

I agree with you Emily - The Clintons are corrupt and Hillary was possibly the worst candidate Dems have ever anointed by hook and by crook. But they have been endlessly investigated for over 25 years and still nothing. Additionally, the Clinton Foundation also does a lot of good work and is rated in the 90+ (A) by both major charity rating organizations. Trump Foundation was a sham of the highest order.

The Clintons are small change by comparison and she lost. Trump is in the White House and taking in big bucks from foreign governments. HE is the subject of my thread with was wrongly moved to "Conspiracy Theories".
rated in the 90+ (A) by both major charity rating organizations.

FUCK charity rating organizations. Non-profits rating other non-profits is total bullshit, and they all have management, CEOs, and shell corporations raking in the big bucks just like a "for-profit" but without the taxes and accountability.

I want Americans to have the opportunity to EARN their living, not depend on "charity" for it.

403(b) pensions and all!
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Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.

Goldman Sachs has its own smarty-pants answer to the BRICS thesis, of course. "N-11" means "Next 11," meaning "Next after BRICS."
The Goldman Sachs N-11 Equity Fund invests primarily in a portfolio of equity investments that are tied economically to the "N-11 countries" or in issuers that participate in the markets of the following N-11 countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey and Vietnam. While Iran is among the N-11 countries, the Fund will not invest in issuers organized under the laws of Iran, or domiciled in Iran, or in certain other issuers as necessary to comply with U.S. economic sanctions against Iran.
Already skirting congressional sanctions in the prospectus. I would not buy for a minute that "South Korea" is restricted to "South," either. Nigerian 419 scammers, too. They have suddenly acquired just a little bit too much legitimacy. More of the same. Even more evil than BRICS. In a roundabout money-shifting way, it is slaves on the chopping block offered to Western investors of a certain net worth and general affectation of wealth.
So what...

SO “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

The clause in question specifically states that “no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
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Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.


Right to the conspiracy forum this thread goes like the last one on the same subject.

Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest
So what...

SO “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

The clause in question specifically states that “no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

What changed in a year? So know it's China China china?

Your link is an opinion, no facts to back it up.
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So what...

SO “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

The clause in question specifically states that “no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
Well... you might have something there if it weren't for the fact that he turned all his business dealings over to his son BEFORE he took office.

Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.


Right to the conspiracy forum this thread goes like the last one on the same subject.

Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest

you dont know the difference between conspiracy and facts.

but youre a moron- big surprise
Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.


Right to the conspiracy forum this thread goes like the last one on the same subject.

Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest

you dont know the difference between conspiracy and facts.

but youre a moron- big surprise

Looks like I do ...
Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.


Right to the conspiracy forum this thread goes like the last one on the same subject.

Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest

you dont know the difference between conspiracy and facts.

but youre a moron- big surprise

Looks like I do ...

someone doesnt

conspiracy is based on conjecture

Trumps renters are based on records of fact

Of course, since Mango Mussolini handed over the businesses to Don "Guido" Trump Junior, Orange Loyalists will see absolutely nothing wrong with this -- NADA


The largest American office of China's largest bank sits on the 20th floor of Trump Tower, six levels below the desk where Donald Trump built an empire and wrested a presidency. It's hard to get a glimpse inside. There do not appear to be any public photos of the office, the bank doesn't welcome visitors, and a man guards the elevators downstairs--one of the perks of forking over an estimated $2 million a year for the space.

Trump Tower officially lists the tenant as the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, but make no mistake who's paying the rent: the Chinese government, which owns a majority of the company. And while the landlord is technically the Trump Organization, make no mistake who's cashing those millions: the president of the United States, who has placed day-to-day management with his sons but retains 100% ownership. This lease expires in October 2019, according to a debt prospectus obtained by Forbes. So if you assume that the Trumps want to keep this lucrative tenant, then Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. could well be negotiating right now over how many millions the Chinese government will pay the sitting president. Unless he has already taken care of it: In September 2015 then-candidate Trump boasted to Forbes that he had "just renewed" the lease, around the time he was gearing up his campaign.

The real money in the Trump empire comes from commercial tenants like the Chinese bank. Forbes estimates these tenants pay a collective $175 million a year or so to the president. And they do so anonymously. Federal laws, drafted without envisioning a real estate billionaire as president, require Trump to publicly disclose the shell companies he owns--but not the hundreds of businesses pouring money into them or even the extent of the money involved.
Loads More:

Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight
Not one new or even fairly recent item in that and as for this:
Forbes estimates these tenants pay a collective $175 million a year or so
until now I always just assumed he made that much in his sleep, I am totally unimpressed with that income
Tenants include Chinese commercial banks, the Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy, Capital One bank, and Bank of India. By holding onto his assets, President Trump has decided to test the applicability of the “Emoluments Clause” by renting his space to foreign governments.

Forbes exposes who is paying rent at Trump properties

and it just keeps coming non-stop.


Trump-owned properties reportedly continue to be a hub of potential conflict of interest for the Trump administration. In their own database, Forbes has identified 164 tenants that pay the president’s real-estate empire about $175 million a year—which the magazine claims is only about 75 percent of the rent that flows his way.


Right to the conspiracy forum this thread goes like the last one on the same subject.

Forbes uncovers Trump's likely Yuuugest conflict of interest

you dont know the difference between conspiracy and facts.

but youre a moron- big surprise

Looks like I do ...

do what- dont know the difference between threads merged and forum changes ?

Please obey USMB common courtesy next time and search before you post the same conspiracy threads...

Thank you.
Of course, since Mango Mussolini handed over the businesses to Don "Guido" Trump Junior, Orange Loyalists will see absolutely nothing wrong with this -- NADA


The largest American office of China's largest bank sits on the 20th floor of Trump Tower, six levels below the desk where Donald Trump built an empire and wrested a presidency. It's hard to get a glimpse inside. There do not appear to be any public photos of the office, the bank doesn't welcome visitors, and a man guards the elevators downstairs--one of the perks of forking over an estimated $2 million a year for the space.

Trump Tower officially lists the tenant as the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, but make no mistake who's paying the rent: the Chinese government, which owns a majority of the company. And while the landlord is technically the Trump Organization, make no mistake who's cashing those millions: the president of the United States, who has placed day-to-day management with his sons but retains 100% ownership. This lease expires in October 2019, according to a debt prospectus obtained by Forbes. So if you assume that the Trumps want to keep this lucrative tenant, then Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. could well be negotiating right now over how many millions the Chinese government will pay the sitting president. Unless he has already taken care of it: In September 2015 then-candidate Trump boasted to Forbes that he had "just renewed" the lease, around the time he was gearing up his campaign.

The real money in the Trump empire comes from commercial tenants like the Chinese bank. Forbes estimates these tenants pay a collective $175 million a year or so to the president. And they do so anonymously. Federal laws, drafted without envisioning a real estate billionaire as president, require Trump to publicly disclose the shell companies he owns--but not the hundreds of businesses pouring money into them or even the extent of the money involved.​

Loads More:

Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight
One need only compare and contrast Trump's campaign rhetoric regarding China and his China-related actions and remarks after he became POTUS to see there is at least an appearance of impropriety, if not one or more potential violation(s) of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (ERA 1989 -- click the link and read the law before you start refuting my remarks) which prohibits any senior “noncareer officer” of the government from permitting his or her name to be “used” by any firm that “provides professional services involving a fiduciary relationship.”

While the conflict-of-interest statutes exempt the president, the text of the use-of-name provisions of the ERA 1989 does not. Indeed, Congress explicitly said this statute was meant to ban the use of an officer’s name not only in traditional fiduciary-based firms, such as law partnerships, but in a range of other ventures including “real estate, consulting and advising, [and] architecture.” This is where Trump’s business interests come in: It would appear that many of his organization’s activities fall under those barred by the use-of-name law. On its website, the Trump Organization says that it engages in “real estate sales” and “brokerage” services. Even on a narrow, technical understanding a real-estate broker is necessarily in a fiduciary relationship with a buyer/lessor or seller.

Insofar as Trump Tower and Trump's real estate businesses have his name on them and he owns them, seems to me he's inviolation of the ERA 1989. Moreover, it's quite possible that his kids who hold government positions are too; plus they, unlike him, are subject also to conflict-of-interest statutes.

Trump Tower officially lists the tenant as the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, but make no mistake who's paying the rent: the Chinese government, which owns a majority of the company.
All of China's twelve largest "businesses" are state owned and operated.
while the landlord is technically the Trump Organization
Trump Organization is a pass-through entity, thus insofar as Trump retains ownership of it, he and it are one in the same as one could were Trump Organization a C-Corp. The same is so even for general partners in pass-through entities having a far less closely held ownership structure -- organizations like global accounting and consulting firms, certain investment banks, etc. -- than does Trump Organization.

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