Forcing Americans to pay illegals to invade us..Is that a ‘divisive’ policy?

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

Of course republicans have done squat in the past on illegal immigration. They have loved the cheap labor just as much as the socialist elite. The only difference is, now the dems want to build Hiltons on the border and pay for illegals healthcare. The latest brilliant idea was to give free abortions to everyone in the entire world. If you sneak into our country, you get an abortion on the house. As I noted, the Republicans never fixed the problem whenever they had an opportunity, but perhaps you shouldn't do your happy dance, because dems are sending people to teach illegals how to cheat asylum claims, and warning illegals about ICE raids in their sanctuary cities. That is just treasonous. I'm glad you believe all companies should punish those who hire illegal labor, but please don't equate the Republicans inaction with the horrendous things the Democrats are doing.

Business continues to invite them here. It's the main reason they are coming. What exactly do you want me to do about that?

What do you plan on doing?

Alrighty, thanks for admitting "asylum" is just an excuse to get around the system.

Sometimes it is. And?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

Of course republicans have done squat in the past on illegal immigration. They have loved the cheap labor just as much as the socialist elite. The only difference is, now the dems want to build Hiltons on the border and pay for illegals healthcare. The latest brilliant idea was to give free abortions to everyone in the entire world. If you sneak into our country, you get an abortion on the house. As I noted, the Republicans never fixed the problem whenever they had an opportunity, but perhaps you shouldn't do your happy dance, because dems are sending people to teach illegals how to cheat asylum claims, and warning illegals about ICE raids in their sanctuary cities. That is just treasonous. I'm glad you believe all companies should punish those who hire illegal labor, but please don't equate the Republicans inaction with the horrendous things the Democrats are doing.

Business continues to invite them here. It's the main reason they are coming. What exactly do you want me to do about that?

What do you plan on doing?

Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?
The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

Of course republicans have done squat in the past on illegal immigration. They have loved the cheap labor just as much as the socialist elite. The only difference is, now the dems want to build Hiltons on the border and pay for illegals healthcare. The latest brilliant idea was to give free abortions to everyone in the entire world. If you sneak into our country, you get an abortion on the house. As I noted, the Republicans never fixed the problem whenever they had an opportunity, but perhaps you shouldn't do your happy dance, because dems are sending people to teach illegals how to cheat asylum claims, and warning illegals about ICE raids in their sanctuary cities. That is just treasonous. I'm glad you believe all companies should punish those who hire illegal labor, but please don't equate the Republicans inaction with the horrendous things the Democrats are doing.

Business continues to invite them here. It's the main reason they are coming. What exactly do you want me to do about that?

What do you plan on doing?

Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?
Of course republicans have done squat in the past on illegal immigration. They have loved the cheap labor just as much as the socialist elite. The only difference is, now the dems want to build Hiltons on the border and pay for illegals healthcare. The latest brilliant idea was to give free abortions to everyone in the entire world. If you sneak into our country, you get an abortion on the house. As I noted, the Republicans never fixed the problem whenever they had an opportunity, but perhaps you shouldn't do your happy dance, because dems are sending people to teach illegals how to cheat asylum claims, and warning illegals about ICE raids in their sanctuary cities. That is just treasonous. I'm glad you believe all companies should punish those who hire illegal labor, but please don't equate the Republicans inaction with the horrendous things the Democrats are doing.

Business continues to invite them here. It's the main reason they are coming. What exactly do you want me to do about that?

What do you plan on doing?

Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.
Business continues to invite them here. It's the main reason they are coming. What exactly do you want me to do about that?

What do you plan on doing?

Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
You’re right, totally divisive. Why don’t you just worry about yourself? Earn money, live in a nice area, enjoy the finer things in life and stop the endless panic about a bunch of poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Surely these people you despise so much aren’t preventing you from living the good life are they?

Hahaha...the ole’ “it doesn’t affect me personally so why should I care” sort of thing huh? You must be an awesome American.
Good Americans look out for ALL of
When you say “poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families” what you really me is “illegal, thirdworld invaders trying to force good Americans to pay for their families”.....right?
Why won’t you allow yourself to realize that these people can’t make it here..they have the iQ of third graders, they don’t speak our language and they reproduce like cockroaches. They simply are not fit for a civil, first world, English speaking nation and Americans can not be expected to foster them while they fuck shit up and evolve over generations.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
You’re right, totally divisive. Why don’t you just worry about yourself? Earn money, live in a nice area, enjoy the finer things in life and stop the endless panic about a bunch of poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Surely these people you despise so much aren’t preventing you from living the good life are they?

Hahaha...the ole’ “it doesn’t affect me personally so why should I care” sort of thing huh? You must be an awesome American.
Good Americans look out for ALL of
When you say “poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families” what you really me is “illegal, thirdworld invaders trying to force good Americans to pay for their families”.....right?
Why won’t you allow yourself to realize that these people can’t make it here..they have the iQ of third graders, they don’t speak our language and they reproduce like cockroaches. They simply are not fit for a civil, first world, English speaking nation and Americans can not be expected to foster them while they fuck shit up and evolve over generations.
You’re about the last person I’d take seriously when defining who immigrants are... illegal and legal. You should stop trying, you ooze if bias and hate so nobody is going to take you seriously. You’re a circus act

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.

Or paying them to work in your meat processing or roofing businesses.

That's the pro-capitalist republican policy.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
You’re right, totally divisive. Why don’t you just worry about yourself? Earn money, live in a nice area, enjoy the finer things in life and stop the endless panic about a bunch of poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Surely these people you despise so much aren’t preventing you from living the good life are they?

Hahaha...the ole’ “it doesn’t affect me personally so why should I care” sort of thing huh? You must be an awesome American.
Good Americans look out for ALL of
When you say “poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families” what you really me is “illegal, thirdworld invaders trying to force good Americans to pay for their families”.....right?
Why won’t you allow yourself to realize that these people can’t make it here..they have the iQ of third graders, they don’t speak our language and they reproduce like cockroaches. They simply are not fit for a civil, first world, English speaking nation and Americans can not be expected to foster them while they fuck shit up and evolve over generations.
You’re about the last person I’d take seriously when defining who immigrants are... illegal and legal. You should stop trying, you ooze if bias and hate so nobody is going to take you seriously. You’re a circus act

You really mean I “ooze”of logic, reason and patriotism...right?
And you're talking in circles.

Nope, I'm asking you a question. The biggest issue is the thousands of employers offering employment to those here illegally.

Why do you believe little to nothing is being done about that from the Trump administration?

Dunno, maybe he's got other priorities, maybe he doesn't want you idiots to whine even more, maybe he's working on it, maybe there's a few Obama holdovers that are not doing their jobs.

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.
Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

Nope, I'm asking you a question. The biggest issue is the thousands of employers offering employment to those here illegally.

Why do you believe little to nothing is being done about that from the Trump administration?

Dunno, maybe he's got other priorities, maybe he doesn't want you idiots to whine even more, maybe he's working on it, maybe there's a few Obama holdovers that are not doing their jobs.

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners write laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?
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Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

Dunno, maybe he's got other priorities, maybe he doesn't want you idiots to whine even more, maybe he's working on it, maybe there's a few Obama holdovers that are not doing their jobs.

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners writes laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?

You can address what I say or you can chase your boogeymen.
Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners writes laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?

You can address what I say or you can chase your boogeymen.

What did you say that needs to be addressed?
You mean these Awesome thirdworlders?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners writes laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?

You can address what I say or you can chase your boogeymen.

What did you say that needs to be addressed?

Well, I'm not going to increase incentives and teach them how to beat asylum claims. How about that for a start? A wall wouldn't hurt. Obviously it isn't a cure all, but considering how broken congress is, it would certainly help. I'm also a big fan of the recent court decision to adopt first country you arrive in asylum rules. Does it not seem odd that Mexico is helping us while the democrats are saying fixing immigration is racist?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

That was a nice dodge. You are complaining about businesses, and then double down on the exact same thing that they are doing. You say we are luring people into illegal activity, and then you advocate for trying to make it three times more desirable.
Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

That was a nice dodge. You are complaining about businesses, and then double down on the exact same thing that they are doing. You say we are luring people into illegal activity, and then you advocate for trying to make it three times more desirable.

It is not a Dodge. I'm telling you my position. Why hold me to a different standard than the businesses that hire them?

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
You’re right, totally divisive. Why don’t you just worry about yourself? Earn money, live in a nice area, enjoy the finer things in life and stop the endless panic about a bunch of poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Surely these people you despise so much aren’t preventing you from living the good life are they?

Hahaha...the ole’ “it doesn’t affect me personally so why should I care” sort of thing huh? You must be an awesome American.
Good Americans look out for ALL of
When you say “poor people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families” what you really me is “illegal, thirdworld invaders trying to force good Americans to pay for their families”.....right?
Why won’t you allow yourself to realize that these people can’t make it here..they have the iQ of third graders, they don’t speak our language and they reproduce like cockroaches. They simply are not fit for a civil, first world, English speaking nation and Americans can not be expected to foster them while they fuck shit up and evolve over generations.
You’re about the last person I’d take seriously when defining who immigrants are... illegal and legal. You should stop trying, you ooze if bias and hate so nobody is going to take you seriously. You’re a circus act

You really mean I “ooze”of logic, reason and patriotism...right?
I have come to enjoy having a mexican/hispanic section in my local grocery stores......well except that mayo with the lime in it. That stuff is rather ugh.
Not accusing you of this but, why do people always cite food when the topic of immigration comes up? As if this fact helps to detract from the overall net negative. It is akin to focusing on the beauty of a home's lawn while the home is engulfed in flames. Very odd. The topic always arises.
---------------------------------- SPICES , I think that there has always been a search by shallow people for new taste sensations since 'marco polo' and the 'spice trade' hasn't there been Von Inger ?? Just a guess as I have never really looked for info . I just notice that people are willing to throw away the USA for some spicy nachos or Tacos Von Inger .
Last edited:

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Welcome to 'fumdamental change', planned, calculated, carried out over time...

The destruction may be halted for time...but never recedes...
That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners writes laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?

You can address what I say or you can chase your boogeymen.

What did you say that needs to be addressed?
You mean these Awesome thirdworlders?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
------------------------------------------------------------ thanks BrokeLoser [chuckle] .

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