Forcing Americans to pay illegals to invade us..Is that a ‘divisive’ policy?

Mexico isn't doing, nor are they going to do squat.

As long as we continue to ignore the main reason they come, I'm going to assist them however I can in getting here and once they are here.

Why would you assist their coming here? How does not punishing businesses justify cheating on asylum and coming illegally? I'm missing your rationale. If you are against businesses incentivising their arrival, how do you justify further incentivising them buy providing health care and benefits? Do they not know that their activities are illegal, and that they do not have the benefits of citizenship? Democrats waving a green flag sure is an incentive. Aren't you saying that is a problem?

That's just the way it is. If business can welcome them, why shouldn't I? It's OK for them but not me?

Well I guess you should just quit complaining about them then. That makes more sense than saying they screwed up so I will double down on it.

I'm not complaining about those here illegally. I've said we need to make sure they are healthy and educated since they are staying.

Dunno, maybe he's got other priorities, maybe he doesn't want you idiots to whine even more, maybe he's working on it, maybe there's a few Obama holdovers that are not doing their jobs.

It's not Obama holdovers job to do. It's Trump's. In another thread it was shown where Obama did go after employers though. Not all that many but still, Trump is doing nothing.

So, I'm perhaps a "Liberal" for condemning Trump for ignoring the thousands upon thousands employers illegally hiring illegal aliens?

Is that it? Like others have noted, condemn Trump, it doesn't matter what it is, you are a liberal?
And yet, when President Trump authorizes ICE raids on employers to identify and remove illegals, libs scream bloody murder.

The only raids have been on employee's not employers. Why not the employers? What they are doing is a felony. What the illegal is doing is only a misdemeanor.

While each immigrant is guilty of one criminal misdemeanor count. An empmployer can be guilty of hundreds if not thousands of felony counts over the years.

Don’t you bleeding hearts piss your panties when iCE raids businesses?
Doesn’t the Party Of Filth And Foreigners write laws that forbid employers from digging too deep into one’s status?

Divisive covert racism is what holds our nation back, back from the pretense that we are one nation under God.

Unless and until the author of this thread, and the kooks who lead them and follow them, realize they have become the minority, not in color or creed, but in maturity we will continue to have a nation divided.

Read through this thread for enlightenment.
I have come to enjoy having a mexican/hispanic section in my local grocery stores......well except that mayo with the lime in it. That stuff is rather ugh.
Not accusing you of this but, why do people always cite food when the topic of immigration comes up? As if this fact helps to detract from the overall net negative. It is akin to focusing on the beauty of a home's lawn while the home is engulfed in flames. Very odd. The topic always arises.

Because it is the only good thing he can cite as a result. So he virtue signals with that showing everyone how not racist and cool he is, while lying straight to our faces thinking no one is smart enough to notice.

The cost of the immigration program has been devastating. It is only beneficial to democrats who want to buy votes. The food isn't even that good to begin with.
I have come to enjoy having a mexican/hispanic section in my local grocery stores......well except that mayo with the lime in it. That stuff is rather ugh.
Not accusing you of this but, why do people always cite food when the topic of immigration comes up? As if this fact helps to detract from the overall net negative. It is akin to focusing on the beauty of a home's lawn while the home is engulfed in flames. Very odd. The topic always arises.

Because it is the only good thing he can cite as a result. So he virtue signals with that showing everyone how not racist and cool he is, while lying straight to our faces thinking no one is smart enough to notice.

The cost of the immigration program has been devastating. It is only beneficial to democrats who want to buy votes. The food isn't even that good to begin with.

Or I just really don't like mayo with lime in it.
Aren’t most school shootings / mass shootings happening in Democrat run shitholes?
What is it about Democrat policy that seems to manifest such violence? Could it all be just strange coincidence?

It is not about where the violence and shootings occur. Rather, Trump's divisiveness, bigotry, and autocratic tendencies encourage that sort of behavior no matter if the fairy godmother is in control of those communities. What we have is a grifter in the Whitehouse, a charlatan, and con-man all bundled into one neat package.

“Trumps divisiveness and bigotry”....such as his americans first, shut down the southern border policies?

Do you think it’s less “divisive” to force Americans to pay Mexico’s worse to fuck up our nation, rape, murder and pillage our citizens? Is it less divisive when our congress shuts down our government because our U.S. president refuses to make deals with illegals from Mexico?

Look, I don’t think you get it...Trump, like any good, real American, hopes and intends to divide from wetbacks and the pieces of shits among us....Umm, that’s kinda what we’re after...that’s the goal.
Aren’t most school shootings / mass shootings happening in Democrat run shitholes?
What is it about Democrat policy that seems to manifest such violence? Could it all be just strange coincidence?

It is not about where the violence and shootings occur. Rather, Trump's divisiveness, bigotry, and autocratic tendencies encourage that sort of behavior no matter if the fairy godmother is in control of those communities. What we have is a grifter in the Whitehouse, a charlatan, and con-man all bundled into one neat package.

“Trumps divisiveness and bigotry”....such as his americans first, shut down the southern border policies?

Do you think it’s less “divisive” to force Americans to pay Mexico’s worse to fuck up our nation, rape, murder and pillage our citizens? Is it less divisive when our congress shuts down our government because our U.S. president refuses to make deals with illegals from Mexico?

Look, I don’t think you get it...Trump, like any good, real American, hopes and intends to divide from wetbacks and the pieces of shits among us....Umm, that’s kinda what we’re after...that’s the goal.

Good Americans are not charlatans, con-men and grifters like Trump.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.
I have come to enjoy having a mexican/hispanic section in my local grocery stores......well except that mayo with the lime in it. That stuff is rather ugh.
That's a great reason to allow our country to be invaded by millions of Mexicans.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Wrong. Americans are quite unified on granting a path to legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants.

The majority of Americans still favor a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, poll shows

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
We invite them here to drive down wages and allow businesses avoid taxes. Why should we not want those people we invite, educated?
You mean your scumbag Dim politicians invited them, not "we." When did I "invite" any of them?

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Wrong. Americans are quite unified on granting a path to legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants.

The majority of Americans still favor a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, poll shows

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
Only for the DACA people, moron, not for all illegal immigrants.
Large majority of Americans want undocumented immigrants in US to be granted legal status: poll
The poll, which was released on Monday, found that 72 percent of Americans support granting legal status to immigrants who crossed into the U.S. illegally if they meet certain criteria.

Fifty-four percent of respondents who identified as Republican and Republican-leaning independents said they were supportive of granting legal status to undocumented immigrants while 45 percent were against the idea.
The people opposed to granting a path to legal status or citizenship to all illegal immigrants are in a tiny minority:



As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Wrong. Americans are quite unified on granting a path to legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants.

The majority of Americans still favor a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, poll shows

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Good, productive real Americans do not take the time to respond to polls...Guess what happens when only lowlife disgusting pieces of shits and wetbacks respond?

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Wrong. Americans are quite unified on granting a path to legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants.

The majority of Americans still favor a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, poll shows

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
Only for the DACA people, moron, not for all illegal immigrants.
Wrong. See my subsequent posts, dumbass. I've proven this to you time and time again. Why do you keep spouting what you know to be a lie?

Large majority of Americans want undocumented immigrants in US to be granted legal status: poll
The poll, which was released on Monday, found that 72 percent of Americans support granting legal status to immigrants who crossed into the U.S. illegally if they meet certain criteria.

Fifty-four percent of respondents who identified as Republican and Republican-leaning independents said they were supportive of granting legal status to undocumented immigrants while 45 percent were against the idea.
The crucial phrase: "if they meet certain criteria."

  1. The are in DACA.
  2. They haven't committed any crimes.
  3. They have paid all their taxes.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Wrong. Americans are quite unified on granting a path to legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants.

The majority of Americans still favor a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, poll shows

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
Only for the DACA people, moron, not for all illegal immigrants.
Wrong. See my subsequent posts, dumbass. I've proven this to you time and time again. Why do you keep spouting what you know to be a lie?

That's what the article you just posted says, moron.

Large majorities of voters favor granting work permits or citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients, or Dreamers, who do not apply for renewal in time will lose their status starting in March 2018. President Donald Trump announced Sept. 5 he was ending the Obama-era program giving Congress a six-month window to act on the program.

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