Forcing Americans to pay illegals to invade us..Is that a ‘divisive’ policy?

How do you make Dims enforce them?

No idea what you are trying to say.
We have laws on the books now. They aren't being enforced, mainly because of Dim politicians. How do you propose to make Dims enforce these laws?

Who are Dims?
You can't be this stupid.

You are the one unable to speak decipherable english.
Everyone in this forum aside from you understands it.

Playing dumb is not a convincing argument.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.

And are you a 100% Native Indian?

Why would my race be relevant?

Generally everyone in America who are not 100% Native Indian is a descendent of an immigrant...

So you can these things about anyone coming in before you...

How many Native Indians were asked when your descends came?

I get that...but what does that mean to you?
Is our Declaration Of Independence null and void?
Are you asserting that America has no sovereign right?

The population of America at the time of signing was 2.5 million people.

Where do you think 327.5 million people came from... Rabbits don't breed that good.

No one is saying Open Borders, Nobody... The last major politician to seriously consider open borders was Reagan.

Lets be clear that GOP have been very interested in allowing there businesses access to cheap low skilled labour... In Europe the solution is go for the employers, highly effective...

So GOP is just as much to blame and since they are going for the fantasy wall which has clearly been shown to be a gross misplacement of resources if the intention is to reduced illegal immigration and actually will probably have the opposite effect.

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.

I hate when Trumpers do everything possible to divide this country and then whine about how divisive things have become

Which policies are Republicans pushing that are so divisive?

A wall & DACA for a start...

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Poll: Nearly 9 in 10 want DACA recipients to stay in US

Sorry DACA not divisive, 9 in 10 don't want what Trump wants...

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

Ah yes, the uninformed and uneducated attempting to analyze a problem by acting stupid.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Yeah, let's make offering a job a crime. That's the ticket!

It already is a crime to offer jobs to illegals which is what we were speaking about. If you are unable to follow a conversation you should probably not jump into it.
Dim douchebags have declined to enforce these laws until now. Why should we ever expect them to be enforced in the future?

We have laws against hiring illegals on the books. So what's your proposal?

I believe that the Republicans also did not enforce those laws, yes?
No idea what you are trying to say.
We have laws on the books now. They aren't being enforced, mainly because of Dim politicians. How do you propose to make Dims enforce these laws?

Who are Dims?
You can't be this stupid.

You are the one unable to speak decipherable english.
Everyone in this forum aside from you understands it.

Playing dumb is not a convincing argument.

But we would like you to explain to us... Who are Dims?

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.

Trump is addressing the problem by building a "beautiful wall" that has already been breached.

Human cockroaches can squirm over or under anything huh?
Aren't you glad?
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.

Trump is addressing the problem by building a "beautiful wall" that has already been breached.

Human cockroaches can squirm over or under anything huh?
Aren't you glad?

Glad? No. Realistic yes
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.

Actually if the CIA wanted to destabilise Mexico deliberately they would be running a campaign pretty much like what is happening now.

US (Government or Peoples actions are:
  • Flooding the country with black money (Drug Money)
  • Help flood the country with unregulated firearms and military weaponry (lax US gun laws)
  • Create a division between livelihood and the government (probation worked out well for Mafia)
  • Install cruel undemocratic leader
  • Run illegal millitary operations

Express complete amazement that things didn't turnout that well. At this point you say the word Communists or Socialist...
BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".

You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Yeah, let's make offering a job a crime. That's the ticket!

It already is a crime to offer jobs to illegals which is what we were speaking about. If you are unable to follow a conversation you should probably not jump into it.
Dim douchebags have declined to enforce these laws until now. Why should we ever expect them to be enforced in the future?

We have laws against hiring illegals on the books. So what's your proposal?

I believe that the Republicans also did not enforce those laws, yes?
Then why do you propose them as a solution?
This is why they Need Welfare, Free Housing, Free Education, Guaranteed Income and Free Health Insurance for Illegals. Unless they can get an overwhelming percentage of our populace to go along with Globalism, Americans will continue to fight them at the polls over that.

So they want to change the Voting Demographics in America through Immigration.

Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.
Oh, it is not his policies that create division. It is his manner, personal attacks, constant lying and recreation of history and obvious hatred toward people of color, otherwise known as 'white nationalism'.
As far as you are concerned, your depiction of immigrants as "wetbacks" etc., and referring to Trump as 'any good American' is insulting to good Americans. He is hardly a "good American" based on his prior life and current scheme in Ukraine etc. Your "wetback" comment is akin to my calling you "white trash" or "trailer trash" rather than "uneducated and uninformed".
You are obviously unaware that our government gave mucho dollars over the years to the dictators in central American countries which was supposed to be distributed to the populace (wink wink). As a result, these countries have deteriorated into poverty and chaos as people flee to save their lives. We have much responsibility for this emigration to America. We created this mess, and now we have to fix it, but only if we are good Americans.
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.

Those enticed by jobs?
BTW, you are Trash of no particular color, and it is not America's responsibility to be a cash cow for the entire world.

BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Whatever that means.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.

Not really. We have some culpability, and only morons listen to Trump's flapping rather than studying history and reading a book or two.

Those enticed by jobs?
Explain, please. Some are enticed by jobs, and?
You let us know when someone decides to address the problem. Employers offering jobs.
Yeah, let's make offering a job a crime. That's the ticket!

It already is a crime to offer jobs to illegals which is what we were speaking about. If you are unable to follow a conversation you should probably not jump into it.
Dim douchebags have declined to enforce these laws until now. Why should we ever expect them to be enforced in the future?

We have laws against hiring illegals on the books. So what's your proposal?

I believe that the Republicans also did not enforce those laws, yes?
Then why do you propose them as a solution?

Propose who as a solution? When the laws first came into effect, we business people were required to copy job applicants' social security card and keep it on file to avoid fines. Somehow, over the years, it faded away. The law is on the books and should be enforced. Trump had illegal immigrants on his payroll while he was spewing about this situation, knowing that he could fool the ignorant and uninformed.
BTW, your ignorant mouth is getting in the way of your brains. You have no clue. Oh, and when we create the problem we have to help resolve the problem and not by saying "oh well, not our problem".
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Whatever that means.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.

Not really. We have some culpability, and only morons listen to Trump's flapping rather than studying history and reading a book or two.

Those enticed by jobs?
Explain, please. Some are enticed by jobs, and?

And? And nothing.......without jobs there is no reason to come.
Yeah, let's make offering a job a crime. That's the ticket!

It already is a crime to offer jobs to illegals which is what we were speaking about. If you are unable to follow a conversation you should probably not jump into it.
Dim douchebags have declined to enforce these laws until now. Why should we ever expect them to be enforced in the future?

We have laws against hiring illegals on the books. So what's your proposal?

I believe that the Republicans also did not enforce those laws, yes?
Then why do you propose them as a solution?

Propose who as a solution? When the laws first came into effect, we business people were required to copy job applicants' social security card and keep it on file to avoid fines. Somehow, over the years, it faded away. The law is on the books and should be enforced. Trump had illegal immigrants on his payroll while he was spewing about this situation, knowing that he could fool the ignorant and uninformed.
It isn't enforced and won't be enforced. Your "solution" is totally worthless.

The rest of your blather is equally forgettable.
We didn't create the problem, douchebag.

Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Whatever that means.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.

Not really. We have some culpability, and only morons listen to Trump's flapping rather than studying history and reading a book or two.

Those enticed by jobs?
Explain, please. Some are enticed by jobs, and?

And? And nothing.......without jobs there is no reason to come.
So your proposed solution is to eliminate all the jobs in this country?

As Democrats scream at the sky and claim every one of Trumps policies create division they seem to believe that Americans should be happy and unified in compromising their own quality of life for paying illegal aliens to educate themselves here, abuse our healthcare and public services, drop anchor babies in our laps, commit crime against us and destroy our communities, cities and states.
Come on Democrats...there is nothing more divisive than this.
Personally, I consider Democrats putting illegal migrants on city administrative boards and paying them to cross in illegally, makes the Democratic party guilty of sedition to overthrow the government.
Hey, guess what? We were a major force behind this problem. Read a book.
Yeah, I know, because we have jobs.

Whatever that means.

Only gullible morons buy the theory that the U.S. is responsible for the hoards crossing our border illegally.

Not really. We have some culpability, and only morons listen to Trump's flapping rather than studying history and reading a book or two.

Those enticed by jobs?
Explain, please. Some are enticed by jobs, and?

And? And nothing.......without jobs there is no reason to come.
So your proposed solution is to eliminate all the jobs in this country?

For illegals, since that is what is being discussed, yes.

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