Ford Adding Jobs.... In Kentucky and Tennessee. Thanks Joe

Americans going back to work bothers you that much?

Oh yeah, you drive a Toyota... you cute little globalist.

And intelligent consumer. My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Once I switched to Toyota, that was the last time I seen a tow truck haul my vehicle away. It was the last time I had to call off of work or be late that happened so often with my American cars.

I bought my current Camry with 20,000 miles on it. I have bumper to bumper coverage for the next 6 years or until 107,000 miles, which ever comes first. I get so many compliments on my car. I'm more than happy driving Toyota's the last near 20 years or so and sorry I didn't do it earlier.
And intelligent consumer. My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Once I switched to Toyota, that was the last time I seen a tow truck haul my vehicle away. It was the last time I had to call off of work or be late that happened so often with my American cars.

I bought my current Camry with 20,000 miles on it. I have bumper to bumper coverage for the next 6 years or until 107,000 miles, which ever comes first. I get so many compliments on my car. I'm more than happy driving Toyota's the last near 20 years or so and sorry I didn't do it earlier.'re a globalist.

PS: Nobody compliments someone with a Camry.'re a globalist.

PS: Nobody compliments someone with a Camry.

Why am I a globalist? Where do most of the products you have in your home come from, the USA? :auiqs.jpg:

I get compliments on my car all the time. One of my tenants bought an American car last year. This year the transmission went at 61,000 miles. You seldom see that in Japanese made cars. Anyway she was willing to part with the thousands of dollars it would take to get it repaired. The problem is the transmission place couldn't get the part for four months. She couldn't go without a car for four months, so she had to trade it in for a different car, and it set her back pretty well.

I told her to stay away from American made cars, and apparently she followed my advice. I used to deliver to the auto plants in my state when I was working. Nothing but a bunch of lazy slobs who had the attitude "you're in my town breathing my air." My employer finally stopped accepting deliveries to the American auto plants because it took them five hours to do a job that other non-union places did in less than 45 minutes. We didn't have the time to have a driver wait nearly all day to get a trailer unloaded. Worthless.
You bought a car made by a Japanese firm when you had a choice to support American firms; you chose otherwise. Nothing is wrong with being a globalist...almost everyone is.

Some, like yourself, are just fucking hypocrites.

Buying foreign made products does not make one a globalist.


[ gloh-buh-liz-uhm ]

the attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations.

Buying foreign made products does not make one a globalist.


[ gloh-buh-liz-uhm ]

the attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations.

You're taking advantage of globalism...hence you are a globalist. Now you can work on stopping at being a fucking hypocrite.
Are you for real? You people gave Trump credit for every good thing that took place all around the globe for 4 years, and now all of a sudden you have a problem with someone getting credit for something they had nothing to do with?

how do you people even look in the mirror?
Hey dummy, as was stated, we can point to Trump policies that led to positive results. You can’t do that for your beloved dementia patient. How a hypocrite like you looks in a mirror is the real question.
You're taking advantage of globalism...hence you are a globalist. Now you can work on stopping at being a fucking hypocrite.

How am I a hypocrite when I do the exact same as nearly every other American; perhaps outside of the Quakers and Amish? As has been pointed out, a lot of Toyota's are made right here in the USA. The reason they are better made cars is because the workers are not union. Foreign auto manufacturers put their money into quality parts instead of ridiculous union wages and benefits.

This is not globalism, this is called free trade. If we did not buy foreign products, other countries would not buy ours. Are the people we trade with globalists also because they do buy our products?
How am I a hypocrite
Because you're a globalist (which is nothing to be ashamed of) while saying you're not. Thus you're a fucking hypocrite.

Look dude... if you endorse communism; you're a communist. If you endorse fascism, you're a fascist. If you're passive (I guess that is the root word) in place of fighting; you're a pacifist. If you take advantage of globalism....YOU'RE A GLOBALIST!!!! :bigboy:and deal with it....

I really can't dumb it down any further than that for you.
Good grief, Bidum has zero to do with this

It's likely been in the works for two years. Leftists have no idea how the corporate world operates
Biden is bringing manufacturing jobs back/creating manufacturing jobs- to the USA. New economy jobs too!

Another win for the good guys.

You ARE in favor of more Americans working...right?

More good news.

This would, theoretically, go hand-in-glove with their recent announcements for the electric F150 for which there is already a lengthy waiting list.
It's a start. The magaturds will shit all over it, of course, because electricity is communism.

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