Forget those wacky Russians. Now it's Kushner's "Chinese collusion"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Remember the knob-job Bill, Hillary, and the Clinton Foundation gave China? Whatever imaginary ties Donald Trump has to China and everything the left is accusing the Trump campaign of, you can bet the farm that the Clintons have already topped him times 10.

Kushner was warned that friend Wendi Murdoch could be working for Chinese government, according to a new report

"Jared Kushner was told by U.S. intelligence officials that his family friend, Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife Wendi Deng Murdoch, might be trying to help the Chinese government. That is according to a bombshell report from the Wall Street Journal.

The report, citing unnamed U.S. officials, said that Wendi Murdoch might have been trying to assist the Chinese government through several projects, including a construction project at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C.

Rupert and Wendi Deng Murdoch are friends of Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, who are both senior advisers to President Donald Trump. Even after the Murdoch's divorced in 2013, Wendi Murdoch remained close to Trump family, vacationing with Ivanka shortly before the 2016 election and visiting her Washington home after Trump took office.

Deng Murdoch, who is Chinese-American, was not directly accused of a crime according to the report. Instead, the Wall Street Journal described the warning by intelligence officials as "part of an effort by national-security officials to highlight to Mr. Kushner, who was new to government, the need to be careful in his dealings with people."

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