Former Abortion Clinic Worker: “I Can Still Hear the Sounds of Babies’ Skulls Being Crushed”

Former Abortion Clinic Worker: “I Can Still Hear the Sounds of Babies’ Skulls Being Crushed”

If abortion is just a routine medical procedure, like removing a tumor, why are so many abortion doctors and workers having a problem with it?

Pro-life has a policy of forgiving these people, who are also victims of abortion
Subjective, anecdotal, unsupported, irrelevant.

The linked site is also devoid of objectivity and merit.

That alleged former healthcare providers might have a 'problem' with abortion has no legal merit concerning a woman's right to privacy – indeed, former healthcare providers are no different than anyone else who opposes the right to privacy, where the Constitution protects that right from being violated by those seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty, including 'former' healthcare providers.
There is no "right to privacy" in the Constitution. Look it up and you will see.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.

Most seem to seek them for contraceptive purposes.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Defending the protected liberty of women from those seeking to deny them the right to privacy does not constitute an 'agenda.'
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.

The agenda is basic rights for women to control their own bodies.

That's the beginning and the end of it.

Don't like abortion?

Don't have one or have a vasectomy.

Unless you are the pregnant woman, its none of your business.
No. The agenda for the left is all about the $$$ the abortion industry generates. You are fooling no one.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Defending the protected liberty of women from those seeking to deny them the right to privacy does not constitute an 'agenda.'
It's certainly your good luck, black shyster, that your mother wasn't one of the current 35.4% of black women that had an abortion in 2009..... That's like hitting lotto for your ilk!!!

According to 2010 census data, African Americans make up 12.6% of the U.S. population, but the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that black women accounted for 35.4% of all abortions in 2009.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Defending the protected liberty of women from those seeking to deny them the right to privacy does not constitute an 'agenda.'

Defending murder does, I believe.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.

Most seem to seek them for contraceptive purposes.
What a woman might do pursuant to her right to privacy is none of the state's business.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.

Most seem to seek them for contraceptive purposes.
What a woman might do pursuant to her right to privacy is none of the state's business.

When it results in murder, it is everyone's business.
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Defending the protected liberty of women from those seeking to deny them the right to privacy does not constitute an 'agenda.'

Defending murder does, I believe.

What I find truly amazing is all the liberal, DemocRATic scum that want all these babies killed, while all the time NOT THINKING that a large portion of the aborted, MOST LIKELY would grow up to be DemocRATS! ....BUT then, I came to rationalize that the DemocRATS have found that the blacks are now truly useless to them, as they are now in full support of HISPANICS and MUSLIMS taking over the spot BLACKS once held in the DemocRAT society.....besides Hispanics DON'T want abortions anywhere NEAR the amount wanted by blacks, probably due to the RELIGIOUS upbringing, and as far as I can tell, abortion in FORBIDDEN in the Islamic religion, since children can take the place of the MAN working, and after all, a muslim women is only good for breeding, and work!
What is sadly funny is that you rabid anti-abortion terrorists don't express any Christian compassion for women seeking abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons? You don't give a shit about them.
Neither do you. That's why you use abuse and rape victims to push your agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Defending the protected liberty of women from those seeking to deny them the right to privacy does not constitute an 'agenda.'

Defending murder does, I believe.

What I find truly amazing is all the liberal, DemocRATic scum that want all these babies killed, while all the time NOT THINKING that a large portion of the aborted, MOST LIKELY would grow up to be DemocRATS! ....BUT then, I came to rationalize that the DemocRATS have found that the blacks are now truly useless to them, as they are now in full support of HISPANICS and MUSLIMS taking over the spot BLACKS once held in the DemocRAT society.....besides Hispanics DON'T want abortions anywhere NEAR the amount wanted by blacks, probably due to the RELIGIOUS upbringing, and as far as I can tell, abortion in FORBIDDEN in the Islamic religion, since children can take the place of the MAN working, and after all, a muslim women is only good for breeding, and work!

Yup. Margaret Sanger's grand plan.
Yes, the Republican's are surely MISSING THE BOAT, by NOT PUTTING UP hundreds of BILL BOARDS in the BLACK AREAS with THIS MESSAGE!!!...Even Blacks, many of whom have limited IQ, would understand THIS MESSAGE! But then, the Repubicks are almost as feckless as DemocRATS and would be afraid the NeoCommies would be SCREAMING RACIST at them... I personally wouldn't give a fuck what they yelled!

Margaret Sanger was an idealist, and her ideal world was a white world.
Former Abortion Clinic Worker: “I Can Still Hear the Sounds of Babies’ Skulls Being Crushed”

If abortion is just a routine medical procedure, like removing a tumor, why are so many abortion doctors and workers having a problem with it?

Pro-life has a policy of forgiving these people, who are also victims of abortion

Many many years ago, I had an abortion and for the rest of my life, I will forever think about the life I took, not the doctor, not the clinic, but the life I took. That is a burden, I will carry for the remainder of my life. I'm not proud of anything and if I had the choice to do all over again, perhaps I wouldn't do it. But placing blame on the doctors, the clinic, never. Its a choice we women make and the choice we must burden our conscious with.

Do I support women choices, yes and I believe that God will judge us accordingly...not men!
Former Abortion Clinic Worker: “I Can Still Hear the Sounds of Babies’ Skulls Being Crushed”

If abortion is just a routine medical procedure, like removing a tumor, why are so many abortion doctors and workers having a problem with it?

Pro-life has a policy of forgiving these people, who are also victims of abortion

Probably shoulda thought about what's involved before taking the job huh. Did she return her salary being all upset about it? Or did she keep it and thus benefit from 'babies having their skulls crushed?'

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