Former Bush Official: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.
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It is the truth. It is a shame rational conservatives don't speak out about this. Too many lemmings who think FNC is gospel, when all it is is editorialized news mixed in with pundit commentary with an agenda. It is a damned shame...but obvious...all you have to do is explore USMB to see how the lemmings believe anything spouted by FNC...and if anyone dares disagree with the FNC narrative...they are liberals or racists (according to teapers).
The hack media outlets, of which Fox News is only one, absolutely depend on the desire to believe on the part of their target audience, in much the same way a "psychic" or "medium" depends on their rube clients to do all the work for them during a "reading".

It would totally destroy their business model if their audience engaged so much as two brain cells in critical thinking.

"I'm getting someone with a name that starts with M. Mike, Mick, Michelle, Morty..."


"This just in, we are getting reports that maybe illegal aliens are voting in this election, as evidenced by this soundless video of a Hispanic man who appears to be stuffing a ballot box. There are currently 20 million illegals in this country."

"He's not a real republican...he's a RINO"

Bleets the sheep, unable to understand why someone would criticize another republican the sheep believes that they cannot be republican at all. Which is much easier than actually thinking.
Fox News isn't hurting Republicans. They are herding Republicans.
Fox news isn't hurting the GOP, when you take into account the many liberals that watch fox news the study is sure to bear that out and make it appear that it's the that conservatives are the lesser informed.
Fox news isn't hurting the GOP, when you take into account the many liberals that watch fox news the study is sure to bear that out and make it appear that it's the that conservatives are the lesser informed.

I love guys who never done a study always have excuses why every study is wrong but never provide specifics...just general bs
Lonestar_Logic's comment in #7 above makes no sense, where as the former Bush authority cited in the article hits the nail squarely.
Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.

Gee, A Huff 'n Puff piece citing studies by the Daily Show.

Apparently someone has an issue with Fox news. Or is it a case that someone is intolerable to what others have to say when it is counter to their beliefs? In either case you alone can change the channel. In your ideal twisted world apparently you feel the government should control all aspects of news and opinion?
Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.

Gee, A Huff 'n Puff piece citing studies by the Daily Show.

Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.


One of them finally gets it.
Amusing thread and comments especially coming from people who use Huffington Post, MSNBC, or the Daily Show as there primary news source,

How about The Atlantic? Did you miss that link in the OP?
The Atlantic does not exactly have a reputation for being unbiased. Instead of focusing on FO X news shouldn't you have your attention on Democrat Loretta Sanchez and her insulting and racist Indian war cry? After all we all know how important things like that are to you............ Oh what the hell Redskins.
It is the truth. It is a shame rational conservatives don't speak out about this. Too many lemmings who think FNC is gospel, when all it is is editorialized news mixed in with pundit commentary with an agenda. It is a damned shame...but obvious...all you have to do is explore USMB to see how the lemmings believe anything spouted by FNC...and if anyone dares disagree with the FNC narrative...they are liberals or racists (according to teapers).

The ironic thing is that when I went to church back when I was a kid. It was a small 200 member Methodist church. Basically it was a church you'd find in any small town in any red state. GOP nirvana. Hell, I didn't know what the United Methodist church flag looked like until we moved to a larger town and started going to a larger church that had both the US and UMC flag behind the altar.....the small church just had the American flag. Anyway, The pastor said, nearly every week that his job was to do two things when you boil it down to the most basic parts:

Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

The irony is that Fox News does the exact different. The reason their ratings are sky high is simple, they tell the people what they want to hear except, potentially, once every two years; election night. If you need any proof of this, look at who was on Fox to report the 2012 election results; Megan Kelly and Bret Baire. You didn't see any of their "opinion editors" up there breaking the bad news.

Seriously, ask any one who watches FOX why they do....and if they are honest it has nothing to do with a lack of choices or their in-depth reporting. Its because it makes them feel good. The same reason people watch MSNBC, watch sports, go to museums, or attend amusement parks. It's fun.

What is fun isn't always what is needed. The GOP's obvious image problem, their messaging problem, the wrong side of history they constantly find their footing on (it is no coincident that the Log Cabin group is trying desperately to steer the dinosaurs toward the middle) is not helped by the loudspeaker constantly re-inforcing the same positions that are, were, and will be losers
Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.
The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed

You can see it with the republicans on this board

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