Former CIA Official: Looks Like Whistleblower Had Outside Help Fabricating the Complaint

And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
Standard tRumpkin tactics. Try like hell to de-legitimize and discredit.
Democrats haven’t told the truth since JFK.
The term "whistleblower" is actually a misnomer. What actually happened is that a CIA operative leaked the Dossier Part Deux - Epilogue to the Steele Dossier.

The Dems are a bit more clever this time. In order to enable a broader fishing expedition by Congress, the "whistleblower" ruse has been used to as a maneuver to get documents from the Trump Admin that are not part of a legislative process. But this is all going to blow up in their faces, anyhoo. poor guys. Let the desperation flow through you...yesssssss

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life in place of a real one.
Yes, soothe yourself. Take all the time you need. Tell yourself, "It's we cultists who are normal, and the entire rest of the world is crazy".... Might need to repeat that one to yourself a few times...


In realityland, the Dems are freakin' because Horowitz, Huber and Durham are investigating Dem corruption. They are desperate to shut these investigations down, thus their pathetic demands that Barr recuse himself yada yada yada.

Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, says the reason this shit is coming down now is that fact that the investigation by Barr, Durham and Huber is over the target zone.
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

Haha...poor cultists dont even realize their little whataboutism point was already debunked. ..

So which point are you referring to?

And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

Haha...poor cultists dont even realize their little whataboutism point was already debunked. ..
I don't understand why not. Everyone has been telling them that for days.

Conservitards must have the thickest heads in the universe.
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

Haha...poor cultists dont even realize their little whataboutism point was already debunked. ..

So which point are you referring to?

Do you not even remember which talking point you just posted?
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

Haha...poor cultists dont even realize their little whataboutism point was already debunked. ..

So which point are you referring to?

Do you not even remember which talking point you just posted?

I do, do you?

The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

Haha...poor cultists dont even realize their little whataboutism point was already debunked. ..

So which point are you referring to?

Do you not even remember which talking point you just posted?

I do, do you?

If you do, why are you asking me?
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Dont see any documents there, just some conservitard flapping his gums about it.
Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Dont see any documents there, just some conservitard flapping his gums about it.

Can't help ya if you're too stupid to follow hot links.

The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Did you see in the whistleblower complaint?

"From N.7 on page 5:

Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016."

All the sources in a Solomon article are additional articles by Solomon that use additional Solomon articles as more sources.

Spin is deeply misleading.
Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Did you see in the whistleblower complaint?

"From N.7 on page 5:

Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016."

All the sources in a Solomon article are additional articles by Solomon that use additional Solomon articles as more sources.

Spin is deeply misleading.

Did you read Shokin's sworn deposition to the Austrian court, he states otherwise. He was investigating Burisma.


You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Did you see in the whistleblower complaint?

"From N.7 on page 5:

Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016."

All the sources in a Solomon article are additional articles by Solomon that use additional Solomon articles as more sources.

Spin is deeply misleading.

Did you read Shokin's sworn deposition to the Austrian court, he states otherwise. He was investigating Burisma.


Shokin has zero crediblity.
Shokin was fired for failing to go after corruption.
Shokin didnt investigate Burisma, that was the primary complaint about thim.
Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Did you see in the whistleblower complaint?

"From N.7 on page 5:

Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016."

All the sources in a Solomon article are additional articles by Solomon that use additional Solomon articles as more sources.

Spin is deeply misleading.

Did you read Shokin's sworn deposition to the Austrian court, he states otherwise. He was investigating Burisma.


Shokin has zero crediblity.
Shokin was fired for failing to go after corruption.
Shokin didnt investigate Burisma, that was the primary complaint about thim.

Of course you have sworn testimony to back that up, RIGHT?

And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”

It is up to the Demo Rats to prove that there is a whistleblower. They have not shown that this is not part of their continuing attempt to undo the 2016 elections or to perpetrate a Coup;

A) The President has a right to confront witnesses, so identify the individual

B) I want to see Whitehouse security logs showing that he/she was in the Whitehouse on July 25th, 2019. I also want to see Whitehouse CCTV security videos showing that the whistleblower was in the whitehouse;

C) Personally I believe that this is an attempt by the NSA , John Bolton, CIA and Deep State to unmasked the President:

The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization

And so it goes.
And he suspects Congressional help....
Time to investigate who helped.

“I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff. . . .

Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript — he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don’t think the American people will buy this either.

I’m more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.”
The complaint wasn't fabricated. The phone transcript proves Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Bullshit, they discussed and open and transparent investigation into possible corruption. Biden openly admitted extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company his son was getting 50K a month from. Documents have surfaced form the Ukraine prosecutors office that the US lawyers representing the company met with the new prosecutor and apologized for the false narrative started by the US admin, that the former prosecutor was corrupt. The shit is going to get much deeper before it's all sorted out.

You are repeating a debunked conspiracy theory.

Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.
None of it has been debunked, moron.
Really, which point has been debunked?

You know everything you posted?

It's all bullshit. Every single syllable.

Well commie, the documents are available for you to read. You commies are so gullible, you just crack me up.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Did you see in the whistleblower complaint?

"From N.7 on page 5:

Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016."

All the sources in a Solomon article are additional articles by Solomon that use additional Solomon articles as more sources.

Spin is deeply misleading.

Did you read Shokin's sworn deposition to the Austrian court, he states otherwise. He was investigating Burisma.


Shokin has zero crediblity.
Shokin was fired for failing to go after corruption.
Shokin didnt investigate Burisma, that was the primary complaint about thim.
He has more credibility than this whistle blower or any Democrat.

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