Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

CNN settled out of court with nick...I'll bet it was between 50 million & 100 million (nick was suing for 275 million).

Isn't it just like leftist filth to call for the assault of a child? These massive dollar amounts are totally justified!!!

Just think if the whole thing hadn't been recorded...Nick & other students lives would have been destroyed.

You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

Oh hell pogo, you were one of those saying Sandmann had no chance. Let's see where this go's shall we? Or do you want to go for double or nothing?
Being Catholic...Nick gave everybody a chance to publicly apologize and not get sued.

"Sued" over --- what? Be specific.

See the far left shows they wanted to get away with this and not be held accountable. They had done this so many times under Obama and got away with it, now at least they can have some accountability.
Keep in mind...this is only the first suit settled!

There are atleast 15 and probably alot more that that because all the filth jumped on the bandwagon (like they always do) and slandered nick & called for assaulting him (I think one "news" org even doxed him).

Nick is already financially set for life...but he will keep on going to teach these pieces a filth a hard lesson! :banana:

You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

Hey dumb shit, SANDMAN WON. Your precious CNN caved, and by YOUR sides standards, admitted guilt. You now look like the total fool we all called you months ago. Now pogo will cry for months.

"Sandman" "won" ----- what? By the way, might want to learn how to spell.

Yeah sorry Twinkles but an unsourced piece in Pajama Media claiming Sandmann is suing over a frickin' tweet, isn't "winning".

All I know that happened "months ago" --- almost a year now --- is that I challenged anyone to show any evidence of libel. Never got a single example. Zero.
There are no spelling errors there stupid. You would be wrong again you proven lying jackass. You claimed this suit would be summarily dismissed and Sandman would get nothing. Wrong and wrong. Seems there was evidence or CNN wouldn’t have caved. So stick your lies up your ass and run off with your tail between your legs. Source this..:fu:

Number one, the name is Sandmann. TWO Ns. It's right there in the fucking link in the post you quoted, dumb shit.

Number two, this thread isn't even about CNN.

Number three when you have to resort to spelling insults you expose yourself as the fucking loser you are!
His opinion. Little snowflake nick is going to get his birthday kicked in court

Yeah, that's what you claimed about his lawsuit against CNN. That makes you a

:muahaha: I like all these threads about making fake news media pay.....I like them a lot!!!!!!:2up:

more more more lol

You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

Hey dumb shit, SANDMAN WON. Your precious CNN caved, and by YOUR sides standards, admitted guilt. You now look like the total fool we all called you months ago. Now pogo will cry for months.

"Sandman" "won" ----- what? By the way, might want to learn how to spell.

Yeah sorry Twinkles but an unsourced piece in Pajama Media claiming Sandmann is suing over a frickin' tweet, isn't "winning".

All I know that happened "months ago" --- almost a year now --- is that I challenged anyone to show any evidence of libel. Never got a single example. Zero.
Probably about $200M.


Wasn't even your claiim, was it.
You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

Hey dumb shit, SANDMAN WON. Your precious CNN caved, and by YOUR sides standards, admitted guilt. You now look like the total fool we all called you months ago. Now pogo will cry for months.

"Sandman" "won" ----- what? By the way, might want to learn how to spell.

Yeah sorry Twinkles but an unsourced piece in Pajama Media claiming Sandmann is suing over a frickin' tweet, isn't "winning".

All I know that happened "months ago" --- almost a year now --- is that I challenged anyone to show any evidence of libel. Never got a single example. Zero.
There are no spelling errors there stupid. You would be wrong again you proven lying jackass. You claimed this suit would be summarily dismissed and Sandman would get nothing. Wrong and wrong. Seems there was evidence or CNN wouldn’t have caved. So stick your lies up your ass and run off with your tail between your legs. Source this..:fu:

Number one, the name is Sandmann. TWO Ns. It's right there in the fucking link in the post you quoted, dumb shit.

Number two, this thread isn't even about CNN.

Number three when you have to resort to spelling insults you expose yourself as the fucking loser you are!

The poser claimed he had no spelling errors. I proved him wrong.
And there ain't nuttin' you and your white-knight hissyfits can do about it.

Now that that's out of the way, got anything at all relevant to the actual topic?

You actually think people can be sued for opinions huh.

Oh and didja notice your link to Media In Pajamas has no source?

Oh hell pogo, you were one of those saying Sandmann had no chance. Let's see where this go's shall we? Or do you want to go for double or nothing?

"Where this go is" huh?

No need to see where this go is. You can't sue over an opinion. Period.

I believe what I said a year ago was --- and still is since I never got any response --- that if there is any evidence of slander/libel, let's see it. Such a suit would have to show that evidence, and said evidence must by definition be disseminated to the public. Where is it?
Keep in mind...this is only the first suit settled!

There are atleast 15 and probably alot more that that because all the filth jumped on the bandwagon (like they always do) and slandered nick & called for assaulting him (I think one "news" org even doxed him).

You were already asked this once before and ran away but again ---- link? Screenshot? Image? Quote? Anything?
:muahaha: I like all these threads about making fake news media pay.....I like them a lot!!!!!!:2up:

more more more lol

Unfortunately there's no news media involved here. It's a single tweet from a single person. And it's an opinion, which is simply not sueable.
Why doesn't CNN fire these people?

Fire these people, LOL?

C**K News Network precisely hired these people to talk like be anti-Trump...don't forget CNN is under CIA administration so to all mainstream media is!

They are called Mockingbird media.

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