Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Why doesn't CNN fire these people?

Fire these people, LOL?

C**K News Network precisely hired these people to talk like be anti-Trump...don't forget CNN is under CIA administration so to all mainstream media is!

They are called Mockingbird media.

Why don't you link us to where CNN ever "hired" this person. Thanks.

Good GODS you people are fucking dense.

Anyone else notice the OP ran away once his lie was called out?
Very happy for Nick. Funny how leftists were SO angry about people talking about Greta but it seems other 16-year-old CHILDREN who are not politicians or running for office or even making political statements are fair game for the leftists. His face does not look punchable unless you are a child abuser. He is a typical teenage boy who felt uncomfortable with a man banging a drum next to his head for 10 minutes and really wasn't sure how he should react.

I don’t think he will win a dime from the tweet. There is nothing slanderous or libelous in the tweet. Besides CNN already settled their part of the lawsuit. I would be willing to bet that was covered if there was any attachment to CNN and their employee. He has more lawsuits coming, I wonder if he will get those settled out of court as well.

The subject has nothing to do with CNN anyway. He's never been a CNN employee. The OP made that up.
The Left's reaction to that incident was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.

And that's saying something, since most things The Left does is retarded.
Very happy for Nick. Funny how leftists were SO angry about people talking about Greta but it seems other 16-year-old CHILDREN who are not politicians or running for office or even making political statements are fair game for the leftists. His face does not look punchable unless you are a child abuser. He is a typical teenage boy who felt uncomfortable with a man banging a drum next to his head for 10 minutes and really wasn't sure how he should react.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet


LTNS Chris :11_2_1043:

Yanno the last time I came into a thread calling out child abuse, some mod who wouldn't show his name banned me from the thread so my point couldn't be made, so a word to the wise.... :eusa_shifty:
Very happy for Nick. Funny how leftists were SO angry about people talking about Greta but it seems other 16-year-old CHILDREN who are not politicians or running for office or even making political statements are fair game for the leftists. His face does not look punchable unless you are a child abuser. He is a typical teenage boy who felt uncomfortable with a man banging a drum next to his head for 10 minutes and really wasn't sure how he should react.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet


LTNS Chris :11_2_1043:

Yanno the last time I came into a thread calling out child abuse, some mod who wouldn't show his name banned me from the thread so my point couldn't be made, so a word to the wise.... :eusa_shifty:

Nice to see (or read) you too again, Pogo. :D
Kid deserved to be smacked

Ahhhh, cute little keyboard commando, wants to beat up a kid.
Maybe a severe tickling

Why does he deserve to be smacked ? He showed incredible restraint while a strange man was beating a drum next to his head for a while. I would have slapped the crap out of that guy, maybe maced him or something too. He was totally invading that poor boy's space bubble. A grown man like that picking on a child. Typical leftist behavior though.
I'm not. You said his face was punchable. I merely stated that yours was even more punchable.
Puppydawg is just not on his best today it seems.

On second thought, he doesnt really have a best unless it is to log off.
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I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.
Minors, a bunch of high school kids. WTH is wrong with the left? They are abusive and nuts.
Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.
I suspect that CNN was mostly afraid of the discovery phase and Sandmans lawyers going through all their emails, lol.

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